FW300 Fish Biology and Diversity: There are more species of fish than in all other vertebrate groups combined. The fascinating variety of body forms, reproductive strategies, feeding habits, behaviors and other adaptations that fishes exhibit is truly one of the great wonders of life on Earth. Fishes also play essential roles in sustaining healthy ecosystems and supporting human welfare as sources of nutrition, food security, recreation, and employment. This course teaches the fundamental concepts necessary to understand, appreciate and conserve this phenomenal biodiversity. We’ll learn about the evolutionary history of fishes, and their anatomy, classification, zoogeography, and ecology, with links to implications for conservation throughout the course. Offered every spring semester.
FW301 Ichthyology Laboratory: Students will learn basic external and internal anatomy of fish, and understand how fish biologists use anatomical characteristics to identify and classify fish. Students will learn to identify and know the common and scientific names of the fishes of Colorado and all the families of U.S. freshwater fishes. Students will gain a basic understanding of the ecology of fishes and their place in the structure and function aquatic ecosystems. Offered every spring semester.
FW401 Fishery Science: Students will have the opportunity to review their math, statistics, and ecology training, and learn how to apply that knowledge to real world datasets relevant to contemporary fisheries management issues. By the end of the course, students will have a firm grasp on the fundamentals of fish population dynamics, including basic concepts and stock assessment methods, and will learn how to apply demographic and ecological concepts to the management of sport and non-game fish populations and communities. Students will leave the laboratory section with essential computer skills for analyzing and interpreting fishery data, and preparing reports in scientific format. Offered every fall semester.