Mark Paschke

Professor, and
Shell-endowed Chair of Restoration Ecology,
Dept. of Forest and Rangeland Stewardship
Associate Dean of Research,
Warner College of Natural Resources
email: mark.paschke at colostate.edu
Research Interests: Restoration and ecology of disturbed ecosystems, soil and rhizosphere biology, ecology of invasive plant species, nitrogen biogeochemistry, biology of Frankia and actinorhizal plants, ecology of plant-microbe interactions.
Jayne Jonas

Research Scholar,
Dept. of Forest and Rangeland Stewardship
email: jayne.jonas-bratten at colostate.edu
Shabana Hoosein

PhD Candidate,
Graduate Degree Program in Ecology
email: shabana.hoosein at colostate.edu
Dissertation research: I am a community ecologist interested in plant and arbuscular mycorrhiza community dynamics within grassland systems. My current research is in the tallgrass prairie at Platte River Prairies in eastern Nebraska. With my research, I’m hoping to better understand plant and mycorrhizal dynamics to aid in the restoration of grassland plant communities.
Ryan Schroeder

MS Student,
Graduate Degree Program in Ecology
email: ryan.schroeder at colostate.edu
Thesis research: I am studying the soil seed bank composition of several semi-arid shrubland ecosystems throughout Colorado, from a high-elevation sagebrush park to Colorado Plateau salt desert shrublands. My findings will help natural resource managers better understand the potential limitations that the soil seed bank might pose to ecological restoration projects in degraded sites of these ecosystems.
Ryan Lawrence

MS Student,
Graduate Degree Program in Ecology
email: ryan.lawrence at colostate.edu
Thesis research: My research investigates whether soil seed banks of native ruderal species can be used as a restoration tool to minimize Bromus tectorum invasion in Colorado’s semiarid grasslands.
Ph.D. Alumni
Mabruka Abubaira Ph.D. Ecology (2019) |
Dissertation title:Restoring plant and insect community diversity in a crested wheatgrass dominated area |
Quy Khuc Ph.D. Forestry (2018) |
Dissertation title: An integrated eco-socio-economic analysis of forest transition and forest restoration in Vietnam
Current position: Post-doctoral Research Associate, Dept. of Geography, University of Alabama |
Élan Alford Ph.D. Ecology (2011) |
Dissertation title: Plant selenium accumulation and the rhizosphere effect.
Current position: Biologist, WRA Environmental Consultants |
Ryan Busby Ph.D. Ecology (2011) |
Dissertation title: Cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum L.) interactions with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the North American steppe: Prevalence and diversity of associations, and divergence from native vegetation.
Current position: US Army Engineer Research and Development Center |
Tom Grant Ph.D. Ecology (2011) |
Dissertation title: Plant-soil feedbacks: a potential tool to improve management of invasive knapweeds.
Current position: Faculty, Western Colorado University |
José Valdez-Barilla Ph.D. Rangeland Ecology (2008) |
Dissertation title: Dinitrogen fixation in white locoweed (Oxytropis sericea var. sericea) and swansonine production. (co-advised with Dennis Child)
Current position: Faculty, Texas A&M University, San Antonio |
Paul Meiman Ph.D. Rangeland Ecology (2003) |
Dissertation title: Invasion ecology of Knapweed (Centaurea spp. L.): Competition, establishment and interactions with soil biota. (co-advised with Ed Redente)
Current position: Faculty, Colorado State University |
M.S. Alumni
Amy Goodrich M.S. Rangeland Ecology (2016) |
Thesis title: Assessing vegetation reestablishment on disturbed high mountain lakeshores following historic dam removal in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, USA (co-advisor with Paul Meiman)
Current position: |
Sasha Victor M.S. Ecology (2015) |
Thesis title: Restoring Populations of Threatened Physaria Species in the Piceance Basin
Current position: Restoration researcher, MPG Ranch, Montana |
Catherine Cumberland M.S. Ecology (2014) |
Thesis title: Interactions between Bromus tectorum, grasshoppers, and native plants in sagebrush steppe communities
Current position: Ph.D Student, Department of Biology, University of New Mexico |
Amber Shanklin M.S. Ecology (2014) |
Thesis title: Experimental restoration treatments for burn pile fire scars in conifer forests of the Front Range, Colorado
Current position: Pikes Peak Region Conservation Director, Palmer Land Trust |
Garrett Stephens M.S. Ecology (2014) |
Thesis title: Understory responses to mechanical removal of pinyon-juniper overstory
Current position: Conservation Forester and Staff Supervisor, Jefferson Conservation District, Denver CO |
Stephanie Barr M.S. Rangeland Ecology (2013) |
Thesis title: Optimal seed mixtures and seeding rates for restoration of surface disturbances on Colorado shortgrass steppe
Current position: Rangeland Management Specialist, Pawnee National Grassland, United States Forest Service |
Cassandra Stube M.S. Rangeland Ecology (2012) |
Thesis title: Interactions between Bromus tectorum L. (Cheatgrass) and native ruderal species in ecological restoration
Current position: Corporate Trainer, Nite Ize |
Brock Bowles M.S. Rangeland Ecology (2011) |
Thesis title: Development of a sagebrush steppe plant community 33 years after surface disturbance.
Current position: Environmental Protection Specialist, Colorado Division of Reclamation Mining and Safety |
Zoe Miller M.S. Rangeland Ecology (2011) |
Thesis title: An investigation of nitrogen fixation by russet buffaloberry in Colorado conifer forests.
Current position: State Botanist/Ecologist, BLM New Mexico |
Christopher Herron M.S. Rangeland Ecology (2010) |
Thesis title: Using native annual plants to suppress weedy invasive species in post-fire habitats.
Current position: Research Associate, Center for Environmental Management of Military Lands |
Tim Hoelzle M.S. Rangeland Ecology (2010) |
Thesis title: Factors controlling long-term development of a sagebrush steppe ecosystem.
Current position: Restoration Ecologist, USDI Office of the Secretary |
Matt Schultz M.S. Ecology (2008) |
Thesis title: Soil ecological interactions of spotted knapweed and native plant species.
Current position: New Mexico Environment Department |
Élan Alford M.S. Ecology (2006) |
Thesis title: Soil ecological interactions of invasive knapweeds.
Current position: Biologist, WRA Environmental Consultants |
Research Staff
Brett Wolk | REL Lab Manager (2008-2013) Current position: Assistant Director, Colorado Forest Restoration Institute |
Julie Rieder | Post-doctoral Research Associate (2006-2010) Current position: |
Laura Perry | Post-doctoral Research Associate (2004-2008) Current position: |