Jesse Barber (2008-2010)
The masking effect of anthropogenic noise on interactions between predators and prey
Funding: National Park Service
Co-Advisor: Kurt Fristrup (NPS)
Sarah Bevins (2008-2010)
The effects of urban fragmentation and landscape connectivity on disease prevalence and transmission in North American felids
Funding: NSF Ecology of Infectious Disease Program
Primary Advisor: Sue Vandewoude (Microbiology, Immunology, and Pathology)
Chris Burdett (2007-2011)
Conservation status of pumas through habitat modeling and mapping
Funding: Summerlee Foundation; National Park Service
Co-Advisors: Ken Wilson (Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology), David Theobald (Human Dimensions in Natural Resources)
Rachel Buxton (2015-2019)
The effects of noise pollution on wildlife
Funding: National Park Service
Co-Advisors: George Wittemyer (Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology); Lisa Angeloni (Biology); Kurt Fristrup (NPS)
Scott Carver (2010-2012)
The effects of urban fragmentation and landscape connectivity on disease prevalence and transmission in North American felids
Funding: NSF Ecology of Infectious Disease Program
Primary Advisor: Sue Vandewoude (Microbiology, Immunology, and Pathology)
Mark Ditmer (2020-2021)
Spatial modelling of wolf habitat suitability and conflict hotspots
Co-Advisor: George Wittemyer (Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology)
Nate Kleist (2017-2020)
The effects of anthropogenic noise on wildlife behavior, ecology, and conservation
Funding: National Park Service
Co-Advisors: George Wittemyer (Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology); Lisa Angeloni (Biology); Kurt Fristrup (NPS)
Brett Seymoure (2016-2019)
The effects of anthropogenic light on wildlife behavior, ecology, and conservation
Funding: National Park Service
Co-Advisors: George Wittemyer and Ken Wilson (Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology); Lisa Angeloni (Biology); Kurt Fristrup (NPS)
Graeme Shannon (2012-2014)
The effects of anthropogenic noise on wildlife behavior, ecology, and conservation
Funding: National Park Service
Co-Advisors: George Wittemyer and Ken Wilson (Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology); Lisa Angeloni (Biology); Kurt Fristrup (NPS)
Jeff Tracey (2007-2009)
Agent-based movement modeling, functional landscape connectivity, and disease transmission networks for felids in fragmented landscapes.
Funding: NSF Ecology of Infectious Disease Program
Co-Advisor: Sue Vandewoude (Microbiology, Immunology, and Pathology)
Robert Alonso
M.S. Wildlife Biology (Colorado State University): 2012
The effects of urbanization and road development on carnivores in southern California
Casey Brown
M.S. Ecology (Colorado State University): 2010
Anthropogenic sound impacts on ungulates in Grand Teton National Park
Co-Advisor: Lisa Angeloni (Biology)
Shalene George
M.S. Wildlife Ecology (University of Wisconsin Madison): 2003
Mammalian carnivores and human recreation in a southern California urban reserve
Ashley Gramza
M.S. Human Dimensions of Natural Resources (Colorado State University): 2014
Applying social science to inform conservation solutions regarding owned outdoor cats in urbanizing landscapes.
Co-advisor: Tara Teel (Human Dimensions of Natural Resources)
Amanda Hardy
Ph.D. Ecology (Colorado State University): 2012
A transportation corridor runs through it: people, wildlife, and transportation in national parks and beyond.
Matt Hyde:
PhD Ecology (Colorado State University): 2024
Human-carnivore conflict mitigation on ranchlands in the western United States and eastern Colombia.
Co-Advisor: Dr. Stewart Breck, USDA National Wildlife Research Center
Courtney Larson
Ph.D. Ecology (Colorado State University): 2019
Effects of outdoor recreation on wildlife in protected areas.
Co-Advisor: Sarah Reed, Switzer Foundation
Amariah Lebsock
M.S. Biology (Colorado State University): 2009
Swift fox space use and selection for prairie dog colonies before and after a plague epizootic
Co-Advisor: Michael Antolin (Biology)
Patrick Lendrum
Ph.D. Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology (Colorado State University): 2018
Wildlife community occurrence, activity patterns, and interspecific interactions in response to energy development
Co-Advisor: George Wittemyer (Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology)
Jesse Lewis
Ph.D. Ecology (Colorado State University): 2014
The effects of urbanization on felid populations, interactions, and pathogen dynamics
Stacy Lischka
Ph.D. Wildlife Biology (Colorado State University): 2018
Integrating social and ecological predictors of human-wildlife interactions to guide conservation and management.
Co-Advisor: Tara Teel (Human Dimensions of Natural Resources)
Travis Livieri
Ph.D. Biology (Colorado State University): 2023
Population ecology of black-footed ferrets in relation to sylvatic plague
Primary advisor: Dr. Lisa Angeloni (Biology)
Seth Magle
Ph.D. Ecology (Colorado State University): 2007
M.S. Wildlife Ecology (University of Wisconsin Madison): 2003
The persistence of prairie dogs within urban habitat islands in the Colorado Front Range
Sharon Poessel
M.S. Ecology (Colorado State University): 2009
Behavior and conservation of black footed-ferrets: stress in captivity and predation risk in the wild
Co-Advisor: Lisa Angeloni (Biology)
Emily Ruell
M.S. Ecology (Colorado State University): 2006
Estimating population parameters of mammalian carnivores in southern California using non-invasive genetic sampling
Jeff Tracey
Ph.D. Ecology (Colorado State University): 2006
M.S. Biometry (University of Wisconsin Madison): 2004
Use of statistical analysis and simulation models of mammalian carnivore movement to assess landscape connectivity
John Wilson
M.S. (Plan B) Wildlife Biology (Colorado State University): 2007
Comparison of research trends in the fields of Conservation Biology and Wildlife Biology