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Veterinary Workforce and Access to Veterinary Care Challenges in Colorado

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1. Examine Colorado veterinary professionals' perceptions of veterinary workforce and access to veterinary care challenges as well as potential policies/programs to address these challenges

2. Examine Colorado families' perceived barriers to accessing veterinary care as well as their perspectives on potential resources/programs to enhance access to care


Read our report of results from our veterinary professional survey here: AHPC Veterinary Professional Survey Results

Read our report of results from our CO companion animal owner survey here: AHPC Colorado Pet Owners Survey Summary of Results

Read our summary of veterinary professional and pet owner perspectives on potential programs/policy solutions here: AHPC Policy Solutions for Access to Veterinary care and Workforce Challenges

Read our report from a workshop AHPC hosted among leaders working on access to veterinary care challenges in Colorado here: AHPC April 4 2024 Workshop Report

Equine Welfare: Understanding Cruelty/Neglect Cases in Colorado and Lessons Learned from Other States

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1. Quantify the numbers and types of domestic equine cruelty and neglect cases being investigated by Colorado Bureau of Animal Protection agents in different types of equine facilities throughout the state

2. Summarize lessons learned from other states where programs or policies focused on promoting equine welfare have been implemented for equine rescues and other equine facilities.


Read our report of our findings here: AHPC Domestic Equine Welfare Report

Read our analysis of potential policy options here: AHPC Domestic Equine Welfare Policy Options

Understanding Public Perspectives towards Pollinator Conservation in Colorado

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1. Examine the Colorado public's perspectives, knowledge, behaviors related to pollinator conservation, and willingness to support/pay for pollinator conservation efforts

2. Develop and test the effectiveness of scientific communication strategies on pollinator conservation and produce outreach and education materials focused on native pollinators in collaboration with educational institutions, beekeeping groups, and nonprofit partners.

Funders/Collaborating Institutions: CSU School of Global Environmental Sustainability (Funder), Butterfly Pavilion (Collaborating Institution)


Read our report of results from our 2023 Colorado public survey on potential pollinator conservation policies here: AHPC Public Perspectives on Pollinators Summary of Results