Jon Salerno
Assistant Professor
I'm an ecologist, and I study people. My lab asks questions about how and why humans make decisions, particularly the ones in response to environmental changes. I'm interested mostly in what decision-making means for biodiversity conservation and natural resource management.
There's science layered throughout this site. On a more personal note, I grew up in Oregon, like wood as an aesthetic, and prefer things that are old. I'm not a domestic cat person, though make one exception for Ponce de Leon, pictured below. For fun, I generally like doing things for which there are much more efficient and commercial-scale methods, like growing food in my yard, baking bread, and fermenting things. I also like running and being outside.
I'm fortunate to get to work in my favorite places, the American West and a few parts of Africa. If I had to be specific, I'd say the McKenzie River watershed and the southern highlands spilling off into the Ruaha-Rungwe, Tanzania. The photos below are a smattering of other places or moments I often feel like revisiting.