310 Assignment #1

FRS 310

Assignment #1

Koppen Climate Classification System

19 points


Objective: The objective of this assignment is to introduce you to the Koppen climate classification system, which is a widely used system to identify and classify the climate of different regions around the globe.  This system of classifying the climate of different regions relies on monthly summaries of climate data.  In order to use the Koppen climate system there are several abbreviations that you must know, and this assignment will introduce you to those abbreviations.

Student Learning Outcomes:  When you have completed this assignment you will:

  • Be able to describe the key abbreviations to describe climate metrics used in the Koppen climate classification system.
  • Improve your ability to read and interpret data from figures.
  • Be able to calculate the required metrics to required to use the Koppen system.
  • Be able to determine the climate classification of any region in the world based on monthly summaries of temperature and precipitation.


Bring a hardcopy with you to lecture on Aug. 29

Required Reading:

Peel et al.  2007 (available on Canvas)

  • Read all of section 1&2
  • Read section 3.3


  • Based on the reading described above, answer the following questions


1) Define these terms (6 points)















Note: The next questions will require that you interpret data from the figures provided.  In each figure, the dots represent the monthly average temperature or the monthly sum of precipitation.  So, when asked to use MAP in your calculations, you can add together the value of the 12 dots to get the annual total precipitation. In order to do this you will have to estimate the amount of precipitation each dot represents; you can assume that any dot in between two grey lines is halfway between the two lines. Let me know if you have any questions.

2) What is the 1st term of the climate classification for the region represented in this figure? Is it A, B, C, D, or E (2 points) –


3) What is the 1st term of the climate classification for the region represented in this figure? Is it A, B, C, D, or E (2 points) –



4) The figure below shows the precipitation pattern of a tropical system. According to the Koppen climate system, would the precipitation pattern be considered a ‘rainforest’, ‘monsoonal’ or ‘savanna’ type system? Write out the first two characters of the code on the line below. (4 points)




5) The figure below shows the precipitation pattern of a Cold system. According to the Koppen climate system, would the precipitation pattern be considered a ‘dry summer’, ‘dry winter’, or ‘without dry season’? Write out the first two characters of the code on the line below. (4 points)



6) Using the temperature and precipitation graphs below, write out the full 3-character climate code using the Koppen climate system on the line below. (Figures on the following page). (6 points)

_______________________or ________________________