Petrophysics and Well Logging

Petrophysics and Well Logging


This course provides an introduction to petrophysics and well log interpretation as it relates to hydrocarbon exploration and production. Topics include an introduction to wireline logs, calculating rock fluid properties from log measurements, and recognizing zones of potential hydrocarbons from wireline logs. In-class exercises and homework assignments will focus on deriving porosity and water saturation, interpreting lithology and facies from logs, and calculating hydrocarbons in place from a basic suite of wireline logs. Quantifying the uncertainty of these calculations will be emphasized.

This course is designed for senior-level undergraduates and graduate students in geology and geophysics. Engineering students may take the course if they have a basic geology background. The course is structured with lectures, homework problems and an exam that cover the basic well logging tools, processing and interpretation of their measurements, and geologic interpretation from the well log curves.


By the end of this course, students will:

  • have a command of the basic well logging tools and the information that they provide to interpret facies, porosity and pore fluid
  • have the ability to calculate water saturation and porosity and interpret facies and potential for fluid flow from a basic suite of logs
  • be able to recognize zones of potential hydrocarbons and calculate original hydrocarbons in place, including estimates of uncertainty
  • be able to interpret various stratigraphic and structural expressions from well logs at the reservoir scale (if time permits)