Lisa Stright, Curriculum Vitae
- Ph.D., Stanford University, 2011 Interdisciplinary Geosciences
- M.S., Stanford University, 2006 Petroleum Engineering, Stanford University
- M.S., Michigan Technological University, 1999 Geological Engineering
- B.S., University of Colorado, 1995 Civil/Environmental Engineering

Fields of Interest:
My research interests are focused on making tighter links between sedimentologic observations from outcrop analogs and subsurface reservoir prediction. I have worked across all depositional systems but am most well versed in deep-water settings. My teaching interests are rooted in interdisciplinary topics and I enjoy teaching diverse groups of geologist, geophysicists and engineers and bridging the gap between quantitative and qualitative, particularly in problems where significant uncertainty exists My teaching is often focused on the practical applications of geomodelling, flow simulation, probability theory and risk assessment.
Online Lectures
- 2016 Natural Gas Symposium – Petroleum Geology 101 [YOUTUBE video]
- AAPG 2018-2019 Distinguished Lecture [Interview] [Lecture]