Prospective Graduate Students

Dr. LoTemplio is recruiting 1 MS student (at least 1 year of funding) and 1 PhD student (fully funded 5 years) to start fall of 2025. The PhD student will be co-advised by Deana Davalos ( and earn their degree in the CSU psychology department while working in both Dr. LoTemplio and Dr. Davalos’s labs.

If you are interested, you should begin the process by emailing her describing your interest, and attaching your CV.

If your interests are aligned, you will be invited to formally apply to the HDNR graduate program (however, if you have an interest in getting a degree in the Psychology department or another program while being advised by Dr. LoTemplio, this may be possible– email her to discuss).

Timeline for applications

  1. Please email Dr. LoTemplio with your CV and describing your interest and what degree you are seeking
  2. If invited, please submit your CV, your personal statement (2 pages, describing your background, interest in the lab, and potential projects you would like to work on), and 2-3 letters of recommendation to Dr. LoTemplio by Dec. 1st. 2024.
  3. Additionally, please submit your formal application to your program of choice (MS, PhD) by the date due. Note that this can vary depending on program/department. Reach out if you are confused. The materials should be the same as what you emailed to Dr. LoTemplio (though again, check the program).
  4. Dr. LoTemplio will invite candidates for interviews in January of 2025
  5. You will be notified of acceptance around March of 2025

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