Liba Pejchar Photo Home Page


Dept. of Fish, Wildlife & Conservation Biology
Colorado State University

Office: (970)-491-1819
ResearchGate Profile
Google Scholar Profile

Lab News

February, 2025: We have a new paper out on urban birds and ecosystems services in Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment – a really fun outcome of a sabbatical visit with Ian MacGregor-Fors at the University of Finland!

February, 2025: Liba and Carolyn and colleagues are pleased to be awarded NSF funding for our project on North American songbirds and flower foraging!

October-November, 2024: Liba is thrilled to attend COP16 in Cali, Colombia as part of the CSU delegation

October, 2024: Many lab members gave terrific talks and enjoyed the elk and aspen at AOS in Estes Park!

January, 2024: We are thrilled to welcome new PhD student, Libby Mojica, to the lab! Libby’s collaborative work will advance conservation of Ferruginous Hawks

August, 2023: Welcome Alex! Alex Badeaux, new PhD student and NSF Fellow, will use bird banding data to understand migratory birds, climate change, and phenology.

May, 2023: Our lab is proud to share a new collaborative paper in BioScience on sexual harassment, graduate students, and equity

April, 2023: Kristin’s Davis’s paper on how land cover differentially affects the abundance of common and rare birds is now published in Global Change Biology!

April, 2023: Liba is honored and humbled to recieve the Cermak Graduate Student Advising Award from CSU – many thanks to the lab for the nomination!

March, 2023: Congratulations to PhD student Carolyn Coyle for receiving the Centennial Pollinator Fellowship!

March, 2023: Liba is thrilled to receive a Fulbright Distinguished Scholar Award at the University of Naples Parthenope for her upcoming sabbatical in spring 2024

February, 2023: Liba is delighted to receive funding to spend the first six months of her sabbatical collaborating with Dr. Ian McGregor-Fors at the University of Helsinki

July, 2022: Liba and Cozette enjoyed sharing their research at AOS/BC in Puerto Rico – fantastic to meet in person again!

May, 2022: Congratulations to Cozette and Carolyn for numerous successful grants in support of their research and conference travel!

January, 2022: We are delighted to welcome new graduate students Teia Schweizer and Miranda Middleton to the lab!

January, 2022: Mikko Jimenez’s paper on the benefits of urban habitat enhancement programs for native species is out in Landscape and Urban Planning!

December, 2022: Congratulations to Kristin Davis for a new paper on habitat exchange programs in Conservation Letters

August, 2021: We are thrilled to welcome new graduate students Carolyn Coyle, Kathleen Urchek, and Cozette Romero to the lab!

April, 2021: Congratulations to new graduate student Carolyn Coyle for being awarded a prestigious National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship!

January, 2021: Moe Uili, a Fulbright fellow from Samoa, has joined our group to study the rare and unique Manumea or Tooth-billed Pigeon. Welcome Moe!

May, 2020: Liba is delighted and humbed to receive the CSU Conservation Impact Prize from the Salazar Center

January, 2020: We are thrilled to welcome new MS student Sarah Ramirez to the lab!

June, 2019: Our new paper in Nature Ecology and Evolution shows underrepresented faculty play a disproportionate role in advancing diversity and inclusion

June, 2019: Big congrats to Mikko Jimenez for his new position as Outreach Biologist with the National Audubon Society!

June, 2019: Congratulations to former lab member Sara Bombaci for her new assistant professor position at Colorado State University!

April, 2019: Liba is honored to be a plenary speaker at the Landscape Ecology conference

February, 2019: Congratulations to former lab member Travis Gallo! We are so thrilled he is joining George Mason University as an Assistant Professor this coming year

January, 2019: We are excited to welcome Ph.D. student Kristin Davis to the lab! She will use citizen science data to explore spatial and temporal patterns in invasive bird abundance

September, 2018: New paper with Swedish colleagues on the net effects of birds in agroecosystems published in Bioscience.

September, 2018: Former postdoc Drew Bennett publishes exciting new paper in Biological Conservation expanding the toolbox for private lands conservation.

August, 2018: Sara Bombaci and Kate Wilkins finish excellent PhD research and are off to postdoc positions at Clemson University and CSU!

December, 2017: CSU conservation biologists publish Bioscience paper urging scientists to engage in policy.

September 15, 2017: Anna Mangan’s paper on the net effects of birds in apple orchards published in PLOS ONE!

July, 2017: Postdoc Drew Bennett accepts prestigious professor of practice position at Univ. of Wyoming – we will miss him when he heads north in February!

May 1, 2017: Lab article on gender gap in speakers at ecology conferences in Bioscience!

April, 2017: Sara and Kate awarded amazing dissertation fellowships! – from the Ford Foundation and National Association of University Women

February 1, 2017: Liba joins editorial team for Biological Conservation

January 13, 2017: Liba is off to Sweden to spend four months as a guest researcher at BECC at Lund University!

December, 2016: Our lab book review on the “paradox of the carnivorous conservationist” is published in Biological Conservation

October – November, 2016: Drew and Liba teach a workshop on ecosystem services at NCBS in Bangalore, India – an awesome experience! We also loved visiting former lab member Monica Kaushik at her field site in the Himalaya

August 31, 2016: Members of the lab led two symposia and gave six talks at NACCB, ESA and NAOC in July and August!

June 9, 2016: Great article on Lab alum Adam Miller and his successful NGO – Planet Indonesia

May 13, 2016: Congratulations to Doctor Gallo! – first Ph.D. student to fledge – and he has an exciting postdoc at the Lincoln Park Zoo!

May 9-13, 2016: Liba attends terrific NSF funded workshop on seed dispersal at SESYNC

April 15, 2016: Nice media coverage on our research on the effects of game management on biodiversity!

March 11, 2016: Travis Gallo’s article on the mixed effects of game management on biodiversity is published online in Biological Conservation

March 9, 2016: Graduate students Lani, Hannah and Kate passed their comprehensive exams and Travis defended his dissertation – all in the past ten days – congrats!!!

February 1, 2016: Former student Lucas Behnke’s research on Kauai’s rare honeycreepers is published in the Condor!

January 29, 2016: Sara Bombaci’s grand review of the effects of woodland removal on wildlife is published online in Forest Ecology and Management

November 17, 2015: An award from the National Geographic Society will support Sara Bombaci’s research on New Zealand’s mainland island sanctuaries!

October 31, 2015: Susan Culliney’s research on the endangered Alala (Hawaiian Crow) is featured in an article in Hawaiian Airline’s Hana Hou magazine

October 19, 2015: Our lab Conservation Biology paper on communicating science through twitter is highlighted here

October 5, 2015: CSU’s SEEDs chapter hosted a successful bioblitz at the mountain campus! Many members of the LibaLab participated – great article and video here

October 1, 2015: Beautiful article on Kate Wilkin’s research on bison reintroduction!

August 3, 2015: Star undergraduate Molly Warner wins the R.S. Knaub Student Award! She will use wildlife cameras to study predator-prey interactions in western Colorado

July 2, 2015: Our article on introduced birds as an incomplete substitute for native frugivores in Hawaii is now published online in AoB Plants.

June 9, 2015: Our lab paper on using twitter to communicate conservation science has been accepted to Conservation Biology. Congratulations to all!

June 6, 2015: Anna shared her ongoing work with fellow bird enthusiasts and researchers at the Colorado Field Ornithologists annual meeting in Salida, Colorado

June 1, 2015: Anna is the co-author of a paper published in the journal Crop Protectionwith collaborators at the National Wildlife Research Center on an avian repellent for the protection of specialty crops

May 8th, 2015: Former graduate student Nate Jones’ research on the effects of energy sprawl on biodiversity and ecosystem services is highlighted on

April 23, 2015: Anna is a co-author on two articles on the transmission and molecular characterization of Salmonella associated with bird-livestock interactions in Veterinary Microbiology

April 20th, 2015: Cooper, Anna and Travis are all presenting their research at the Ecological Society of America (ESA) conference in Baltimore, Maryland this summer!

April 8th, 2015: An article by former undergraduate Adam Miller on Hawaiian bees, forest restoration, and implications for pollination is now published in Pacific Science. Congrats to Adam!

March 25, 2015: Abstracts by Travis and Liba for oral presentations at the International Congress for Conservation Biology (ICCB) 2015 were accepted. We are headed to Montpelier France in August!

March 5, 2015: Kate and Anna were awarded grants from the Colorado Field Ornithologists in support of their ongoing research – congratulations!

February 6th, 2015: Our BioScience article, led by former graduate student Nate Jones, is the focus of a TNC Cool Green Science Blog

February 3rd, 2015: Liba, Kate and colleagues are awarded a One Health Catalyst Grant to support their research on the ecological and social dimensions of bison reintroduction!

January 8, 2015: Sara, Cooper and Liba all play a leadership role in CSUs SEEDS Chapter, which was just awarded a grant from ESA to run a bioblitz at CSUs Mountain Campus next fall. We are thrilled!