A diversity of knowledge, experiences, and identities is essential for academic excellence, and a growing body of literature demonstrates that inclusion of diverse groups in science and other fields increases creativity, innovation, and productivity. These benefits emerge because diverse teams do not exclude the ideas of a large portion of the population, and thus the research or products produced by such teams can be more relevant to society. Yet, the scientific community does not reflect the demographics of the broader public. Many factors limit certain groups from participating in the scientific enterprise (e.g. economic barriers, implicit bias, microagressions, cultural differences in learning styles, and gender-based family care responsibilities). The Bombaci lab is strongly committed to increasing the representation of traditionally excluded groups in science and academia. This commitment is demonstrated through our research, teaching, and outreach.

We have conducted research on barriers and solutions to advancing diversity in ecology and conservation. Our research is used to inform best practices for diversity and inclusion in science, as demonstrated by citations such as Lundin and Bombaci (2022) for policies supporting LGBTQIA+ communities outdoors, Bombaci and Pejchar (2022) and Jensen and Bombaci (2024) for strategies in inclusive recruitment, campus climates, labor justice, and academic promotion, and Jensen and Bombaci et al. (2021) for fair pay in field technician roles and enhanced student learning experiences.

Teaching and Mentoring

Dr. Bombaci has closely mentored numerous undergraduate and graduate students from underrepresented backgrounds in research and leadership roles, and has mentored several successful recipients of prestigious fellowships like the NSF GRFP and the Ford Fellowship.


The Bombaci Lab engages in various outreach activities, especially while partnering with the Ecological Society of America SEEDS (Strategies for Ecology Education, Diversity and Sustainability) Colorado State University Chapter. Past outreach activities include the CSU SEEDS Mountain Campus Bioblitz , K-12 outreach to undeserved schools, and SEEDS leadership meetings and field trips.

Check out the beautiful CSU Mountain Campus in this video from our SEEDS Bioblitz