This is a compilation of committee membership rolls from 1974 through today, as indicated by HAR Committee records. If you notice a discrepancy, please don’t hesitate to reach out so we can properly recognize your contribution.
- Chairman: Dr. Robin L. Cuany, CSU Department of Agronomy
- James Anderson, Mile-High Seeds Company
- James A. Brown, Climax Molybdenum Company
- Robert Buttery, U.S. Forest Service
- David B. Butts, National Park Service
- Tom Eaman, Soil Conservation Service
- James W. Echols, CSU Dept of Agronomy
- Dr. James R. Feucht, CSU Extension Horticulturist
- Warren Keammerer, S & K Association
- Eric Olgeirson, Colorado Department of Highway
- J.B. Snobble, Aspen Skiing Corporation
- Paul Wilderman, Winter Park Recreational Association
- Chairman: Dr. Robin L. Cuany, CSU Dept. of Agronomy
- Vice Chair: Dr. Larry Brown, Climax Molybdenum Company
- Secretary: Stephen Kenny, CSU Department of Agronomy
- James Anderson, Mile-High Seeds Company
- Dr. John Ericson, Mile-High Seeds Company
- Dave Bonnickson, Breckenridge Ski Corporation
- James A. Brown, Climax Molybdenum Company
- Robert Buttery, U.S. Forest Service
- Glenn F. Carnahan, USDA-Soil Conservation Service
- Edward B. Cattrell, Colorado Mountain College
- Tom Eaman, Soil Conservation Service
- James W. Echols, CSU Department of Agronomy
- Martin R. Ekrem, Conwed Corporation
- Dr. James R. Feucht, CSU Extension Horticulturist
- Franklin Friedenberger, Arkansas Valley Seeds Co.
- Wendell G. Hassell, USDA-Soil Conservation Service
- Dr. Warren Keammerer, S & K Associates
- David W. Kerkline, Vail Associates, Inc.
- Gary Kline, Steamboat Ski Company
- Dick Nelson, Steamboat Ski Company
- J.B. Snobble, Aspen Skiing Corporation
- David Stevens, National Park Service
- Mike Tupa, Colorado Department of Highways
- Patsy Goodman, Colorado Department of Highways
- Paul Wilderman, Winter Park Recreational Association
- Chairman: Dr.Robin L. Cuany, CSU Department of Agronomy
- Vice Chair: Dr. Larry Brown, Climax Molybdenum Company
- James Anderson, Mile High Seed Company
- Dr. John Ericson, Mile High Seed Company
- William Berg, CSU Department of Agronomy
- Rob Clark, Aspen Skiing Corporation
- James Snobble, Aspen Skiing Corporation
- Dick Dobbierstein, Winter Park Recreational Association
- Bill Wolvin, Winter Park Recreational Association
- Wendell G. Hassell, USDA-Soil Conservation Service
- Chuck Jackson, Climax Molybdenum Company
- Dr. Warren Keammerer, Stoecker-Keammerer and Associates
- Gary Kline, LTV-RDI
- Paul Wilderman, LTV-RDI
- Peter Moller, Colorado Mountain College
- Jeffrey Pecka, University of Colorado at Denver
- Mark Schuster, Climax Molybdenum Company
- Ron Zuck, Climax Molybdenum Company
- David Stevens, National Park Service
- Beatrice Willard, Colorado School of Mines
- Chairman: Larry F. Brown, L.F. Brown and Associates
- Denise Arthur, Foster Wheeler Environmental; CSU Graduate Student
- Bill Agnew, Reveg Env. Consulting
- Phil Barnes, Homestake Mining Company
- Ray W. Brown, USDA Forest Service
- David Buckner, ESCO Associates
- Thomas A. Colbert, AMTERRA
- John Jeff Conner, Rocky Mountain National Park
- Robin L. Cuany, CSU Department of Soil and Crop Science
- Nancy Dunkle, National Park SVC-DSC
- Michael Ellis, Ellis Environmental Engineering, Inc.
- Julie Etra, Western Botanical Services
- Camille Farrell, Colorado Department of Public Health and Env.
- Wendell G. Hassell, National Park Service DSC-PT
- Don Hijar, Grassland West Company
- Bruce Humphries, Colorado Division of Minerals and Geology
- Charles I. Jackson
- Deborah B. Keammerer, Keammerer Ecological Consultants
- Warren R. Keammerer, Keammerer Ecological Consultants
- John A. Lawson, FMC Gold
- Carl Mackey, MK-Environmental Services
- Peter G. Moller, Colorado Mountain College
- Ben Northcutt, International Erosion Control Association
- Jeffrey L. Pecka, Systems Planning Group
- Mark Phillips, Phillips Seeding and Reclamation
- Bryce Romig, Cyprus Climax Metals Company
- Mark A. Schuster, Grubb & Ellis
- Steve Spaulding, Ute Pass Christmas Trees, Inc.
- Marc S. Theisen, Synthetic Industries
- Gary L. Thor, CSU Department of Soil and Crop Science
- Jeffrey Todd, S. M. Stoller Corp. Mining Services Division
- Krystyna M. Urbanska, Swiss Fed. Inst. of Technology
- Keith Zobell, Utah Fuel Company
- Ron Zuck, Climax Molybdenum Company
- Chairman: Larry F. Brown, L.F. Brown and Associates
- Denise Arthur, Foster Wheeler Environmental; CSU Graduate Student
- Bill Agnew, Granite Seed, Inc.
- Phil Barnes
- Ray. W. Brown, USDA Forest Service
- David L. Buckner, ESCO Associates
- Vic Claassen, Univ. of CA.-Davis Land, Air, Water Res.
- Thomas A. Colbert, Toltest
- John Jeff Conner, Rocky Mountain National Park
- Robin L. Cuany
- Nancy Dunkle, National Park SVC-DSC
- Michael D. Ellis, Ellis Environmental Engineering, Inc.
- Julie Etra, Western Botanical Services
- Wendell G. Hassell
- Don Hijar, Pawnee Buttes Seed, Inc.
- Bruce Humphries, Colorado Division of Minerals and Geology
- Charles I. Jackson
- Deborah Keammerer, The Restoration Group
- Warren Keammerer, Keammerer Ecological Consultants, Inc.
- Lynn Kunsler, UT. Div. of Oil Gas & Mining
- John A. Lawson, Idaho Dept. Health & Welfare
- Carl Mackey, MK-Environmental Services
- Peter G. Moller, Colorado Mountain College
- Ben Northcutt, International Erosion Control Association
- Larry Oehler, Colorado Division of Minerals and Geology
- Jeffrey Pecka, Systems Planning Group
- Mark Phillips, Phillips Seeding and Reclamation
- Camille Price, Colorado Dept. of Health and Environment
- Ed Redente, CSU-Rangeland Ecosystem Science Dept.
- Bryce Romig, Cyprus Climax Metals Company
- Mark A. Schuster, Grubb & Ellis
- Stephen Spaulding, Ute Pass Christmas Trees, Inc.
- Marc S. Theisen, Synthetic Industries
- Gary Thor, CSU Dept. of Soil and Crop Science
- Jeffrey Todd, Shepherd Miller
- Krystyna Urbanska, Swiss Fed. Inst. of Technology
- Scott Wanstedt, Blue Mountain Energy, Inc.
- Keith Zoebel, Utah Fuel Co.
- Ron Zuck
- Chairman: Wendell G. Hassell, Pawnee Buttes Seed Inc.
- Vice Chair: Michael D. Ellis, Ellis Environmental Engineering, Inc.
- Denise Arthur, ESCO Associates
- Phil Barnes, Shell Oil Company
- David Buckner, ESCO Associates
- Jeff Campbell, Cripple Creek & Victor Gold Mining
- Vic Claassen, Univ. of CA.-Davis Land, Air & Water Res.
- Jeff Connor, Rocky Mountain National Park
- Boyd C. Cook, Idaho Dept. of Lands (retired)
- Robin L. Cuany, Colorado State University (retired)
- Nancy Dunkle, National Park Service (retired)
- Russ Haas, USDA – NRCS
- Don Hijar, Pawnee Buttes Seed Inc.
- Warren Keammerer, Keammerer Ecol. Consultants
- Lynn Kunzler, Utah Div. of Oil, Gas and Mining
- John A. Lawson, Idaho Dept. of Env. Quality
- Carl Mackey, Washington Group International
- Donna Mickley, USDA Forest Service
- Jody K. Nelson, Kaiser-Hill Ecology/PE Group
- Ben Northcutt, Internat Erosion Control Assoc.
- Jeff Pecka, Systems Planning Group
- Gary A. Peterson, CSU-Soil & Crop Sciences Dept.
- Mark Phillips, Phillips Seeding & Reclamation
- Ed Redente, CSU-Forest, Rangeland & Watershed
- Bryce Romig, Phelps Dodge Mining Co.- Henderson Mine
- Steve Spaulding, Ute Pass Christmas Trees Inc.
- Ed Spence, USDA – NRCS
- Ray Sperger, South Suburban Parks & Rec.
- Gary L. Thor, CSU-Soil and Crop Sciences Dept.
- Krystyna Urbanska, Swiss Fed. Inst. of Technology
- Scott Wanstedt, Blue Mountain Energy, Inc.
- Mindy Wheeler, WP Natural Resource Consulting
- Sarah Wynn, National Park Service – DSC
- Chairman: Peter Stahl, University of Wyoming
- Vice Chair: Tim Hoelzle, vice chair US Department of the Interior
- Treasurer: Cini Brown, Colorado State University, Dept of Bioagricultrual Sciences/Pest Management
- Secretary: Donna Goodsell, USDA NRCS
- Denise Arthur, Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission
- Robin Bay, Habitat Management, Inc.
- Chris Binchus, Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission
- Claire DeLeo, Boulder County Parks and Open Space
- Jesse Dillon, Cedar Creek Associates
- Jayne Jonas, Colorado State University
- Randy Mandel, Great Ecology
- Mark Paschke, Colorado State University, Dept of Forest and Rangeland Stewardship
- Chairman: Peter Stahl, University of Wyoming
- Vice Chair: Tim Hoelzle, US Department of the Interior
- Treasurer: Cini Brown, Colorado State University, Dept of Bioagricultrual Sciences and Pest Management
- Secretary: Jayne Jonas, Colorado State University, Dept of Forest and Rangeland Stewardship
- Denise Arthur, Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission
- Chris Binchus, Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission
- Jesse Dillon, Cedar Creek Associates
- Donna Goodsell, USDA NRCS
- Randy Mandel, Ramboll
- Mark Paschke, Colorado State University