Crooks, K. R., and M. Sanjayan, Eds. 2006. Connectivity Conservation. Conservation Biology Book Series, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
Connectivity Conservation, the fourteenth volume in the Cambridge Series Conservation Biology, provides a synthesis on the current status and literature of connectivity conservation research and implementation. This volume, edited by Kevin R. Crooks and M. Sanjayan, is “essential reading for graduate students, researchers, and practitioners working in conservation biology and natural resource management.”
Review of volume in Conservation Biology:
“Enhancing ecological connectivity in the context of protected-area networks and land- and waterscapes may be the greatest challenge and possibly the most important task facing conservationists today. This book is a milestone in conservation biology not only because of the importance of the subject matter but also because of the numerous excellent and authoritative summaries… This book provides, as described on its cover, a summary of the current status and literature on connectivity and will certainly become one of the classic texts in conservation biology. As with other books in this series, it should be required reading in all advanced courses in conservation biology.”
Newmark, W. 2008. Another milestone in conservation literature. Conservation Biology 22: 224.
Refereed Publications
Benson, J.F., Keiter, D.A., Mahoney, P.J., Allen, B.L., Allen, L., Álvares, F., Anderson, M.L., Barber‐Meyer, S.M., Barocas, A., Beasley, J.C., Behrendorff, L…et al. 2025. Intrinsic and environmental drivers of pairwise cohesion in wild Canis social groups. Ecology, 106(1), p.e4492.
Conlon, M.M., Balgopal, M.M., Bruyere, B.L., Wright, D.S., Crooks, K.R. and Salerno, J., 2025. Who teaches place-based education: identifying relationships between environmental value orientation and pedagogical values. Environmental Education Research, 31(1), pp.11-28.
Seymoure, B.M., Buxton, R., White, J.M., Linares, C.R., Fristrup, K., Crooks, K., Wittemyer, G. and Angeloni, L., 2025. Global artificial light masks biologically important light cycles of animals. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, p.e2832.
Larson, C.L., Reed, S.E. and Crooks, K.R., 2024. Reptile responses to outdoor recreation in urban habitat fragments. Urban Ecosystems, 27(2), pp.453-468.
Ghasemi, B., Niemiec, R. and Crooks, K.R., 2024. Public perspectives on hunting mountain lions and black bears in Colorado. Conservation Science and Practice, 6(9), p.e13213.
Gagorik, C.N., Theimer, T.C., Crooks, K.R. and Boser, C.L., 2024. Space use and den visitation by the island spotted skunk (Spilogale gracilis amphiala) and island fox (Urocyon littoralis). The Southwestern Naturalist, 68(1), pp.35-46.
Seymoure, B., Parrish, T., Egan, K., Furr, M., Irwin, D., Brown, C., ... & Angeloni, L. (2024). Better red than dead: Plasticine moths are attacked less under HPS streetlights than LEDs. Basic and Applied Ecology, 74, 66-73.
Ditmer, M. A., Wittemyer, G., Zeller, K. A., Breck, S. W., Fletcher, R. J., & Crooks, K. R. 2023. Predicting dispersal and conflict risk for wolf recolonization in Colorado. Journal of Applied Ecology, 60(11), 2327-2339.
Hoag, D. J., Burkhardt, J., Ghasemi, B., Breck, S., Niemiec, R., & Crooks, K. R. 2023. Willingness to pay for reintroducing wolves in a divided voting base. Global Ecology & Conservation,46, e02576.
Hyde, M., Payán, E., Barragan, J., Stasiukynas, D., Rincón, S., Kendall, W. L., ... & Boron, V. 2023. Tourism-supported working lands sustain a growing jaguar population in the Colombian Llanos. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 10408.
Kleist, N.J., Fristrup, K.M., Buxton, R.T., McKenna, M.F., Job, J.R., Angeloni, L.M., Crooks, K. & Wittemyer, G., 2023. Anthropogenic noise events perturb acoustic communication networks. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 11, p.1149097.
Kozakiewicz, C., Burridge, C. P., Lee, J. S., Kraberger, S., Fountain-Jones, N. M., Fisher, R. N., Lyren, L. M., Jennings, M. K., Riley, S. P. D., Serieys, L. E. K., Craft, M., Funk, W. C., Crooks, K., VandeWoude, S., & Carver, S. 2023. Habitat connectivity and host relatedness influence virus spread across an urbanising landscape in a fragmentation-sensitive carnivore. Virus Evolution, 9(1), veac122.
Larson, C. L., Reed, S. E., & Crooks, K. R. 2023. Reptile responses to outdoor recreation in urban habitat fragments. Urban Ecosystems, 1-16.
Bolas, E.C., Sollmann, R., Crooks, K.R., Boydston, E.E., Shaskey, L., Boser, C.L., Dillon, A. and Van Vuren, D.H., 2022. Role of microhabitat and temporal activity in facilitating coexistence of endemic carnivores on the California Channel Islands. Journal of Mammalogy, 103(1), pp.18-28.
Crooks, K.R., Gonzalez, M.N. and Ghasemi, B., 2022. Scientist perspectives toward the status and management of gray wolves in the western United States. Conservation Science and Practice, p.e12728.
Ditmer, M.A., Niemiec, R.M., Wittemyer, G. and Crooks, K.R., 2022. Socio‐ecological drivers of public conservation voting: restoring gray wolves to Colorado, USA. Ecological Applications, p.e2532.
Ditmer, M.A., Wittemyer, G., Breck, S.W. and Crooks, K.R., 2022. Defining ecological and socially suitable habitat for the reintroduction of an apex predator. Global Ecology and Conservation, p.e02192.
Fountain-Jones, N.M., Kraberger, S., Gagne, R.B., Gilbertson, M.L., Trumbo, D.R., Charleston, M., Salerno, P.E., Chris Funk, W., Crooks, K., Logan, K. and Alldredge, M., 2022. Hunting alters viral transmission and evolution in a large carnivore. Nature Ecology & Evolution, pp.1-9.
Gilbertson, M. J., Fountain-Jones, N.M, Malmberg, J. L., Gagne, R. B., Lee, J. S., Kraberger, S., Kechejian, S., Petch, R., Chiu, E., Onorato, D., Cunningham, M.W., Crooks, K. R., Funk, W. C., Carver, S., VandeWoude, S., VanderWaal, K, Craft, M. E. 2022. Apathogenic proxies for transmission dynamics of a fatal virus. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 9: 940007.
Hoag, D., Breck, S., Crooks, K. and Niemiec, B., 2022. Economic Consequences of the Wolf Comeback in the Western United States. In Western Economics Forum (Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 61-70).
Niemiec, R., Berl, R.E., Gonzalez, M., Teel, T., Salerno, J., Breck, S., Camara, C., Collins, M., Schultz, C., Hoag, D. and Crooks, K., 2022. Rapid changes in public perception toward a conservation initiative. Conservation Science and Practice, p.e12632.
Venumière-Lefebvre, C. C., Breck, S. W., & Crooks, K. R. 2022. A systematic map of human-carnivore coexistence. Biological Conservation, 268, 109515.
Wright, D. S., Crooks, K. R., & Balgopal, M. M. (2022). Wildlife photographs: Seeing, caring, and learning through place-based education. Frontiers in Education, 7: 910324.
Fountain-Jones, N., S. Kraberger, R. Gagne, D. R. Trumbo, P. Salerno, W. C. Funk, K. Crooks, R. Biek, M. Alldredge, K. Logan, G. Baele, S. Dellicour, H. B. Ernest, S. VandeWoude, S. Carver, and M. E. Craft. 2021. Host relatedness and landscape connectivity shape pathogen spread in the puma, a large secretive carnivore. Nature Communications Biology 4:12.
Gagne, R.B., K. Crooks, M.E. Craft, E.S. Chiu, N.M. Fountain‐Jones, J. L. Malmberg, S. Carver, W.C. Funk, and S. VandeWoude. 2021. Parasites as conservation tools. Conservation Biology.
Kleist, N. J., Buxton, R. T., Lendrum, P. E., Linares, C., Crooks, K. R., & Wittemyer, G. (2021). Noise and landscape features influence habitat use of mammalian herbivores in a natural gas field. Journal of Animal Ecology 90: 875-885.
Lewis, J. S., Spaulding, S., Swanson, H., Keeley, W., Gramza, A. R., VandeWoude, S., & Crooks, K. R. (2021). Human activity influences wildlife populations and activity patterns: implications for spatial and temporal refuges. Ecosphere, 12(5), e03487.
Love, H. B., Cross, J. E., Fosdick, B., Crooks, K. R., VandeWoude, S., & Fisher, E. R. (2021). Interpersonal relationships drive successful team science: an exemplary case-based study. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 8:1-10.
Niemiec R, Gruby R, Quartuch M, Cavaliere C, Teel T, Crooks K, Salerno J, Solomon J, Jones K, Gavin M, Lavoie A, Stronza A, Meth L, Enrici A, Lanter K, Browne C, Proctor J, Manfredo M. (2021). Integrating social science into conservation planning. Integrating Social Science into Conservation Planning. Biological Conservation. 262, 109298.
Suraci, J., K. Gaynor, M. Allen, P. Alexander, J. Brashares, S. Cendejas-Zarelli, K. Crooks, M. Elbroch, T. Forrester, A. Green, J. Haight, N. Harris, M. Hebblewhite, F. Isbell, B. Johnston, R. Kays, P. Lendrum, J. Lewis, A. McInturff, W. McShea, T. Murphy, M. Palmer, A. Parsons, M. Parsons, M. Pendergast, C. Pekins, L. Prugh, K. Sager, S. Schuttler, C. Sekercioglu, B. Shepherd, L. Whipple, J. Whittington, G. Wittemyer, and C. Wilmers. 2021. Disturbance type and species life history predict mammal responses to humans. Global Change Biology.
Wright, D. S., Crooks, K. R., Hunter, D. O., Krumm, C. E., & Balgopal, M. M. (2021). Middle school science teachers’ agency to implement place-based education curricula about local wildlife. Environmental Education Research, 27(10), 1519-1537.
Bolas, E. C., R. Sollmann, K. R. Crooks, L. Shaskey, C. L. Boser, V. J. Bakker, A. Dillon, and D. H. Van Vuren. 2020. Assessing methods for detecting island spotted skunks. Wildlife Society Bulletin 44: 309-313.
Buxton, R. T., M. F McKenna, E. Brown, R. Ohms, A. Hammesfahr, L M. Angeloni, K. Crooks, G. Wittemyer. 2020. Varying behavioral responses of wildlife to motorcycle traffic. Global Ecology and Conservation 21 e00844.
Buxton, R.T., B. M. Seymoure, J. White, L. M. Angeloni, K. R. Crooks, K. Fristrup, M. F. McKenna, and G. Wittemyer. The relationship between anthropogenic light and noise in US national parks. Landscape Ecology 35: 1371-1384.
Crooks, K.R., L. S. Mills, M. Sanjayan, P. E. Ehrlich, J. C. Ogden, F. W. Allendorf, K. Ralls, R. F. Noss, G. Mace, J. A. Estes, and D. F. Doak. 2020. Reflections on Michael Soule, a visionary for conservation biology. Conservation Biology 34: 1592-1597.
Dannemiller, N. G., S. Kechejian, S. Kraberger, K. Logan, M. Alldredge, K. R. Crooks, S. VandeWoude, and S. Carver. 2020. Diagnostic Uncertainty and the epidemiology of feline foamy Virus in pumas (Puma concolor). Scientific Reports 10 (1): 1-7.
Kellner, A., S. Carver, A. Gramza, J. S. Lewis, S. VandeWoude, and K. R. Crooks. Outdoor Recreation at the Wildland–Urban Interface: Examining Human Activity Patterns and Compliance with Dog Management Policies. Natural Areas Journal 40, no. 3 (2020): 216-216.
Kozakiewicz, C., C. Burridge, W. C. Funk, M. Craft, K. Crooks, R. Fisher, N. Fountain-Jones, M. Jennings, S. Kraberger, J. Lee, L. Lyren, S. Riley, S. VandeWoude, and S. Carver. 2020. Does the virus cross the road? Viral phylogeographic patterns among bobcat populations reflect a history of urban development. Evolutionary Applications 00:1-12.
Kraberger, S., N. M Fountain-Jones, R. B. Gagne, J. Malmberg, N. G Dannemiller, K. Logan, M. Alldredge, A. Varsani, K. R Crooks, M. Craft, S. Carver, and S. VandeWoude. 2020. Frequent cross-species transmissions of foamy virus between domestic and wild felids. Virus Evolution 6 (1), vez058.
Larson, C. L., S. E. Reed, and K. R. Crooks. Increased hiking and mountain biking are associated with declines in urban mammal activity. California Fish and Wildlife (2020): 52.
Lischka, S. A., T. L. Teel, H. E. Johnson, C. Larson, S. Breck, and K. Crooks. Psychological drivers of risk‐reducing behaviors to limit human–wildlife conflict. Conservation Biology 34, no. 6 (2020): 1383-1392.
Niemiec, R.M, R.E.W. Berl, M. Gonzalez, T. Teel, C. Camara, M. Collins, J. Salerno, K. Crooks, C. Schultz, S. Breck, and D. Hoag. 2020. Public perspectives and media reporting of wolf reintroduction in Colorado. PeerJ 8:e9074
Sanjayan, M., K.R. Crooks, and L. S. Mills. 2020. Michael E. Soulé (1936–2020). Nature Ecology and Evolution 4: 1296–1297.
Shannon, G., M. F. McKenna, G. E. Wilson-Henjum, L. M. Angeloni, K. R. Crooks, and G. Wittemyer. 2019. Vocal characteristics of prairie dog alarm calls across an urban gradient. Behavioral Ecology 31: 393-400.
Smith, J.G., M. K. Jennings, E. E. Boydston, K. R. Crooks, H. B. Ernest, S.P. D. Riley, L. E. K. Serieys, S. Sleater-Squires, and R. L. Lewison. 2020. Carnivore population structure across an urbanization gradient: a regional genetic analysis of bobcats in southern California. Landscape Ecology: 1-16.
Buxton, R. T., M. F. McKenna, D. Mennitt, E. Brown, K. Fristrup, K. R. Crooks, L. Angeloni, G. Wittemyer. 2019. Sources and spatial extent of noise in US National Parks. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. doi:10.1002/fee.2112.
Buxton, R. T., M. F McKenna, E. Brown, R. Ohms, A. Hammesfahr, L M. Angeloni, K. Crooks, G. Wittemyer. 2019. Varying behavioral responses of wildlife to motorcycle traffic. Global Ecology and Conservation 21 e00844.
Kechejian S. R, N. Dannemiller, S. Kraberger, C. Ledesma-Feliciano, J. Malmberg, M. Roelke Parker, M. Cunningham, R. McBride, S. P. D. Riley, W. Vickers, K. Logan, M. Alldredge, K. Crooks, M. Lochelt, S. Carver, and S. VandeWoude. 2019. Feline foamy virus is highly prevalent in free-ranging Puma concolor from Colorado, Florida and Southern California. Viruses 11(4): 359.
Kozakiewicz, C., C. Burridge, W. C. Funk, P. Salerno, D. Trumbo, R. Gagne, E. Boydston, R. Fisher, L. Lyren, M. Jennings, S. Riley, L. Serieys, S. VandeWoude, K. Crooks, and S. Carver. 2019. Urbanization reduces genetic connectivity in bobcat (Lynx rufus) at both intra- and inter-population spatial scales. Molecular Ecology 28: 5068-5085.
Larson, C. L., S. E. Reed, A. M. Merenlender, and K. R. Crooks. 2019. A meta-analysis of recreation effects on vertebrate species richness and abundance. Conservation Letters e93.
Lischka, S. A., T. L. Teel, H. Johnson, and K. R. Crooks. 2019. Understanding and managing human tolerance for a large carnivore in a residential system. Biological Conservation 238: 108189.
Malmberg, J. L, J. S. Lee, R. Gagne, S. Kechejian, M. E. Roelke, R. McBride, D. Onorato, M. W. Cunningham, K. R. Crooks, and S. VandeWoude. 2019. Altered lentiviral infection dynamics follow genetic rescue of the Florida panther. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286: 20191689.
Reynolds, J. J. H., S. Carver, M. W. Cunningham, K. A. Logan, W. Vickers, K. R. Crooks, S. VandeWoude, and M. E. Craft. 2019. Feline immunodeficiency virus in puma: Estimation of force of infection reveals insights into transmission. Ecology and Evolution 2019; 00:1-15.
Shannon, G., M. F. McKenna, G. E. Wilson-Henjum, L. M. Angeloni, K. R. Crooks, G. Wittemyer. 2019. Vocal characteristics of prairie dog alarm calls across an urban gradient. Behavioral Ecology. arz200,
Trumbo, D. R., P. E. Salerno, K. A. Logan, M. W. Alldredge, R. B. Gagne, C. P. Kozakiewicz, S. Kraberger, N. M. Fountain-Jones, M. E. Craft, S. Carver, H. B. Ernest, K. R Crooks, S. VandeWoude, W. C. Funk. 2019. Urbanization impacts apex predator gene flow but not genetic diversity across an urban-rural divide. Molecular Ecology 28: 4926-4940.
Windell, R. M., J. S. Lewis, A. R. Gramza, and K. R. Crooks. 2019. Carnivore carrying behavior as documented with wildlife camera traps. Western North American Naturalist 79: 471-480.
Augustine, B. C., J. A. Royle, M. J. Kelly, C. B. Satter, R. S. Alonso, E. E. Boydston, and K. R. Crooks. 2018. Spatial capture-recapture with partial identity: An application to camera traps. Annals of Applied Statistics 12: 67-95.
Buxton, R. T., P. Lendrum, K. R. Crooks, and G. Wittemyer. 2018. Pairing camera traps and acoustic recorders to monitor the ecological impact of human disturbance. Global Ecology and Conservation 16: e00493.
Buxton, R. T., M. F. McKenna, M. Clapp, E. Meyer, E. Stabenau, L. M. Angeloni, K. R. Crooks, G. Wittemyer. 2018. Efficacy of extracting indices from large-scale acoustic recordings to monitor biodiversity. Conservation Biology 32:1174-1184.
Kellner, A., S. Carver, V. Scorza, C. D. McKee, M. Lappin, K. R. Crooks, S. VandeWoude, and M. F. Antolin. 2018. Transmission pathways and spillover of an erythrocytic bacterial pathogen from domestic cats to wild felids. Ecology and Evolution 8: 9779-9792.
Kozakiewicz, C., C. Burridge, C. Funk, S. VandeWoude, M. Craft, K. Crooks, H. Ernest, N. Fountain-Jones, S. Carver. In Press. Pathogens in space: advancing understanding of pathogen dynamics and disease ecology through landscape genetics. Evolutionary Applications 11:1763–1778.
Larson, C. L., S. E. Reed, A. M. Merenlender, and K. R. Crooks. 2018. Accessibility drives species exposure to recreation in a fragmented urban reserve network. Landscape and Urban Planning 175: 62-71.
Lendrum, P. E., J. M. Northrup, C. R. Anderson, G. E. Liston, C. L. Aldridge, K. R. Crooks, and G. Wittemyer. 2018. Predation risk across a dynamic landscape: effects of anthropogenic land use, natural landscape features, and prey distribution. Landscape Ecology 33: 157-170.
Lishka, S. A., T. L. Teel, H. Johnson, S. Reed, S. Breck, A. Don Carlos, and K. R. Crooks. 2018. A conceptual model for the integration of social and ecological information to understand human-wildlife interactions. Biological Conservation 225:80-87.
Buxton, R. T., M. F. McKenna, D. Mennitt, K. Fristrup, K. Crooks, L. Angeloni, and G. Wittemyer. 2017. Noise pollution as a pervasive threat in U.S. protected areas. Science 356: 531-533.
Crooks, K. R., C. L. Burdett, D. M. Theobald, S. R. B. King, M. Di Marco, C. Rondinini, and L. Boitani. 2017. Quantification of habitat fragmentation reveals extinction risk in terrestrial mammals. PNAS 114:7635-7640.
Escobar, L. E., S. Carver, D. Romero-Alvarez, S. VandeWoude, K. R. Crooks, M. R. Lappin, and M. E. Craft. 2017. Inferring the ecological niche of Toxoplasma gondii and Bartonella spp. in wild felids. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 4, 172.
Fountain-Jones, N., M. Craft, W. C. Funk, C. Kozakiewicz, D. Trumbo, E. Boydston, L. Lyren, K. Crooks, J. Lee, S. VandeWoude, and S. Carver. 2017. Urban landscapes can change viral gene flow and evolution in a fragmentation-sensitive carnivore. Molecular Ecology 26: 6487-6498.
Kellner, A., S. Carver, A. Gramza, J. S. Lewis, S. VandeWoude, and K. R. Crooks. 2017. Outdoor recreation at the wildland-urban interface: examining human activity patterns and compliance with dog management strategies. Natural Areas Journal 37: 515-529.
Lee, J., J. L. Malmberg, B. A. Wood, S. Hladky, R. Troyer, M. Roelke, M. Cunningham, R. McBride, W. Vickers, W. Boyce, E. Boydston, L. Serieys, S. Riley, K. Crooks, and S. VandeWoude. 2017. Feline immunodeficiency virus cross-species transmission: Implications for emergence of new lentiviral infections. Journal of Virology 91: e02134-16.
Lendrum, P., K. Crooks, and G. Wittemyer. 2017. Changes in circadian activity patterns of a wildlife community post high-intensity energy development. Journal of Mammalogy 98: 1265-1271.
Lewis, J. L., K. A. Logan, M. W. Alldredge, S. Carver, S. N. Bevins, M. Lappin, S. VandeWoude, and K. R. Crooks. 2017. The effects of demographic, social, and environmental characteristics on pathogen prevalence in wild felids across a gradient of urbanization. PLoS ONE 12: e0187035.
Lewis, J. S., K. A. Logan, M. W. Alldredge, D. Theobald, S. VandeWoude, and K. R. Crooks. 2017. Contact networks reveal potential for interspecific interactions of sympatric wild felids driven by space use along an urban gradient. Ecosphere 8: e01707.
Samia, D. S. M., L. M. Angeloni, M. Bearzi, E. Bessa, K. R. Crooks, M. D’Amico, U. Ellenberg, B. Geffroy, C. L. Larson, R. Loyola, A. P. Møller, S. E. Reed, B. Sadoul, G. Shannon, Z. Tablado, D. Zacarias and D. T. Blumstein. 2017. Best practices toward sustainable ecotourism. Pages 153-178 in Ecotourism’s promise and peril (D. Blumstein, B. Geffroy, D. Samia, and E. Bessa, eds). Springer, Cham.
Shannon G., C. L. Larson, S. E. Reed, K. R. Crooks, and L. M. Angeloni. 2017. Ecological consequences of ecotourism for wildlife populations and communities. Pages 29-46 in Ecotourism’s promise and peril (D. Blumstein, B. Geffroy, D. Samia, and E. Bessa, eds). Springer, Cham.
Wittemyer, G., J. Berger, K. Crooks, B. Noon, L. Pejchar, S. Reed, and J. Savidge. 2017. To advocate or not is no longer the question: Paths to enhance scientific engagement. Bioscience bix134,
Carver, S., S. N. Bevins, M. R. Lappin, E. E. Boydston, L. M. Lyren, M. Alldredge, K. A. Logan, L. L. Sweanor, S. P. D. Riley, L. E. K. Serieys, R. N. Fisher, T. W. Vickers, W. Boyce, R. McBride, M. C. Cunningham, M. Jennings, J. Lewis, T. Lunn, K. R. Crooks, and S. VandeWoude. 2016. Pathogen exposure varies widely among sympatric populations of wild and domestic felids across the United States. Ecological Applications 26:367-381.
Funk, W. C., R. E. Lovich, P. A. Hohenlohe, C. A. Hofman, S. A. Morrison, T. S. Sillett, C. K. Ghalambor, J. E. Maldonado, T. C. Rick, M. D. Day, T. J. Coonan, K. R. Crooks, A. Dillon, D. K. Garcelon, J. L. King, L. M. Lyren, E. E. Boydston, N. Gould, and W. F. Andelt. 2016. Adaptive divergence despite strong genetic drift: genomic analysis of the evolutionary mechanisms causing genetic differentiation in the island fox (Urocyon littoralis). Molecular Ecology 25: 2176–2194.
Gilbertson, M. L. J., S. Carver, S. VandeWoude, K. R. Crooks, M. R. Lappin, and M. E. Craft. 2016. Is pathogen exposure spatially autocorrelated? Patterns of pathogens in puma (Puma concolor) and bobcat (Lynx rufus). Ecosphere 7: e01558.
Gramza, A., T. Teel, S. VandeWoude, and K Crooks. 2016. Understanding public perceptions of risk regarding outdoor pet cats to inform conservation action. Conservation Biology 30: 276-286.
Greggor, A. L., O. Berger-Tal, D. T. Blumstein, L. Angeloni, C. Bessa-Gomes, B. F. Blackwell, C. Cassady St Clair, K. R. Crooks, S. de Silva, E. Fernandez-Jurisic, S. Z. Goldenberg, S. L. Mesnick, M. Owen, C. J. Price, D. Saltz, C. J. Schell, A. V. Suarez, R. R. Swaisgood, C. S. Winchell, and W. J. Sutherland. 2016. Research priorities from animal behavior for maximising conservation progress. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 31: 953-964.
Larson, C. L., S. E. Reed, A. M. Merenlender, and K. R. Crooks. 2016. Effects of recreation on animals revealed as widespread through a global systematic review. PLoS ONE 11(12): e0167259.
Shannon, G., K. R. Crooks, G. Wittemyer, K. M. Fristrup, and L. M. Angeloni. 2016. Road noise causes earlier predator detection and flight response in a free-ranging mammal. Behavioural Ecology 27: 1370-1375.
Shannon, G., M. F. McKenna, L. M. Angeloni, K. R. Crooks, K. M. Fristrup, E. Brown, K. A. Warner, M. D. Nelson, C. White, J. Briggs, S. McFarland, and G. Wittemyer. 2016. A synthesis of two decades of research documenting the effects of noise on wildlife. Biological Reviews 91: 982-1005.
Thornton, D., K. Zeller, C. Rondinini, L. Boitani, K R. Crooks, C. Burdett, A. Rabinowitz, and H. Quigley. 2016. Assessing the umbrella value of a range-wide conservation network for jaguars (Panthera onca). Ecological Applications 26: 1112-1124.
Wierzbowska, I. A., M. Hędrzak, B. Popczyk, H. Okarma, and K. R. Crooks. 2016. Predation of wildlife by free-ranging domestic dogs in Polish hunting grounds and potential competition with the grey wolf. Biological Conservation 201: 1-9.
Alonso, R. S., B. T. McClintock, L. M. Lyren, E. E. Boydston, and K. R. Crooks. 2015. Mark-recapture and mark-resight methods for estimating abundance with remote cameras: a carnivore case study. PLoS ONE. 10(3): e0123032
Larson, R. N., D. J. Morin, I. A. Wierzbowska, and K. R. Crooks. 2015. Food habits of coyotes, gray foxes, and bobcats in a coastal southern California urban landscape. Western North American Naturalist 75: 339-347.
Lewis, J. S., K. A. Logan, M. W. Alldredge, L. L. Bailey, S. VandeWoude, and K. R. Crooks. 2015. The effects of urbanization on population density, occupancy, and detection probability of wild felids. Ecological Applications 25: 1180-1895.
Lewis, J. S., L. B. Bailey, S. VandeWoude, and K. R. Crooks. 2015. Interspecific interactions between wild felids vary across scales and levels of urbanization. Ecology and Evolution 5: 5946–5961.
Nogiere, R. M., F. W. Davis, K. R. Crooks, B. H. McRae, L. M. Lyren, and E. E. Boydston. 2015. Can orchards help connect Mediterranean ecosystems? Animal movement data alter conservation priorities. American Midland Naturalist. 174:105-116.
Serieys, L. E. K, T. C. Armenta, J. G. Moriarty, E. E. Boydston, L. M. Lyren, R. H. Poppenga, K. R. Crooks, R. K. Wayne, and S. P. D. Riley. 2015. Anticoagulant rodenticides in urban bobcats: exposure, risk factors and potential effects based on a 16-year study. Ecotoxicology 24:844-862.
Alonso, R. S., L. M. Lyren, E. E. Boydston, C. D. Haas, and K. R. Crooks. 2014. Evaluation of road expansion and connectivity mitigation for wildlife in southern California. The Southwestern Naturalist 59:181-187.
Gramza, A., T. L. Teel, and K. R. Crooks. 2014. Minimizing the effects of free-ranging domestic cats on wildlife: A framework that integrates social and biological information. Pages 198-202 in Proceedings of the 26th Vertebrate Pest Conference (R.M. Timm and J. M. O’Brien, eds.). University of California Davis, California.
Lee, J., S. Bevins, L. Serieys, W. Vickers, K. Logan, M. Aldredge, E. Boydston, L. Lyren, R. McBride, M. Roelke-Parker, J. Pecon-Slattery, J. Troyer, S. Riley, W. Boyce, K. Crooks, and S. VandeWoude. 2014. The evolution of puma lentivirus in bobcats (Lynx rufus) and mountain lions (Puma concolor) in North America. Journal of Virology 88: 7727-7737.
Magle, S. B., S. A. Poessel, K .R. Crooks, and S. W. Breck. 2014. More dogs less bite: the relationship between human-coyote conflict and prairie dog colonies in an urban landscape. Landscape and Urban Planning 127: 146-153.
Poessel, S. A., C. L. Burdett, E. E. Boydston, L. M. Lyren, R. S. Alonso, R. N. Fisher, and K. R. Crooks. In Press. Roads influence movement and home ranges of a fragmentation-sensitive carnivore, the bobcat, in an urban landscape. Biological Conservation 180: 224-232.
Shannon, G., L. S. Cordes, A. R. Hardy, L. M. Angeloni, and K. R. Crooks. 2014. Behavioral responses associated with a human-mediated predator shelter. PLoS ONE 9(4): e94630.
Shannon, G., L. M. Angeloni, G. Wittemyer, K. M. Fristrup, and K. R. Crooks. 2014. Road traffic modifies behaviour of a keystone species. Animal Behaviour 94:135-141.
Tracey, J. A., S. N. Bevins, S. VandeWoude, and K. R. Crooks. 2014. An agent-based movement model to assess the impact of landscape fragmentation on disease transmission. Ecosphere 5(9): article 119.
Troyer, R., J. Beatty, K. Stutzman-Rodriguez, S. Carver, C. Lozano, J. Lee, M. Lappin, S. Riley, L. Serieys, K. Logan, L. Sweanor, W. M. Boyce, W. Vickers, R. McBride, K. Crooks, J. Lewis, M. Cunningham, J. Rovnak, S. Quackenbush, and S. VandeWoude. 2014. Novel gammaherpesviruses in North American domestic cats, bobcats and pumas: identification, prevalence and risk factors. Journal of Virology 03405-13.
Estes, J., K. Crooks, and R. D. Holt. 2013. Ecological role of predators. Pages 229-249 in Encyclopedia of Biodiversity. Second Edition. (S. Levin, ed.). Elsevier Science.
Jones, K. L., D. H. Van Vuren, M. B. McEachern, K. R. Crooks, J. W. Dragoo, and B. May. 2013. Spatial and genetic organization of the island spotted skunk, Spilogale gracilis amphiala. The Southwestern Naturalist 58: 481-486.
Kehl, T., A. Bleiholder, F. Rossmann, S. Rupp, J. Lei, J. Lee, W. Boyce, W. Vickers, K. Crooks, S. VandeWoude, and M. Lochelt. 2013. Complete genome sequences of two novel Puma concolor foamy viruses from California. Genome Announcements 1(2): e00201-12.
Lagana, D. M., J. S. Lee, J. S. Lewis, S. N. Bevins, S. Carver, L. L. Sweanor, R. McBride, K. R. Crooks, S. VandeWoude. 2013. Characterization of regionally-associated Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) in bobcats (Lynx rufus). Journal of Wildlife Diseases 49: 718-722.
McClintock, B. T., P. B. Conn, R. S. Alonso, and K. R. Crooks. 2013. Integrated modeling of bilateral photo-identification data in mark-recapture analyses. Ecology 1464-1471.
Nogiere, T. M., F. W. Davis, J. M. Duggan, K. R. Crooks, and E. E. Boydston. 2013. Carnivore use of agricultural orchards across an agricultural-wildland gradient. PLoS ONE 8(7): e68025.
Tracey, J. A., J. Zhu, E. Boydston, L. Lyren, R. N. Fisher, and K. R. Crooks. 2013. Mapping behavioral landscapes for animal movement: a finite mixture modeling approach. Ecological Applications 23: 654-669.
Poessel, S. A., S. W. Breck, T. Teel, S. Shwiff, K. R. Crooks, and L. Angeloni. 2013. Patterns of human-coyote conflict in the Denver metropolitan area. Journal of Wildlife Management 77: 297-305.
Bevins, S. N., S. Carver, E. E. Boydston, L. M. Lyren, M. Alldredge, K. A. Logan, S. P. D. Riley, R. N. Fisher, T. W. Vickers, W. Boyce, M. Salman, M. R. Lappin, K. R. Crooks, and S. VandeWoude. 2012. Three pathogens in sympatric populations of pumas, bobcats, and domestic cats: Implications for infectious disease transmission. PLoS ONE 7(2) e31403, 1-10.
Brown, C. L., A. R. Hardy, J. R. Barber, K. M. Fristrup, K. R. Crooks, and L. M. Angeloni. 2012. The effect of human activities and their associated noise on ungulate behaviour. PLoS ONE. 7(7): e40505, 1-9.
Carver, S., A. V. Scorza, S. N. Bevins, S. P. D. Riley, K. R. Crooks, S. Vandewoude, and M. R. Lappin. 2012. Zoonotic parasites of bobcats around human landscapes. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 50: 3080-3083.
Lebsock, A. A., C. L. Burdett, S. K. Darden, T. Dabelsteen, M. F. Antolin, and K. R. Crooks. 2012. Space use and territoriality in swift foxes (Vulpes velox) in northeastern Colorado. Canadian Journal of Zoology 90: 337-344.
Lee, J., E. Ruell, E. Boydston, L. Lyren, R. Alonso, J. Troyer, K. R. Crooks, and S. VandeWoude. 2012. Host and pathogen molecular markers reveal different patterns of connectivity among bobcats (Lynx rufus) in a highly fragmented landscape. Molecular Ecology 21: 1617-1631.
Magle, S. B., V. M. Hunt, M. Vernon, and K. R. Crooks. 2012. Urban wildlife research: past, present, and future. Biological Conservation 155: 23-32.
Magle, S. B., K. A. Salamack, K. R. Crooks, and R. P. Reading. 2012. Effects of habitat fragmentation and a highly interactive species, the black-tailed prairie dog, on urban avian diversity. Biodiversity and Conservation 21: 2803-2821.
Ruell, E. W., S. P. D. Riley, M. R. Douglas, M. F. Antolin, J. R. Pollinger, J. A. Tracey, L. M. Lyren, E. E. Boydston, R. N. Fisher, and K. R. Crooks. 2012. Urban habitat fragmentation and genetic population structure of bobcats in coastal southern California. American Midland Naturalist 168:265-280.
Wierzbowska, I. A., J. Olko, M. Hedrzak, and K. R. Crooks. 2012. Free-ranging domestic cats reduce the effective protected area of a Polish national park. Mammalian Biology 77: 204-210.
Barber, J. R., C. L. Burdett, S. E. Reed, K. A. Warner, C. Formichella, K. R. Crooks, D. M. Theobald, and K. M. Fristrup. 2011. Anthropogenic noise exposure in protected natural areas: estimating the scale of ecological consequences. Landscape Ecology 26: 1281-1295.
Crooks, K .R., C. L. Burdett, D. M. Theobald, C. Rondinini, and L. Boitani. 2011. Global patterns of fragmentation and connectivity of mammalian carnivore habitat. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 366: 2642-2651.
Floyd, C. H., D. H. Van Vuren, K. R. Crooks, K. L. Jones, D. K. Garcelon, N. M. Belfiore, J. W. Dragoo, and B. May. 2011. Genetic differentiation of island spotted skunks, Spilogale gracilis amphiala. Journal of Mammalogy 92: 148-158
Poessel, S. A., S. W. Breck, D. E. Biggins, T. M. Lavieri, K. R. Crooks, and L. Angeloni. 2011. Landscape features influence postrelease predation on endangered black-footed ferrets. Journal of Mammalogy 92: 732-741.
Poessel, S. A., D. E. Biggins, R. M. Santymire, T. M. Livieri, K. R. Crooks, and L. Angeloni. 2011. Environmental enrichment affects adrenocortical stress responses in the endangered black-footed ferret. General and Comparative Endocrinology 172: 526-533.
Rondinini, C., L. Boitani, A. S. L. Rodirigues, T. M. Brooks, R. L. Pressey, P. Visconti, J. E. M. Baillie, D. Baisero, M. Cabeza, K. R. Crooks, M. DiMarco, K. H. Redford, S. A. Andelman, M. Hoffmann, L. Maiorano, S. N. Stuart, and K. A. Wilson. 2011. Reconciling global mammal prioritisation schemes into a strategy. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 366: 2722-2728.
Shock, B. C., S. M. Murphy, L. L. Patton, P. M. Shock, C. Olfenbuttel, J. Beringer, S. Prange, D. M. Grove, M. Peek, J. W. Butfiloski, D. W. Hughes, J. M. Lockhart, S. N. Bevins, S. VandeWoude, K. R. Crooks, V. F. Nettles, H. M. Brown, D. S. Peterson, and M. J. Yabsley. 2011. Distribution and prevalence of Cytauxzoon felis in bobcats (Lynx rufus), the natural reservoir, and other wild felids in thirteen states. Veterinary Parasitology 175: 325-330.
Theobald, D. M., K. R. Crooks, and J. B. Norman. 2011. Assessing effects of land use on landscape connectivity: loss and fragmentation of western US forests. Ecological Applications 21: 2445-2458.
Tracey, J. A., J. Zhu, and K. R. Crooks. 2011. Modeling and inference of animal movement using artificial neural networks. Environmental and Ecological Statistics 18: 393-410.
Angeloni L, K .R. Crooks, and D. T. Blumstein. 2010. Conservation and behavior: Introduction. Pages 377-381 in: Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior, Volume 1 (M. D. Breed & J. Moore, eds.). Academic Press, Oxford.
Barber, J. R., K. R. Crooks, and K. M. Fristrup. 2010. The costs of chronic noise exposure for terrestrial organisms. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 25: 180-189.
Burdett, C. L., K .R. Crooks, D. M. Theobald, K. R. Wilson, E. E. Boydston, L. M. Lyren, R. Fisher, S. A. Morrison, and W. M. Boyce. 2010. Interfacing models of wildlife habitat and human development to predict future distribution of puma habitat. Ecosphere 1: 1, article 4.
Crooks, K. R., S. P. D. Riley, S. D. Gehrt, T. E. Gosselink, and T. R. Van Deelen. 2010. Community ecology of urban carnivores. Pages 185-196 in: Urban Carnivores: Ecology, Conflict, and Conservation (S. D. Gehrt, S.P.D Riley, B.L. Cypher, eds). John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD.
Magle, S. B., P. Reyes, J. Zhu, and K. R. Crooks. 2010. Extirpation, colonization, and habitat dynamics of a keystone species along an urban gradient. Biological Conservation 143: 2146-2155.
Magle, S., E. Ruell, M. F. Antolin, and K. R. Crooks. 2010. Population genetic structure of black-tailed prairie dogs, a highly interactive species, in fragmented urban habitat. Journal of Mammalogy 91:326-335.
Ordeñana, M. A., K. R. Crooks, E. E. Boydston, R. N. Fisher, L. M. Lyren, S. Siudyla, C. Haas, S. Harris, S. A. Hathaway, G. M. Turschak, A. K. Miles, and. D. H. Van Vuren. 2010. The effects of urbanization on carnivore species distribution and richness. Journal of Mammalogy 91: 1322-1331.
Riley, S. P. D., E. Boydston, K. R. Crooks, and L. M. Lyren. 2010. Bobcats (Lynx rufus). Pages 121-138 in: Urban Carnivores: Ecology, Conflict, and Conservation (S. D. Gehrt, S.P.D Riley, B.L. Cypher, eds). John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD.
Allan, B. F., R. B. Langerhans, W. A. Ryberg, W. J. Landesman, N. W. Griffin, R. S. Katz, B. J. Oberle, M. R. Schutzenhofer, K. N. Smyth, A. de St. Maurice, L. Clark, K. R. Crooks, D. E. Hernandez, R. G. McLean, R. S. Ostfeld, and J. M. Chase. 2009. Ecological correlates of risk and incidence of West Nile Virus in the United States. Oecologia 158: 699-708.
Barber, J. R., C. Brown, K. M. Fristrup, A. R. Hardy, L. Angeloni, and K. R. Crooks. 2009. Conserving the wild life therein: The effects of man-made noise on animal ecology. Park Science 26: 26-31.
Bevins, S.N., J.A. Tracey, S. P. Franklin, V. L. Schmit, M. L. MacMillan, K. A. Logan, L. L. Sweanor, M.W. Alldredge, W. M. Boyce, W. Vickers, S. P. D. Riley, L. M. Lyren, E. E. Boydston, C. Krumm, M. Salman, M. E. Roelke, K. L. Gage, M. E. Schrieffer, K. R. Crooks, and S. VandeWoude. 2009. Plague and wild felids: zoonotic disease in the western US. Emerging Infectious Diseases 15: 2021-2024.
Magle, S., and K. R Crooks. 2009. Investigating the distribution of prairie dogs in an urban landscape. Animal Conservation 12:129-203.
Magle, S., D. M. Theobald, and K. R Crooks. 2009. Comparing connectivity metrics predicting the distribution of a highly interactive species along an urban gradient. Landscape Ecology 24: 267-280
Ruell, E., S. Riley, M. Douglas, J. Pollinger, and K. R. Crooks. 2009. Estimating bobcat population sizes and densities using scat and capture-recapture sampling. Journal of Mammalogy 90: 129-135.
Swarts, H., K. R. Crooks, N. Willits, and R. Woodroffe. 2009. Possible contemporary evolution in an endangered species, the Santa Cruz Island fox. Animal Conservation 12:120-127.
Angeloni, L., M. A. Schlaepfer, J. L. Lawler, and K. R. Crooks. 2008. A reassessment of the interface between conservation and behaviour. Animal Behaviour 75: 731-737.
Crooks, K.R., M. Grigione, A. Scoville, G. Scoville. 2008. Exploratory use of track and camera surveys of mammalian carnivores in the Peloncillo and Chiricahua mountains of southeastern Arizona. The Southwestern Naturalist 53: 510-517.
Jones, K. L., D. H. VanVuren, and K. R. Crooks. 2008. Sudden increase in a rare endemic carnivore: ecology of the island spotted skunk on Santa Cruz Island. Journal of Mammalogy 89: 75-86.
Magle, S. B., and K. R. Crooks. 2008. Interactions between black-tailed prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus) and vegetation in habitat fragmented by urbanization. Journal of Arid Environments 72:238-246.
Reznick, D. N., C. K. Ghalambor, and K. Crooks. 2008. Experimental studies of evolution in guppies: a model for understanding the evolutionary consequences of predator removal in natural communities. Molecular Ecology 17:97-107.
Franklin, S. P., J. L. Troyer, J. A. Terwee, L. M. Lyren, W. M. Boyce, S. P. D. Riley, M. E. Roelke, K. R. Crooks, and S. VandeWoude. 2007. Frequent transmission of immunodeficiency viruses among bobcats and pumas. Journal of Virology 81: 10961-10969.
Franklin, S. P., J. L. Troyer, J. A. TerWee, L. M. Lyren, R. W. Kays, S. P. D. Riley, W. M. Boyce, K. R. Crooks, and S. VandeWoude. 2007. Variability in assays used for detection of lentiviral infection in bobcats (Lynx rufus), pumas (Puma concolor), and ocelots (Leopardus pardalis). Journal of Wildlife Diseases 43:700-710.
Grigione, M., A. Scoville, G. Scoville, and K. Crooks. 2007. Neotropical cats in southeast Arizona: past and present distributions of jaguars, ocelots, and jaguarundis. Journal of Neotropical Mammalogy 14:189-199.
Kauffman, M. J., M. Sanjayan, J. Lowenstein, A. Nelson, R. M. Jeo, and K. R. Crooks. 2007. Remote camera-trap methods and analyses reveal impacts of rangeland management on Namibian carnivore communities. Oryx 41: 70-78
Magle, S. B., B. T. McClintock, D. W. Tripp, G. C. White, M. F. Antolin, and K. R. Crooks. 2007. A new method for estimating population densities for prairie dogs. Journal of Wildlife Management 71: 2067-2073.
Ruell, E. W., and K. R. Crooks. 2007. Evaluation of non-invasive genetic sampling methods for felid and canid populations. Journal of Wildlife Management 71:1690-1694.
Bennett, A. F., K. R. Crooks, and M. Sanjayan. 2006. The future of connectivity conservation. Pages 676-694 in Connectivity Conservation. (K. R. Crooks, and M. Sanjayan, eds.) Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
Crooks, K. R, and M. Sanjayan. 2006. Connectivity conservation: maintaining connections for nature. Pages 1-20 in Connectivity Conservation. (K. R. Crooks, and M. Sanjayan, eds.) Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
Bakker, V. J., D. H. Van Vuren, K. R. Crooks, C. A. Scott, J. T. Wilcox, and D. K. Garcelon. 2006. Serologic survey of the island spotted skunk on Santa Cruz Island. Western North American Naturalist 66:456-461.
George, S. L , and K. R. Crooks. 2006. Recreation and large mammal activity in an urban nature reserve. Biological Conservation 133:107-177.
George, S. L, and K. R. Crooks. 2006. Education and conservation on the urban wildland interface: testing the efficacy of informational brochures. The Southwestern Naturalist 51:240-250.
Sanjayan, M. A., and K. R. Crooks. 2005. Maintaining connectivity in urbanizing landscapes. Pages 239-262 in E. A. Johnson and M. W. Klemens, editors. Nature in Fragments: The Legacy of Sprawl. Columbia University Press, New York, New York.
Bakker, V. J., D. K. Garcelon, E. T. Aschehoug, K. R. Crooks, C. Newman, G. Schmidt, D. H. Van Vuren, and R. Woodroffe. 2005. Current status of the Santa Cruz island fox (Urocyon littoralis santacruzae). Pages 275-286 in Proceedings of the 6th California Channel Islands Symposium. National Park Service Technical Publication CHIS-05-01, Institute for Wildlife Studies, Arcata, California.
Magle, S., J. Zhu, and K. R. Crooks. 2005. Behavioral responses to repeated human intrusion by black-tailed prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus ). Journal of Mammalogy 86: 524-530.
Tracey, J.A., J. Zhu, and K. R. Crooks. 2005. A set of nonlinear regression models for animal movement in response to a single landscape feature. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics 10: 1-34.
Crooks, K. R., A. V. Suarez, and D. T. Bolger. 2004. Avian communities along a gradient of urbanization impact in a highly fragmented landscape. Biological Conservation 115: 451-562.
Crooks, K. R., D. K. Garcelon, C. A. Scott, J. E. Depue, J. T. Wilcox, R. B. Kimsey, and D. H. Van Vuren. 2004. Ectoparasites of a threatened insular endemic mammalian carnivore: the island spotted skunk. American Midland Naturalist 151:35-41.
Hunter, R., R. Fisher, and K. R. Crooks. 2003. Landscape-level connectivity in coastal southern California as assessed by carnivore habitat suitability. Natural Areas Journal 23:302-314.
Crooks, K. R, D. K. Garcelon, C. A. Scott, J. T. Wilcox, S. F. Timm, and D. H. Van Vuren. 2003. Hematology and serum chemistry of the island spotted skunk on Santa Cruz Island. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 39: 460-466.
Crooks, K. R. 2002. Relative sensitivities of mammalian carnivores to habitat fragmentation. Conservation Biology 16:488-502.
Crooks, K. R., A. V. Suarez, D. T. Bolger, and M. E. Soulé. 2001. Extinction and colonization of birds on habitat islands. Conservation Biology 15:159-172.
Crooks, K. R., C. A. Scott, and D. H. Van Vuren. 2001. Exotic disease and an insular endemic carnivore, the island fox. Biological Conservation 98:55-60.
Crooks, K. R., C. A. Scott, L. Angeloni, L. Bowen, R. B. Kimsey, and D. H. Van Vuren. 2001. Ectoparasites of the island fox on Santa Cruz Island. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 37:189-193.
Estes, J., Crooks, K., and R. Holt. 2001. Ecological role of predators. Pages 857-878 In Encyclopedia of Biodiversity. (S. Levin, ed.) Academic Press, San Diego, California.
Crooks, K..R., C. A. Scott, L. Bowen, and D. Van Vuren. 2000. Hematology and serum chemistry of the island fox on Santa Cruz Island. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 36:397-404.
Crooks, K. R. 2000. Mammalian carnivores as target species for conservation in southern California. Pages 105-112 In Second interface between ecology and land development in California. (J. E. Keeley, M. Baer-Keeley, and C. J. Fotheringham, eds.). U. S. Geological Survey. Open-File Report 00-62.
Crooks, K. R., and D. Van Vuren. 2000. Update on the status of the island spotted skunk. Pages 298-299 in Proceedings of the Fifth California Islands Symposium. Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, Santa Barbara, California.
Bolger, D. T., A. V. Suarez, K. R. Crooks, S. A. Morrison, and T. J. Case. 2000. Arthropods in urban habitat fragments in southern California: Area, Age, and Edge Effects. Ecological Applications 10: 1230-1248.
Crooks, K. R., and M. E. Soulé. 1999. Mesopredator release and avifaunal extinctions in a fragmented system. Nature 400:563-566.
Crooks K. 1999. Island gray fox. Pp. 154-156 in Smithsonian Book of North American Mammals (D. E. Wilson and S. Ruff, eds.). National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.
Crooks K. 1999. Western spotted skunk. Pp. 183-185 in Smithsonian Book of North American Mammals (D. E. Wilson and S. Ruff, eds.). National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.
Crooks, K. R., M. A. Sanjayan, and D. F. Doak. 1998. New insights on cheetah conservation through demographic modeling. Conservation Biology 12:889-895.
Crooks, K. R. 1998. Tabby go home: House cat and coyote interactions in southern California habitat remnants. Wild Earth 7:60-63.
Foran, D., K. R. Crooks, and S. Minta. 1997. Species identification from scat: An unambiguous genetic method. Wildlife Society Bulletin 25:835-839.
Crooks, K. R., and D. Van Vuren. 1996. Spatial organization of the island fox (Urocyon littoralis) on Santa Cruz Island, California. Journal of Mammalogy 77:801-806.
Sanjayan, M. A., and K. Crooks. 1996. Skin grafts and cheetahs. Nature 6583:566.
Sanjayan, M. A., K. Crooks, G. P. Zegers, and D. Foran. 1996. Genetic variation and the immune response in natural populations of pocket gophers. Conservation Biology 10:1519-1527.
Crooks, K. R., and D. Van Vuren. 1995. Resource utilization by two insular endemic mammalian carnivores, the island fox and island spotted skunk. Oecologia 104:301-307.
Crooks, K. R. 1994. Demography and status of the island fox and the island spotted skunk on Santa Cruz Island, California. The Southwestern Naturalist 39:257-262.
Crooks, K. R. 1994. Den-site selection in the island spotted skunk of Santa Cruz Island, California. The Southwestern Naturalist 39:354-357.
Crooks, K. R., and D. Van Vuren. 1994. Conservation of the island spotted skunk and island fox in a recovering island ecosystem. Pp. 379-386 in The Fourth California Islands Symposium: Update on the Status of Resources (W. L. Halvorson and G. J. Maender, eds). Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, Santa Barbara, CA.
Crooks, K. R., and D. Van Vuren. 1994. Supernumerary teeth in a captive population of American Bison, Bison bison. Acta theriologica 39:325-328.
Crooks, K. R., and D. R. Rasmussen. 1991. The relationship between grooming and kinship in the Tanaxpillo colony of stumptail macaques (Macaca arctoides). Laboratory Primate Newsletter 30:1-3.