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Research Projects and Products


Integrating Pets into Human Health and Social Services


We are examining how pets play a role in people's decisions to seek out human health and social services, and what resources are available and needed to help people care for and keep their pets during difficult times. We are conducting surveys of human health and social service providers to understand:

  1. To what extent, and how, do people’s pets impact their decisions around obtaining human health and/or social services?
  2. What are the resources available- and resource needs- for ensuring people can care for their pets and obtain the healthcare and services they need? 
  3. How can pets be better integrated into human health and social services to achieve better outcomes for people and their pets?

Funders/Collaborators: Human Animal Bond in Colorado (HABIC; funder), CSU School of Social Work, University of Colorado, CSU College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences


  • Our report of results from Colorado human health and social service providers and students will be posted here in Spring 2025.


Barriers and Opportunities for Addressing Cases of Animal Cruelty and Neglect 


We are conducting interviews of animal cruelty investigators, law enforcement, and district attorneys in CO as well as other states to understand:

  1. What factors enable animal cruelty and neglect cases to be successfully addressed?
  2. What are the barriers or challenges to being able to investigate and effectively address cases of animal cruelty and neglect?
  3. What is the extent and role of mental health challenges and recidivism in animal cruelty and neglect cases?
  4. What are limitations to animal cruelty statutes, and what changes to the statute would address the barriers to animal cruelty and neglect cases?
  5. What resources or programs are needed to more effectively address cases of animal cruelty and neglect?

Funders/Collaborators: ASPCA Research Grants (funder), Colorado Humane Society (collaborator)



United States National Public Survey on Animal Protection Policies


  1. Examine United States public perceptions of 5 key animal welfare policies that are currently being discussed by policy-makers and stakeholders nationwide;
  2. Examine Unites States public perceptions of the importance of animal welfare in federal and state level policy and governance more broadly, including which groups of animals the public is most concerned about;
  3. Examine United States public knowledge and beliefs about animal welfare in policy and governance, to inform potential gaps in knowledge in outreach about animal welfare policy.

Funders/Collaborators: Funded in house, Collaborating institutions include Center for Human Carnivore Coexistence and Project Coyote.



Public Perspectives Towards Bear and Mountain Lion Hunting in Colorado


  1. Examine Colorado public perspectives on hunting of mountain lions and black bear as well as hunting them for different purposes (e.g., obtaining a trophy and human safety) and using different practices (i.e., using hounds and electronic calls in mountain lion hunting).
  2. Examine what influenced the public's vote on a ballot initiative in Colorado related to cat hunting/trapping.

Funder/Collaborators: Summerlee Foundation, Center for Human Carnivore Coexistence, CSU



Veterinary Workforce and Access to Veterinary Care Challenges in Colorado


  1. Examine Colorado veterinary professionals' perceptions of veterinary workforce and access to veterinary care challenges as well as potential policies/programs to address these challenges
  2. Examine Colorado families' perceived barriers to accessing veterinary care as well as their perspectives on potential resources/programs to enhance access to care

Funders/Collaborators: Funded in house, in collaboration with College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, CSU



Equine Welfare: Understanding Cruelty/Neglect Cases in Colorado and Lessons Learned from Other States


  1. Quantify the numbers and types of domestic equine cruelty and neglect cases being investigated by Colorado Bureau of Animal Protection agents in different types of equine facilities throughout the state
  2. Summarize lessons learned from other states where programs or policies focused on promoting equine welfare have been implemented for equine rescues and other equine facilities.

Funders/Collaborators: Funded in house



Public And Beekeeper Perspectives Towards Pollinator Conservation in Colorado


  1. Examine the Colorado public's perspectives, knowledge, behaviors related to pollinator conservation, and willingness to support/pay for pollinator conservation efforts
  2. Develop and test the effectiveness of scientific communication strategies on pollinator conservation and produce outreach and education materials focused on native pollinators in collaboration with educational institutions, beekeeping groups, and nonprofit partners.

Funders/Collaborating Institutions: CSU School of Global Environmental Sustainability (Funder), Butterfly Pavilion (Collaborating Institution)
