I am a fisheries ecologist, blending basic and applied. I adopt a holistic perspective that includes all kinds of fishes and interdependent organisms, and considers the roles of humans as components of ecosystems. My overall goal is to contribute to the conservation and management of aquatic ecosystems through teaching, research and outreach.
CV | Email: brett.johnson@colostate.edu | Office: 233 Wagar

I am no longer accepting graduate students. Thanks for your interest!

PhD Zoology, University of Wisconsin, 1993
MS Zoology, The Ohio State University, 1986
BS Zoology, University of Wisconsin, 1983

Research Interests
I am interested in food webs, lake and reservoir ecology, effects of nonnative species, fisheries management, water quality, contaminant ecology, and effects of climate. I apply a wide variety of approaches including field sampling, modeling, field and lab experiments, classical fisheries biology techniques, stable isotopes, eDNA, and otolith microchemistry. My research benefits from collaboration with agencies including Colorado Parks and Wildlife, Wyoming Game and Fish, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District, and others.

FW 300 Biology & Diversity of Fishes. Anatomy, physiology, evolution, systematics, ecology, zoogeography, and conservation biology of fishes. 

FW 301 Ichthyology Laboratory. Fish anatomy, identification and ecology.
FW 401 Fishery Science. Senior capstone course stressing quantitative aspects of fishery biology, conservation and management.

Professional Experience
Professor, Dept. of Fish, Wildlife and Conservation Biology, Colorado State University, 2004-
Visiting Professor, Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, Berlin, Germany, 2007.
Associate Professor, Dept. of Fishery and Wildlife Biology, Colorado State University, 1998-2004.
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Fishery and Wildlife Biology, Colorado State University, 1992-1998.
Fisheries Manager, Wisconsin Dept. of Natural Resources, Madison, Wisconsin, 1987-1992.
Research Assistant, Cooperative Fishery Research Unit, UW-Stevens Point, 1986-1987.
Research Specialist, Wisconsin Dept. of Natural Resources, Spooner, Wisconsin, 1986-1987.

Selected Awards
Award of Excellence. Colorado-Wyoming Chapter, American Fisheries Society (AFS), 2023
Editor’s Choice Award. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science (Farrell et al. 2021)
Outstanding Mentor Award. Colorado-Wyoming Chapter, American Fisheries Society (AFS), 2014
Best Article Nominee. Lake and Reservoir Management (Johnson and Martinez 2012)
Award of Excellence. Study Sphere (Electronic Fish ID Flashcards), 2006
Best Professional Paper. Colorado-Wyoming Chapter, AFS, 2006
Provost’s N. Preston Davis Award for Instructional Innovation. Colorado State University, 2005
Certified Fisheries Professional. American Fisheries Society, 2002
Most Significant Paper. North American Journal of Fisheries Management (Johnson and Martinez 2000)
Favorite Professor. College Student Council, Dept. of Fishery & Wildlife Biology, 2001

Selected Publications (Google Scholar Profile)
Farrell, C. J., B. M. Johnson, A. G. Hansen, C. A. Myrick, E. C. Anderson, T. A. Delomas, A. D. Schreier, and J. P. Eenennaam. 2022. Cytological and molecular approaches for ploidy determination: results from a wild Walleye population. North American Journal of Fisheries Management https://doi.org/10.1002/nafm.10771

Farrell, C. J., Johnson, B. M., A. G. Hansen, and C. A. Myrick. 2022. Induced triploidy reduces mercury bioaccumulation in a piscivorous fish. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 79:200-212.

Fitzpatrick, R. M., D. L. Winkelman, and B. M. Johnson. 2021. Using elemental and isotopic data to evaluate Esox lucius (Linnaeus, 1758) natal origins in a hydrologically complex river. Fishes 6(4), 67; https://doi.org/10.3390/fishes6040067

Christianson, K. R., and B. M. Johnson. 2020. Combined effects of early snowmelt and climate warming on mountain lake temperatures and fish energetics. Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research 52:130-145. doi.org/10.1080/15230430.2020.1741199

Christianson, K. R., B. M. Johnson, and M. B. Hooten. 2020. Compound effects of water clarity, inflow, wind and climate warming on mountain lake thermal regimes. Aquatic Sciences. doi.org/10.1007/s00027-019-0676-6.

Christianson, K. R., B. M. Johnson, M. B. Hooten and J. J. Roberts. 2019. Estimating lake–climate responses from sparse data: an application to high elevation lakes. Limnology and Oceanography.doi.org/10.1002/lno.11121

Johnson, B. M., W. M. Pate, and D. B. Silver. 2018. Invasion success and population characteristics of the opossum shrimp, Mysis diluviana, in Wyoming, USA. Aquatic Invasions 13:409-420. doi.org/10.3391/ai.2018.13.3.08

Johnson, B. M., W. M. Pate, and A. G. Hansen. 2017. Energy density and dry matter content in fish: new observations and an evaluation of some empirical models. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 146: 1262-1278. doi.org/10.1080/00028487.2017.1360392

Johnson, C. F., B. M. Johnson, T. E. Neebling and J. C. Burckhardt. 2017. Walleye introduction eliminates predation refuge for adfluvial Cutthroat and Rainbow Trout. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 146:252-267. doi.org/10.1080/00028487.2016.1254114

Arlinghaus, R., J. Alós, B. Beardmore, K. Daedlow, M. Dorow, M. Fujitani, D. Hühn, W. Haider, L. M. Hunt, B. M. Johnson, F. Johnston, T. Kleforth, S. Matsumura, C. Monk, T. Pagel, J. R. Post, T. Rapp, C. Riepe, H. Ward, and C. Wolter. 2017. Understanding and managing freshwater recreational fisheries as complex adaptive social-ecological systems. Reviews in Fisheries Science and Aquaculture 25:1-41. doi.org/10.1080/23308249.2016.1209160

Pate, W. M., B. M. Johnson, J. Lepak, and D. Brauch. 2014. Managing for coexistence of kokanee and trophy Lake Trout in a montane reservoir. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 34:908-922.

Wolff, B. A., B. M. Johnson, A. R. Breton, P. J. Martinez, and D. L. Winkelman. 2012. Origins and movements of invasive piscivores determined from the strontium isotope (87Sr/86Sr) ratio of otoliths.  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 69:724-739.

Arlinghaus, R., S. J. Cooke and B. M. Johnson. 2012. Technical guidelines for responsible fisheries: recreational fisheries.  Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy.

Johnson, B. M., R. Arlinghaus, and P. J. Martinez. 2009. Are we doing all we can to stem the tide of illegal fish stocking? Fisheries 34(8): 389-394.

Johnson, B. M., P. J. Martinez, J. H. Hawkins, and K. R. Bestgen.  2008.  Ranking predatory threats by nonnative fishes in the Yampa River, Colorado via bioenergetics modeling.  North American Journal of Fisheries Management 28:1941-1953.

Johnson, B. M., M. Anderson, L. Saito, P. Weiss, M. Andre and D. Fontane.  2004.  Effects of climate and dam operations on reservoir thermal structure. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 130: 112-122.

Nydick, K. R., B. M. Moraska, J. S. Baron, and B. M. Johnson.  2003.  Lake-specific responses to elevated atmospheric nitrogen deposition in the Colorado Rocky Mountains, USA.  Hydrobiologia 510:103-114.

Lathrop, R.C., B. M. Johnson, T. B. Johnson, M. T. Vogelsang, S. R. Carpenter, T. R. Hrabik, J. F. Kitchell, J. J. Magnuson, L. G. Rudstam, and R. S. Stewart. 2002.  Stocking piscivores to improve fishing and water clarity: a synthesis of the Lake Mendota biomanipulation project.  Freshwater Biology 47:2410-2424.

Johnson, B. M. and P.J. Martinez.  2000.  Trophic economics of Lake Trout management in reservoirs of differing productivity. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 20:115‑131.

Johnson, B. M. and J. P. Goettl, Jr.  1999.  Food web changes over fourteen years following introduction of Rainbow Smelt into a Colorado reservoir. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 19:629-642.

Johnson, B. M. and S. R. Carpenter.  1994.  Functional and numerical responses: a framework for fish-angler interactions?  Ecological Applications 4:808-821.

Johnson, B. M., R. A. Stein, and R. F. Carline.  1988.  Use of a quadrat rotenone technique and bioenergetics modeling to evaluate prey availability to stocked piscivores.  Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 117:127-141.

graphical banner with fish colorations