Research emphases (Publication link)
Modeling methods: data-driven decision support tools; spatial optimization; systems analysis; stochastic programming; machine learning.
Problem domains: forest planning, biomass supply chain and inventory optimization, landscape image processing, hazard fuel management, watershed erosion and sediment control, large fire suppression strategies.
Some past projects in developing decision support systems
Forest-Prism Software Development project: PRISM stands for Plan-level foRest actIvity Scheduling Model. It is a landscape level forest planning software including 1) a forest inventory, growth and yield database management module, 2) a hybrid Model I and Model II Linear Programming (LP) based optimization module, 3) a Graphic User Interface to facilitate goal-based multiple management objectives, and 4) a reporting and visualization module. PRISM is open-source software developed by using Java, SQLite, and lpsolve. It is a product through collaborations between the US Forest Service Northern Region and Colorado State University. The source code of this software can be downloaded here.
Forested Watershed Research and Decision Support (FORWARD): a systems approach to enhance forest stewardship for fire resilient watersheds and communities. FORWARD is a research and decision support center at Colorado State University bringing together faculty and research staff with expertise in forestry, wildland fire, watershed science, economics, spatial analysis, and systems modeling.
StarFire project (2004-2020). Primarily designed to provide strategic-level fire risk and benefits information used in long-term fire management and planning. It includes five components: