Course Description
F510 is a graduate-level course designed to introduce students to current topics in plant ecophysiology and develop a mechanistic understanding of how plants respond to changes in their environment. Many of the lecture periods are spent working with quantitative datasets designed to help students better understand plant function (eg. through process-based models of plant function) and develop their skills to process and interpret ecophysiological data. At the beginning of the semester, the class decides on a set of environmental manipulations of interest to them, and then we grow plants under these different treatments to use in our lab activities throughout the semester. Lab periods provide students with the opportunity to use instrumentation that are fundamental to ecophysiology research and process the resulting data to help prepare students to incorporate these techniques into their own projects. The majority of the students’ grades are based on activities associated with data sets, participation in class activities, and a final project that requires students to collect and analyze data on the plants we have growing under different environmental conditions.
Links to Course Material
Assignment Descriptions