
current students:

Sehfa Al Mansour – Water Resources Sustainability
Alison P. Kingston – Snowpack Modeling Forced by Fine-scale Meteorological Model Output
Elayna R. Bump – Historical Hydroclimatology in the Southwestern US
Darya A. Lilie -Mongolian Herders Assessment of Climate Change Causes, Impacts and Adaptations
Marin MacDonald – Snowmelt Timing Due to Fire
Jack J. Reuland – Establishing Optimal Snow Stations Locations using Remote Sensing Data
Maisy Weiss – Snow Depth Time Series and Pattern Derivation from Satellite Laser Altimetry Data
BS Honors Thesis:
none at present
BS Research Students:
none at present

former students:

Anna K.D. Pfohl PhD, 2023 – Recent and Future Colorado Water: Snow Drought, Streamflow, and Winter Recreation
[started with NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory]
publication: Fassnacht et al. (2017); Fassnacht et al. (2018); Fassnacht et al. (2020); Collados Lara et al. (2021); Schrock et al. (2021); Fassnacht et al., 2022; Pfohl and Fassnacht (2023); Fassnacht et al. (2023)
Jessica E. Sanow PhD, 2022 – The Dynamic Nature of Snow Surface Roughness
[started with White River National Forest]
publication: Sanow et al. (2018); Fassnacht et al. (2020);
Fassnacht et al. (2023); Fassnacht et al. (2024)
Molly E. Tedesche PhD, 2021 – Brooks Range Perennial Snowfields: Mapping and Modeling Change in Alaska’s Cryosphere
(with David Barnes , Civil Engineering, U. Alaska Fairbanks)
[started with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers]
publications: Tedesche et al. (2019); Fassnacht et al. (2020);
Fassnacht et al. (2023); Fassnacht et al. (2024)
Douglas M. Hultstrand PhD, 2021 – Uncertainty in Hydrological Estimation
{download dissertation}
[started with Applied Weather Associates]
publications: Fassnacht et al. (2012); Fassnacht et al. (2013); Hultstrand and Fassnacht (2018); Hultstrand et al. (2022)
Glenn G. Patterson PhD, 2016 – Trends in snow water equivalent in Rocky Mountain National Park and the northern Front Range of Colorado, USA
{download dissertation}
[started with University of Colorado, Denver]
publications: Fassnacht et al. (2012); Fassnacht and Patterson (2013); Fassnacht et al. (2018); Fassnacht et al. (2020)
Graham A. Sexstone PhD, 2016 – Snow Sublimation and Seasonal Snowpack Variability
{download dissertation}
[started with U.S. Geological Survey]
publications: Fassnacht et al. (2016); Sexstone et al. (2016); Sexstone et al. (2018); Sexstone et al. (2022); Hammond et al. (2023); Fassnacht et al. (2023); Bonnell et al. (2023)
Ryan W. Webb PhD, 2016 – Fate of Snowmelt in Complex Subalpine Terrain
{download dissertation}
(with Michael Gooseff, Civil Engineering)
[started with University of Colorado, Boulder then University of New Mexico, now at the University of Wyoming]
publications: Webb et al. (2015); Webb (2017); Webb et al. (2017); Webb et al. (2018); Webb et al. (2018); Webb et al. (2021); Bonnell et al. (2021); Bonnell et al. (2023)
Niah B.H. Venable PhD, 2016 – Trends and Tree-rings: An Investigation of the Historical and Paleo Proxy Hydroclimate Record of the Khangai Mountain Region of Mongolia
{download dissertation}
[started with Colorado State Forest Service]
publications: Fassnacht et al. (2011); Venable et al. (2012); Fernández-Giménez et al. (2017); Venable (2017); Fassnacht et al. (2018); Fernández-Giménez et al. (2019); Tumenjargal et al. (2020); Collados Lara et al. (2021)
Jeffrey S. Deems PhD, 2007 – Quantifying scale relationships in snow distributions
{download dissertation}
[started with U. Washington Civil and Environmental Engineering,
then NSIDC]
publications: Deems et al. (2006); Fassnacht and Deems (2006); Deems et al. (2008); Fassnacht et al. (2009); Deems et al. (2013)
Kevin A. Dressler PhD, 2005 – Snowpack Interpolation and Assimilation to Improve Hydrological Modeling
(with Roger C. Bales, Hydrology and Water Resources, U. Arizona)
[started with Pennsylvania State University]
publications: Fassnacht et al. (2003); Dressler et al. (2006); Dressler et al. (2006); Bales et al. (2008); Fassnacht et al. (2012)
Brian M. Steen MS, 2023 – Interdaily Temperature Variability in the Southern Rocky Mountains of Colorado
Alex R. Olsen-Mikitowicz MS, 2023 – Snowfall-driven Topographic Evolution: Impacts on Snow Distribution Patterns
Megan G. Sears MS, 2022 – The Effects of Temperature-elevation Gradients on Snowmelt in a High-elevation Watershed
{download thesis}
[started as a Ph.D. student at Colorado State University]
publication: Kampf et al. (2022);
Kampf et al. (2023)
Felipe Perez Peredo MS, 2021 – Streamflow Forecasting in a Snow-dominated River of Chile
{download thesis}
[started with Dirección General de Aguas, Ministerio de Obras Públicas, Chile]
Danielle C. Reimanis MS, 2021 – Variable Fresh Snow Albedo: How Snowpack and Sub-nivean Properties Influence Fresh Snow Reflectance
{download thesis}
[started with City of Fort Collins]
publication: Fassnacht et al. (2022)
Isaac J.Y. Schrock MS, 2020 – The Spatial Distribution Patterns of Snow Water Equivalent Data for the Accumulation Phase Across the Southern Rocky Mountains (with Prof. Neil Grigg, CSU Civil Engineering)
{download project}
[started with HR Green, Inc.]
publication: Schrock et al. (2021)
Caroline R. Duncan MS, 2020 – Patterns of Dust-enhanced Absorbed Energy and Shifts in Melt Timing for Snow of Southwestern Colorado
{download thesis}
[started with US Army Corps of Engineers Alaska District]
publication: Fassnacht et al. (2022)
Kevin S.J. Brown MS, 2019 – Snow Depth Measurements via Automated Image Recognition
{download thesis}
[started with Cherokee Metropolitan District]
publication: Fassnacht et al. (2018)
Yvonne Adam MS, 2018 – Spatial and Temporal GIS-analysis of Snow Cover Changes in Mongolia from 2000 to 2016 via MODIS data
(at Georg-August Universität Göttingen, co-advised with Martin Kappas, Department of Cartography, GIS and Remote Sensing)
Ilija Kankaras MS, 2018 – GIS-gestutze Raum-Zeit-Analyse der ETP auf Basis von MODIS-Daten – Fallstuide Mongolei / GIS-based Space-Time Analysis of Potential Evapotranspiration using MODIS Data – a Case Study of Mongolia
(at Georg-August Universität Göttingen, co-advised with Martin Kappas, Department of Cartography, GIS and Remote Sensing)
Chenchen Ma MS, 2017 – Evaluating and Correcting Sensor Change Artifacts in the SNOTEL Temperature Records, Southern Rocky Mountains, Colorado
{download thesis}
[started with Shanghai Municipal Engineering Design Institute (Group) Co., Ltd.]
publication: Ma et al. (2019)
Tyler J. Carleton MS, 2016 – Assessing Flow Alteration and Channel Enlargement Due to Augmentation and Dam-regulation at Hog Park Creek, Wyoming
{download thesis}
[started with U.S. Forest Service]
publication: Carleton and Fassnacht (2020)
Anna K.D. Pfohl MS, 2016 – Trends in Snowmelt Contribution to Streamflow in the Southern Rocky Mountains of Colorado
{download thesis}
[started as a PhD student at CSU]
publication: Pfohl and Fassnacht, 2023
Benjamin C. Von Thaden MS, 2016 – Spatial Accumulation Patterns of Snow Water Equivalent in the Southern Rocky Mountains
{download thesis}
[started at Wright Water Engineering]
David J. Kamin MS, 2015 – Exploration of a Geometric Approach for Estimating Snow Surface Roughness
{download thesis}
[started with Coal Creek Canyon ]
publication: Sanow et al. (2018)
Sharla A. Stevenson MS, 2015 – Precipitation and Temperature Changes and Their Effect on Groundwater along the Kona Coast of Hawaii
{download thesis}
[started with NPS ]
Alyssa D. Hendricks MS, 2015 – Spatial Precipitation Trends and Effects of Climate Change on the Hawai’ian Hualalai Aquifer
{download thesis}
[started with Metstat , now with Dewberry]
publication: Hendricks Dietrich and Fassnacht (2023)
Rosemary M. Records MS, 2013 – Water Quality Benefits of Wetlands under Historic and Potential Future Climate in the Sprague River Watershed, Oregon
(with Mazdak Arabi CSU Civ&Env Eng)
{download thesis}
publications: Records et al. (2014); Fassnacht and Records (2015)
William J. Milligan MS, 2013 – Social Perceptions Versus Meteorological Observations of Snow and Winter along the Front Range
{download thesis}
[started with U.S. Geological Survey ]
David C. Deitemeyer MS, 2013 – Using Snow Telemetry (SNOTEL) Data to Model Streamflow: A Case Study of Three Small Watersheds in Colorado and Wyoming
{download thesis}
[started with City of Colorado Springs ]
publication: Fassnacht et al. (2014)
Johannes C. Beeby MS, 2012 – Water Quality and Survivability of Didymosphenia geminata (with John Stednick CSU FRS)
{download thesis}
[started with Civil Engineering, Colorado State University ]
Tumenjargal Sukh MS, 2012 – Local understanding of hydro-climatic changes in Mongolia
{download thesis}
[started with Ministry of Environment and Green Development , Mongolia]
publications: Fassnacht et al. (2011); Fassnacht et al. (2018); Tumenjargal et al. (2020)
Graham A. Sexstone MS, 2012 – Evaluating the Spatial Variability of Snowpack Properties Across a Northern Colorado Basin
{download thesis}
[started as a PhD student at CSU, now a Research Hydrology with the U.S. Geological Survey]
publication: Sexstone and Fassnacht (2014)
Evan J. Blumberg MS, 2012 – Spatial variability of snow depth measurements at two mountain pass Snow Telemetry stations
{download thesis}
publication: Fassnacht et al. (2018)
Jigjsuren Odgarav MS, 2012 – Changes in Mongolian Snowpack Properties
{download introduction of thesis}
(with Gelegpil Adyabadam Institute of Meteorology, Hydrology, and the Environment)
[started with Institute of Meteorology, Hydrology, and the Environment , Mongolia]
Amir H. Kashipazha MS, 2012 – Practical snow depth sampling around six snow telemetry (SNOTEL) stations in Colorado and Wyoming, United States
{download thesis}
[started with Schlumberger ]
publications: Fassnacht et al. (2016); Fassnacht et al. (2017)
Jared T. Heath MS, 2011 – Motorized Vehicle Impacts on Snowpack Properties
{download thesis}
[started with Loch Vale Watershed Long-Term Research and Monitoring Program , then City of Fort Collins]
publication: Fassnacht et al. (2018)
Molly E. Tedesche MS, 2010 – Snow Depth Variability in Sagebrush Drifts in High Altitude Rangelands, North Park, Colorado
{download thesis}
[started with Three Parameters Plus , then PhD student at UAF]
publication: Tedesche et al. (2017)
Harold Moore MS, 2010 – Bio-fouling and Well-head Protection
Jeffrey E. Derry MS, 2008 – Regional Patterns of Snow Water Equivalent in the Colorado River Basin Using Snowpack Telemetry (SNOTEL) Data
{download thesis}
[started with GW Scientific ]
publication: Fassnacht and Derry (2010);
Fassnacht et al., 2022
Patrick J. Ewing MS, 2007 – From the Tree to the Forest: the Influence of a Sparse Canopy on Stand Scale Snow Water Equivalent
{download thesis}
Anne E. Sawyer MS, 2007 – Snowpack Depletion Modeling Using Fast All-season Soil Strength (FASST) and SNOWMODEL in a High-elevation,
High Relief Catchment in the Central Rocky Mountains

{download thesis}
(with Kelly Elder US Forest Service)
[started with NOHRSC , now with the University of Minnesota]
publication: Frankenstein et al. (2008)
Mark V. Corrao MS, 2007 – Spatial, Temporal and Directional Changes in Snow Surface Roughness
[started with Hydro Construction Co. Inc. ]
publications: Fassnacht et al. (2009); Fassnacht et al. (2009)
Douglas M. Hultstrand MS, 2006 – Geostatistical Methods for Estimating Snowmelt Contribution to the Annual Water Balance in an Alpine Watershed
{download thesis}
(with John Stednick CSU FRS)
[started with Metstat ]
Jennifer L. Mann MS, 2006 – Instream Flow Methodologies: A Validation of the Tennant Method for Higher Gradient Streams in the National Forest System Lands in the Western U.S.
{download thesis}
[started with In-situ]
Scott D. McKim MS, 2006 – The Effects Of Input Data Degradation On Hydrological Model Performance For A Snowmelt Dominated Watershed
{download thesis}
[started with NWS-AKRFC – Alaska]
Wendy A. (nee Brazenec) Ryan MS, 2005 – Evaluation of Two Ultrasonic Snow Depth Sensors To Predict Six Hour Snowfall at National Weather Service Automated Surface Observing Sites
{download thesis}
(with Nolan Doesken CSU Atmospheric Sciences)
[started with CSU Atmospheric Sciences]
publications: Ryan et al. (2008); Ryan et al. (2008)
Julie M. Repass MS, 2005 – Assessment of Digital Land Cover Maps for Hydrological Modeling of the Yampa River Basin, Colorado, USA
{download thesis}
[started with Red Hen Systems, Fort Collins, then ESRI]
Bruce J. Davison MASc, 2004 – Snow Accumulation in a distributed Hydrological Model
{download thesis}
(with Ric Soulis U. Waterloo Civ Eng)
[started with Environment Canada – NHRI Saskatoon]
Julie D. (nee Holcombe) Koeberle MS, 2004 – Modeling Snowcover Depletion and Soil Moisture Recharge at Two Different NASA Cold Land Processes Experiment Sites
{download thesis}
(with Kelly Elder USFS)
[started with NWS – Seattle,
then NRCS – Boise]
publication: Frankenstein et al. (2008)
BS Honors Thesis:
Marin MacDonald BS, 2023 – Snowmelt Timing Due to Fire
Julia Ledford BS, 2021 – Spatial Analysis of Forest Cover Following the Spring 2019 Historic Avalanche Cycle in Colorado
Lenka G. Doskocil BS, 2021 – Estimating Double Peak Streamflow Timing in the Uncompahgre River Using Snowpack Metrics publication: Doskocil and Fassnacht (2021);
Fassnacht et al., 2022
Kan Xu BS, 2020 – Optimizing the Computational Approaches for Determining Appropriate Snowmelt Rates publication: Fassnacht et al. (2022)
Arvid Rinke BSc, 2017 – Schneekartierung über Nordmongolei
Amanda N. Weber BS, 2016 – Spatio-temporal Patterns of Snowmelt Across the Southern Rocky Mountains publication: Fassnacht et al. (2017)
Mikaela L. Cherry BS, 2013 – Climate Change across the Northern Great Plains publication: Fassnacht et al. (2016)
Zachary Whitt BS, 2010 – Estimating Snow Particle Fall Velocity from Digital Imagery
John Piersol BSc, 2000 – Modelling the Snow Accumulation Process
Faizal Yusuf BASc, 1999 – Statistical Analysis and Hydrologic Modelling of the 1999 Snowmelt in the Grand River Basin publication: Fassnacht et al. (2004)
BS Research Students:
Helen Flynn BS, 2023 – The Correlation Between Snow Accumulation and Baseflow
Marin MacDonald BS, 2023 – The Correlation Between Snow Accumulation and Baseflow
Christina Lilligren BS, 2022 – Using Weather Forecasts to Optimize Lawn Watering
Preston Benko BS, 2021 – The Importance of Frost
Ryan Bridges BS, 2021 – Using Weather Forecasts to Optimize Lawn Watering
Sonali Chokshi BS, 2021 – Using Weather Forecasts to Optimize Lawn Watering
Victoria Gurevich BS, 2021 – The Eco-sustainability of Clothes Washing and Drying
Lauryn Howlett BS, 2021 – The Eco-sustainability of Clothes Washing and Drying
Julia Ledford BS, 2021 – The Eco-sustainability of Clothes Washing and Drying
Sam Myer BS, 2021 – Using Weather Forecasts to Optimize Lawn Watering
Davis Rice BS, 2021 – Temperature Gradients Across a Hillslope publication: Rice and Fassnacht (2021)
Maryam Sahaar BS, 2021 – Relating Snow-all-Gone with Peak Streamflow publication: Sahaar and Fassnacht (2021)
Mackenzie C. Warden BS, 2021 – Interpreting the Water Metaphors for the Rio Ebro with the Medieval Spanish Poetry Compendium Romancero publication: Warden et al. (2020)
Mason Cessna BA, 2020 – Artistic Prevalence of the San Luis Valley (Early 16th Century – present)
R. Brendan Kelley BFA, 2020 – A Virtual Reality Simulation of a Medieval Poem
Marcee Meinhardt BS, 2020 – The Density of Fresh Snow publication: Meinhardt and Fassnacht (2020)
Brian Cobb BS, 2019 – Hydrologic Assessment of Nested Scales
Lily M.-L. Conrad BS, 2019 – Modeling the Hydrology of an Agricultural Watershed publication: Conrad and Fassnacht (2019)
Julie A. Dauer BS, 2019 – A Shower Water Reclamation System to Address Colorado House Bill 18-1069 publication: Dauer (2019)
Jessica Jackman BS, 2021 – The Importance of Frost
Bradley M. Simms BS, 2019 – Snow Surface Roughness Across Scales at CLPX Sites – Snow Board to Airborne Lidar publication: Simms et al. (2019);
Fassnacht et al., 2023
Jianyi Tang BS, 2019 – Hydrologic Assessment of Nested Scales
Lindsay Wienkers BS, 2019 – The Importance of Frost
Rachel Baiyor BS, 2018 – Fine-resolution Precipitation Distribution
Connor Kounnas BS, 2018 – How do students studying water think about water?
Alex R. Olsen-Mikitowicz BS, 2018 – The Importance of Frost
Kelsey Thomas BS, 2018 – The Importance of Frost
Yidi Wang BS, 2018 – Small Scale Soil Moisture Variability and Sampling Strategies
Jaron Beerline BS, 2017 – The Probability of Precipitation as Snow in Alaska
Rachel Habermehl BS, 2017 – Small Scale Soil Moisture Variability and Sampling Strategies
Jacob Olson BS, 2017 – The Importance of Frost
Eric S. Thomas BS, 2017 – Snow Surface Roughness Across Scales at CLPX Sites – Snow Board to Airborne Lidar publication: Simms et al. (2019);
Fassnacht et al., 2023
Robby L. Davis BS, 2016 – Integrating the Spatial Variability of Snowpack Properties
Joseph Fattor BS, 2016 – Integrating the Spatial Variability of Snowpack Properties
Kristian Gandrud BS, 2016 – Snowpack Trends at Winter Olympic Venues
Connor Mitts BS, 2016 – The Importance of Frost
Zachary Novack BS, 2016 – Snowpack Trends at Winter Olympic Venues
Cassidi L. Rosenkrance BS, 2016 – Integrating the Spatial Variability of Snowpack Properties
Stephen Small BS, 2016 – Snowpack Trends at Winter Olympic Venues
Keller Smith BS, 2016 – Snowpack Trends at Winter Olympic Venues
Michael Schmidt BS, 2015 – The Probability of Sufficient Snow at the PyeongChang South Korea Winter Olympics
Betsy Meredith BA, 2007 – The Geography of International Orphans
Melat Menwyelet BA, 2005 – The Geography of International Orphans