


  • Fuels mapping in heterogeneous forests: comparison of interpolation methods and consequences for fire behavior prediction.” Ziegler, J., Hoffman, C.M., Tinkham, W.T., and Falkowski, M.J. April 2019. 6th International Fire Behavior and Fuels Conference.
  • “Modeling the effects of heterogeneous restoration treatments on understory light environment in a mixed-conifer forest.” Cannon, J.B., DeAngelis, R., Tinkham, W.T., and Battaglia, M.A. March 2019. HAR-CeRSER Conference. High Altitude Revegetation Committee and Central Rockies Chapter of the Society for Ecology Restoration.
  • “Spatial patterns of restoration treatments in a mixed-conifer forest: impact on forest structure and light availability.” Cannon, J.B., DeAngelis, R., Tinkham, W.T., and Battaglia, M.A. March 2019. Annual meeting of the US Chapter of the International Association for Landscape Ecology.
  • “Understanding soil microbial communities to assist in management of Colorado’s forests.” Lelande, B., Stewart, J., Tinkham, W.T., Cannon, J., Hoffman, C., and Ex, S. October 2018. Society of American Foresters National Convention.
  • Complex topography and fire – a case study in the Central Rocky Mountains, USA.” Solander, K.C., Banerjee, T., Jonko, A., Holmes, M., Hoffman, C., and Linn, R. May 2018. 33rd Conference on Agricultural & Forest Meteorology. [15:00]
  • “Effects of spatial heterogeneity on understory solar radiation in a mixed conifer forest.” DeAngelis, R., Cannon, J.B., Tinkham, W.T., Battaglia, M., and Ex, S.A. 2018 Colorado Forest Restoration Institute – Science Friday Seminar, Colorado State University.
  • “Effects of spatial heterogeneity on understory solar radiation in a mixed conifer forest.” DeAngelis, R., Cannon, J.B., Tinkham, W.T., and Ex, S.A. 2018 Front Range Student Ecology Symposium, Colorado State University.
  • “Comparison of Interpolation Methods to Map Surface Fuels in Fine Scales.” Ziegler, J.P., Hoffman, C.M., Falkowski, M.J., Hiers, J.K., and Tinkham, W.T. 2017. AFE 2017 7th International Fire Ecology & Management Congress.
  • Biological and functional diversity of pollinators in rangeland habitats of Colorado.” Davis, T.S., Rhoades, P.R., and Tinkham, W.T. 2017 Natural Areas Association Meeting.
  • “Establishment of the Pike Forest Dynamics Plot: Characterizing Forest Health and Resilience in Colorado.” Tinkham, W.T., Hoffman, C.M., Falkowski, M.J., Fornwalt, P., Ex. S., Battaglia, M., and Stewart, J. 2017 High Altitude Restoration Conference.
  • “Establishment of the large-scale permanent Pike Forests Dynamics Plot to characterize forest health and resiliency in Colorado.” Tinkham, W.T., Hoffman, C.M., Falkowski, M.J., Fornwalt, P., Ex. S., Battaglia, M., and Stewart, J. AFE 2016 Southwest Fire Science Conference.