CSU Source Article
In November of 2024, co-director Sara LoTemplio was featured in this CSU Source article about the value of outdoor recreation in Colorado. Research going on in the RAAIN Lab about the effects of virtual reality on cognitive aging is highlighted as well as cNISP’s effort to bridge the gap between researchers and practitioners in the nature and health field. Read the article by clicking the link below.
The total value of Colorado outdoor recreation
2024 Healthy by Nature Fair Video
In July of 2024, Nature and Health Northern Colorado hosted Healthy by Nature, a community event, in partnership with Larimer County Extension and Fort Collins Natural Areas. The goal of the Healthy by Nature event was to provide hands-on opportunities for families and individuals to learn about the health and wellness benefits of spending time outside. Activities included bilingual zumba, mindful contouring, a virtual reality nature demonstration, sensory-based nature activities, a scavenger hunt, other games, and more! Thank you to all who came out and the nearly 20 nature-based organizations networking at Lee Martinez Park on a beautiful summer Saturday in Fort Collins. View a video from the event here!
Healthy by Nature Research Brief (downloadable infographic)
In October of 2023, cNISP co-directors Sara LoTemplio and Sarah Walker co-authored a publication titled, “Healthy by Nature: Policy Practices Aimed at Maximizing the Human Behavioral Health Benefits of Nature Contact.” The article discusses research on nature’s benefits for health and well-being and offers policy recommendations for increasing nature accessibility and research inclusivity. See the infographic below for a summary in English and Spanish! Available to download.