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Adam Dillon

Ph.D. candidate, Graduate Degree Program in Ecology, advised by Dr. Kevin Crooks.

Project: The ecology of the island fox and island spotted skunk on Santa Cruz Island.

Cole Purdy Reduced

Cole Purdy

Ph.D. Student, Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology, advised by Dr. Kevin Crooks and Dr. Mireille Gonzalez.

Project: Reducing direct and social conflict regarding wolf restoration and management in Colorado.

Photo Cassandre

Cassandre Venumière--Lefebvre

PhD Student, Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology, advised by Dr. Kevin Crooks and Dr. Stewart Breck.

Project: Understanding tolerance of humans towards carnivores, focused on human-bear coexistence



Casey Lee

M.S. student, Graduate Degree Program in Ecology, advised by Dr. Lisa Angeloni (Biology, CSU) and Dr. Kevin Crooks.

Project: The effects of anthropogenic noise on the behavior of black-tailed prairie dogs




Jesse Barber (2008-2010)

The masking effect of anthropogenic noise on interactions between predators and prey
Funding: National Park Service
Co-Advisor: Kurt Fristrup (NPS)

Sarah Bevins (2008-2010)

The effects of urban fragmentation and landscape connectivity on disease prevalence and transmission in North American felids
Funding: NSF Ecology of Infectious Disease Program
Primary Advisor: Sue Vandewoude (Microbiology, Immunology, and Pathology)

Chris Burdett (2007-2011)

Conservation status of pumas through habitat modeling and mapping
Funding: Summerlee Foundation; National Park Service
Co-Advisors: Ken Wilson (Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology), David Theobald (Human Dimensions in Natural Resources)

Rachel Buxton (2015-2019)

The effects of noise pollution on wildlife
Funding: National Park Service
Co-Advisors: George Wittemyer (Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology); Lisa Angeloni (Biology); Kurt Fristrup (NPS)

Scott Carver (2010-2012)

The effects of urban fragmentation and landscape connectivity on disease prevalence and transmission in North American felids
Funding: NSF Ecology of Infectious Disease Program
Primary Advisor: Sue Vandewoude (Microbiology, Immunology, and Pathology)

Mark Ditmer (2020-2021)

Spatial modelling of wolf habitat suitability and conflict hotspots
Co-Advisor: George Wittemyer (Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology)

Nate Kleist (2017-2020)

The effects of anthropogenic noise on wildlife behavior, ecology, and conservation
Funding: National Park Service
Co-Advisors: George Wittemyer (Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology); Lisa Angeloni (Biology); Kurt Fristrup (NPS)

Brett Seymoure (2016-2019)

The effects of anthropogenic light on wildlife behavior, ecology, and conservation
Funding: National Park Service
Co-Advisors: George Wittemyer and Ken Wilson (Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology); Lisa Angeloni (Biology); Kurt Fristrup (NPS)

Graeme Shannon (2012-2014)

The effects of anthropogenic noise on wildlife behavior, ecology, and conservation
Funding: National Park Service
Co-Advisors: George Wittemyer and Ken Wilson (Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology); Lisa Angeloni (Biology); Kurt Fristrup (NPS)

Jeff Tracey (2007-2009)

Agent-based movement modeling, functional landscape connectivity, and disease transmission networks for felids in fragmented landscapes.
Funding: NSF Ecology of Infectious Disease Program
Co-Advisor: Sue Vandewoude (Microbiology, Immunology, and Pathology)


Robert Alonso

M.S. Wildlife Biology (Colorado State University): 2012
The effects of urbanization and road development on carnivores in southern California

Casey Brown

M.S. Ecology (Colorado State University): 2010
Anthropogenic sound impacts on ungulates in Grand Teton National Park
Co-Advisor: Lisa Angeloni (Biology)

Shalene George

M.S. Wildlife Ecology (University of Wisconsin Madison): 2003
Mammalian carnivores and human recreation in a southern California urban reserve

Ashley Gramza

M.S. Human Dimensions of Natural Resources (Colorado State University): 2014
Applying social science to inform conservation solutions regarding owned outdoor cats in urbanizing landscapes.
Co-advisor: Tara Teel (Human Dimensions of Natural Resources)

Amanda Hardy

Ph.D. Ecology (Colorado State University): 2012
A transportation corridor runs through it: people, wildlife, and transportation in national parks and beyond.

Matt Hyde:

PhD Ecology (Colorado State University): 2024
Human-carnivore conflict mitigation on ranchlands in the western United States and eastern Colombia.
Co-Advisor: Dr. Stewart Breck, USDA National Wildlife Research Center

Courtney Larson

Ph.D. Ecology (Colorado State University): 2019
Effects of outdoor recreation on wildlife in protected areas.
Co-Advisor: Sarah Reed, Switzer Foundation

Amariah Lebsock

M.S. Biology (Colorado State University): 2009
Swift fox space use and selection for prairie dog colonies before and after a plague epizootic
Co-Advisor: Michael Antolin (Biology)

Patrick Lendrum

Ph.D. Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology (Colorado State University): 2018
Wildlife community occurrence, activity patterns, and interspecific interactions in response to energy development
Co-Advisor: George Wittemyer (Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology)

Jesse Lewis

Ph.D. Ecology (Colorado State University): 2014
The effects of urbanization on felid populations, interactions, and pathogen dynamics

Stacy Lischka

Ph.D. Wildlife Biology (Colorado State University): 2018
Integrating social and ecological predictors of human-wildlife interactions to guide conservation and management.
Co-Advisor: Tara Teel (Human Dimensions of Natural Resources)

Travis Livieri

Ph.D. Biology (Colorado State University): 2023
Population ecology of black-footed ferrets in relation to sylvatic plague

Primary advisor: Dr. Lisa Angeloni (Biology)

Seth Magle

Ph.D. Ecology (Colorado State University): 2007
M.S. Wildlife Ecology (University of Wisconsin Madison): 2003
The persistence of prairie dogs within urban habitat islands in the Colorado Front Range

Sharon Poessel

M.S. Ecology (Colorado State University): 2009
Behavior and conservation of black footed-ferrets: stress in captivity and predation risk in the wild
Co-Advisor: Lisa Angeloni (Biology)

Emily Ruell

M.S. Ecology (Colorado State University): 2006
Estimating population parameters of mammalian carnivores in southern California using non-invasive genetic sampling

Jeff Tracey

Ph.D. Ecology (Colorado State University): 2006
M.S. Biometry (University of Wisconsin Madison): 2004
Use of statistical analysis and simulation models of mammalian carnivore movement to assess landscape connectivity

John Wilson

M.S. (Plan B) Wildlife Biology (Colorado State University): 2007
Comparison of research trends in the fields of Conservation Biology and Wildlife Biology