
Jensen, A. and S.P. Bombaci. 2024. Shaping scientists: How faculty values impact graduate student recruitment and diversity, equity, and inclusion. BioScience. DOI: 10.1093/biosci/biae047

Nelson-Olivieri, J.R., Layden, T.J., Antunez, E., Khalighifar, A., Lasky, M., Laverty, T.M., Sanchez, K.A., Shannon, G., Starr, S., Verahrami, A.K., and S.P. Bombaci. 2023. Inequalities in noise will affect urban wildlife. Nat Ecol Evol .

Barrile, G.M., Bernard, R.F., Wilcox, R.C., Becker, J.A., Dillon, M.E., Thomas-Kuzilik, R.R., Bombaci, S.P., and B.G. Merkle. 2023. Equity, community, and accountability: Leveraging a department-level climate survey as a tool for action. PLOS ONE 18(8): e0290065.

Lasky, M. and S.P. Bombaci. 2023. Human-induced fear in wildlife: A review. Journal for Nature Conservation 74:126448.

Lundin, M. and Bombaci, S.P. 2022. Making outdoor field experiences more inclusive for the LGBTQ+ community. Ecological Applications e2771.

Dott, C., S. Bombaci, A. Kasprak, and J. Korb. 2022. A tale of two rivers: Dam‐induced hydrologic drought on the lower Dolores River and its impact on tamarisk establishment. Ecohydrology e2429.

Hahn, N.R., S.P. Bombaci, and G. Wittemyer. 2022. Identifying conservation technology needs, barriers, and opportunities. Scientific Reports 12:4802.

Bombaci, S.P. and L. Pejchar. 2022. Advancing equity in faculty hiring with diversity statements. BioScience biab136.

Nagy, R.C., Balch, J.K., + 120 other authors including S.P. Bombaci. 2021. Harnessing the NEON data revolution to advance open environmental science with a diverse and data-capable community. Ecosphere 12:e03833.

Bombaci, S. P., R. E. Russell, M. J. St. Germain, C. A. Dobony, W. M. Ford, S. C. Loeb, and D. S. Jachowski. 2021. Context dependency of disease‐mediated competitive release in bat assemblages following white‐nose syndrome. Ecosphere 12.

Kitzes, J., R. Blake, S. Bombaci, M. Chapman, S. M. Duran, T. Huang, M. B. Joseph, S. Lapp, S. Marconi, W. K. Oestreich, T. A. Rhinehart, A. K. Schweiger, Y. Song, T. Surasinghe, D. Yang, and K. Yule. 2021. Expanding NEON biodiversity surveys with new instrumentation and machine learning approaches. Ecosphere 12:e03795.

Jensen, A.*, S.P. Bombaci* +12 authors. 2021. Attracting Diverse Students to Field Experiences Requires Adequate Pay, Flexibility, and Inclusion. BioScience, biab039. *co-lead author

Bombaci, S. P., J. Innes, D. Kelly, V. Flaherty, and L. Pejchar. 2021. Excluding mammalian predators increases bird densities and seed dispersal in fenced ecosanctuaries. Ecology. e03340.

Pardo, L.E, S.P. Bombaci, S.E. Huebner +22 authors. 2021. Snapshot Safari: a large-scale collaborative to monitor Africa’s remarkable biodiversity. South African Journal of Science.

Jimenez, M., T. Laverty, D. Bennett, S.P. Bombaci, K. Wilkins, and L. Pejchar. 2019. Underrepresented faculty play a disproportionate role in advancing diversity and inclusion. Nature Ecology and Evolution. (see also a view-only full text version of our paper and a blog by Liba Pejchar’s lab that provides the backstory on this paper)

Bombaci, S. P., and L. Pejchar. 2019. Using paired acoustic sampling to enhance population monitoring of New Zealand’s forest birds. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 43:3356.

Bombaci, S. P., J. Innes, and L. Pejchar. 2018. Fenced sanctuaries deliver conservation benefits for most common and threatened native island birds in New Zealand. Ecoshpere 9: e02497.

Farr, C. M., D. Bennett, S. P. Bombaci, H. T. Gallo, A. M. Mangan, T. Nogeire, H. Riedl, L. T. Stinson, K. Wilkins, and L. Pejchar. 2017. Addressing the gender gap in distinguished speakers at professional ecology conferences. BioScience bix013.

Bombaci, S. P., T. Gallo, and L. Pejchar. 2017. Small-scale woodland reduction practices have neutral or negative short-term effects on birds and small mammals. Rangeland Ecology and Management 70:363-373.

Bombaci, S. P., and L. Pejchar. 2016. The consequences of pinyon and juniper woodland reduction for wildlife in North America. Forest Ecology and Management 365:34-50.

Bombaci, S. P., C. M. Farr, H. T. Gallo, A. M. Mangan, L. T. Stinson, M. Kaushik, and L. Pejchar. 2015. Using Twitter to communicate conservation science from a professional conference. Conservation Biology 30:216-255. Received the highest Altmetric score for all Conservation Biology publications from 2015-2016.

Korb, J. E., S.P. Bombaci, and R. Siegel. 2014. The effect of sudden aspen decline on understory microclimate and vegetation in southwestern Colorado. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 44:914–921.

Lehmer, E.M., J. Korb, S.P. Bombaci, J. Ghachu, L. Hart, A. Kelly, N. McLean, C. O’Brien, K. Wright, and T. Schountz.  2012.  The interplay of plant and animal disease in a changing landscape: the role of sudden aspen decline in moderating sin nombre virus prevalence in natural deer mouse populations. EcoHealth 9:205-216.

Refereed Conference Proceedings

Bombaci, S.P. and J.E. Korb.  2012.  The effects of sudden aspen decline on avian species composition and biodiversity in southwestern Colorado.  Pp. 95-112, In: The Colorado Plateau V: Research, environmental planning, and management for collaborative conservation.  (van Riper, C., III, M. L. Villarreal, C. J. van Riper, and M. J. Johnson, Eds). University of Arizona Press, Tucson, AZ. 343 pp.

Bombaci, S.P. and J. Korb.  2011.  Differences in avian community structure and biodiversity following a sudden aspen decline disturbance in southwest Colorado.  Metamorphosis  4:1-14.