About Us


The High Altitude Revegetation (HAR) organization promotes understanding of rehabilitation procedures and materials, natural resource values and potentials when fragile high-elevation ecosystems are to be modified by human activities and this information is also applicable to lower elevations.

Who we are

Executive Committee

Committee Members

  • Denise Arthur, Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission
  • Jesse Dillon, Cedar Creek Associates
  • Donna Goodsell, USDA NRCS
  • Tim Hoelzle, US Department of the Interior
  • Mark Paschke, Colorado State University

Interested in joining the HAR committee? Contact any of the Executive Committee members for more information.

Keep up with HAR!

Sign-up for our distribution list to receive emails about upcoming HAR events or other restoration-related announcements by emailing Jayne Jonas (jonasj@unk.edu)