Pejchar, L., C. Brodsky, L-B Vasquez, & I. MacGregor-Fors. 2025. Bird-mediated ecosystem services and disservices in cities and towns. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment e2835.

Devarajan et al. – 200+ authors including L. Pejchar. 2025. When the wild things are: defining mammalian diel activity and plasticity. Science Advances 11: eado3843.

Van Lanen, N. J., Duchardt, C. J., Pejchar, L., Shyvers, J. E., & Aldridge, C. L. 2025. Considering multiecosystem trade‐offs Is critical when leveraging systematic conservation planning for restoration. Global Change Biology: 31(1), e70020.



Setash, C., A. Behney, J. Gammonley, L. Pejchar, M. Reddy, & D. Koons. 2024. Agricultural mosaics offer nesting habitat to dabbling ducks in the arid Intermountain West of the United States. Ecosphere 15(11): e70072.

Coleman, G., Ramirez, S., Gura, K., Bedrosian, B., Pejchar, L., & Woolwine, D. 2024. Observation of a Ferruginous Hawk (Buteo regalis) Eating Her Own Egg. Journal of Raptor Research 58: 382-386.



Woolet, J., C.S. Stevens-Rumann, J.D. Coop, & L. Pejchar. 2023. A bird’s eye view of ecosystem conversion: Examining the resilience of piñon-juniper woodlands and their avian communities in the face of fire regime change. Forest Ecology and Management 546: 121368.

Davis, K., H. Sofaer & L. Pejchar. 2023. Land cover differentially affects abundance of common and rare birds. Global Change Biology DOI: 10.1111/gcb.16700.

Wilkins, K., S.L. Carroll, K.P. Davis, R. Hauptfeld, M.S. Jones, C.L. Larson, T.M. Laverty & L. Pejchar. 2023. Sexual harassment disproportionately affects ecology and evolution graduate students with multiple marginalized identities in the United States. BioScience.


Iranah, P., K. Davis, D. Bennett, E. Fleishman, J. Heinrichs & L. Pejchar. 2022. Multidisciplinary perspectives on habitat crediting programs for conserving at-risk species. Natural Areas Journal 42:219-225.

Deziel, N.C., B. Shamasunder & L. Pejchar. 2022. Synergies and tradeoffs in reducing impacts of unconventional oil and gas development on wildlife and human health. BioScience 72:472-280.

Bombaci, S. & L. Pejchar. 2022. Advancing equity in faculty hiring with diversity statements. BioScience 72:365-371.

Jimenez, M.F., L. Pejchar, S.E. Reed & M. McHale. 2022. The efficacy of urban habitat enhancement programs for conserving native plants and human-sensitive animals. Landscape and Urban Planning 220:104356.



Davis, K. P., Heinrichs, J., Fleishman, E., Iranah, P., Bennett, D. E., Berger, J., & Pejchar, L. (2021). Strengths and shortcomings of habitat exchange programs for species conservation. Conservation Letters: e12846.

Sandor, M., Aslan, C., Pejchar, L., & Bronstein, J. L. A mechanistic framework for understanding the effects of climate change on the link between flowering and fruiting phenology. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution: 859.

Bombaci, S., J. Innes, D. Kelly, V. Flaherty and L. Pejchar. Excluding mammalian predators increases bird densities and seed dispersal in fenced ecosanctuaries. Ecology e03340.

Lerman, S., L. Pejchar, L. Benedict, K. M. Covino, J. L. Dickinson, J. E. Fantle-Lepczyk, A. D. Rodewald, and C. Vleck. Juggling parenthood and ornithology: a full lifecycle approach to supporting mothers through the American Ornithological Society. Ornithological Applications 123:1-9.

Pejchar, L., L. Medrano, R. Niemiec, J. Barfield, A. Davidson, and C. Hartway. Challenges and opportunities for cross-jurisdictional bison restoration in North America. Biological Conservation 256:109029.

Jimenez, M. F., L. Pejchar, and S. E. Reed. Tradeoffs of using place-based community science for urban biodiversity monitoring. Conservation Science and Practice e338.

Obermueller, H., K. Wilkins, and L. Pejchar. Activity and overlap among birds and mammals scavenging a bison carcass in shortgrass prairie. Rangeland Ecology and Management 76:69-73.

Wilkins, K., L. Pejchar, S.L. Carroll, M.S. Jones, S.E. Walker, X.A. Shinbrot, C. Huayhuaca, M.E. Fernandez-Gimenez, and R.S. Reid. Collaborative conservation in the United States: a review of motivations, goals, and outcomes. Biological Conservation 259:109165.

Stinson, L. and L. Pejchar. A near-range plant invasion homogenizes riparian vegetation but leads to more productive bird communities. Ornithological Applications 123:duab029.


Pejchar, L., C.A. Lepczyk, J. Fantle-Lepczyk, S.C. Hess, M.T. Johnson, C.R. Leopold, M. Marchetti, K.M. McClure, and A.B Shiels. 2020. Hawaii as a microcosm: advancing the science and practice of managing introduced and invasive species. BioScience 70:184-193.

Sofaer, H., C. Flather, C. Jarnevitch, K. Davis, and L. Pejchar. 2020. Human-associated species dominate passerine communities across the United States. Global Ecology and Biogeography 29:885-895.



Jimenez, M., T. Laverty, S. Bombaci, K. Wilkins, D. Bennett, and L. Pejchar. 2019. Underrepresented faculty play a disproportionate role in advancing diversity and inclusion. Nature Ecology and Evolution 3:1030–1033.

Wilkins, K., L. Pejchar, and R. Garvoille. 2019. Ecological and social consequences of bison reintroduction in Colorado. Conservation Science and Practice 1(2):e9

Bombaci, S., and L. Pejchar. 2019. Using paired acoustic sampling to enhance population monitoring of New Zealand’s forest birds. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 43(1): 3356

Beckman N., C. Aslan, H. Rogers, O. Kogan, J.L. Bronstein, J.M. Bullock, F. Hartig, J. HillesRisLambers, Y. Zhou, D. Zurell, J. Brodie, E. Bruna, S. Cantrell, R. Decker. E. Efiom, E. Fricke, K. Gurski, A. Hastings, J. Johnson, B.A. Loiselle, M. Miriti, M.G. Neubert, L. Pejchar, J. Poulsen, G. Pufal, O. Razafindrastima, M.E. Sandor, K. Shea, S. Schreiber, E.W. Schupp, R.S. Snell, C. Strickland, and J. Zambrano. Advancing an interdisciplinary framework to study seed dispersal. AoB Plants.

Rogers, H.C, Beckman, N., Hartig, F., Johnson, J.S, Pufal, G., Shea, K., Zurell, D., Bullock, J.M, Cantrell, S., Loiselle, B., Pejchar, L., Razafindratsima, O., Sandor, M., Schupp, E.W, Strickland, C., Zambrano, J., The total dispersal kernel: a review and future directionsAoB Plants (5), plz042.

Aslan, C., Beckman, N., Rogers, H., Bronstein, J., Zurell, D., Hartig, F., Shea, K., Pejchar, L., Neubert, M., Poulsen, J., HilleRisLambers, J., Miriti, M., Loiselle, B., Effiom, E., Zambrano, J., Schupp, E.W, Pufal, G., Johnson, J., Bullock, J., Brodie, J., Bruna, E., Cantrell, S., Decker, R., Fricke, E., Gurski, K., Hastings, A., Kogan, O., Powell, J.A, Razafindratsima, O., Sandor, M., Schreiber, S., Snell, R., Strickland, C., Zhou, Y.. 2019. Employing plant functional groups to advance seed dispersal ecology and conservation. AoB Plants 11(2):plz006.

Miller-Rushing A.J. et al…L. Pejchar. 2019. How does habitat fragmentation affect biodiversity? A controversial question at the core of conservation biology. Biological Conservation. 232:271-273.

R.B. Primack, T.J. Regan, V. Devictor, L. Zipf, L. Godet, R. Loyola, B. Maas, R.J. Pakeman, G.S. Cumming, A.E. Bates, L. Pejchar, and L. Pin Koh. 2019. Are Scientific editors reliable gatekeepers of the publication process? Biological Conservation. 238.

Kretser, H.E., E. Dale, L. Karasin, L. Pejchar and S.E. Reed. 2019. Factors influencing adoption and implementation of conservation development ordinances in rural United States. Society and Natural Resources 32(9):1021-1039.

Pakeman R. et al…L. Pejchar. 2019. Fifty years of biological conservation. Biological Conservation 230:A1-A4.



Pejchar, L., Y. Clough, J. Ekroos, K.A. Nicholas, O. Olsson, D. Ram, M. Tschumi, and H.G. Smith. 2018. Net effects of birds in agroecosystems. BioScience 68:896-904.

Riedl, H., L. Stinson, W. Clements, and L. Pejchar. (2018). An introduced plant affects aquatic-derived carbon in diets of riparian birds. PLOS ONE 13(11): e0207389

Riedl, H., W. Clements, and L. Pejchar. 2018. An introduced plant is associated with declines in terrestrial arthropods, but no change in stream invertebrates. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. https://doi.org/10.1139/cjfas-2018-0098

Bombaci, S., L. Pejchar and J. Innes. 2018. Fenced sanctuaries deliver conservation benefits for most common and threatened native birds in New Zealand. Ecosphere 9:e02497.

Bennett, D. L. Pejchar, B. Romero, R. Knight and J. Berger. 2018. Using practitioner knowledge to expand the toolbox for private land conservation. Biological Conservation 227:152-159.

Mangan, A.M., A.J. Piaggio, M.W. Hopken, SJ Werner, and L. Pejchar (2018). A molecular analysis to assess codling moth Cydia pomonella L. (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) predation by orchard birds. Ecological Indicators 93:1222-1225.

Farr, C. M., S. E. Reed & L. Pejchar (2018). Social network analysis identifies key participants in conservation development. Environmental Management 61:732-740.

Kaushik, M., L. Pejchar & L. Crampton (2018). Potential disruption of seed dispersal in the absence of a native Kauai thrush. PLOS ONE 13(1) e0191992.

Pejchar, L., H.T. Gallo, M. Hooten & G.C. Daily (2018). Predicting effects of large-scale reforestation on native and exotic birds. Diversity and Distributions 10.1111/ddi.12723.

Primack, R.B., A.J. Miller-Rushing, R.T. Corlett, V. Devictor, D.M. Johns, R. Loyola, B. Maas, R.J. Pakeman & L. Pejchar (2018). Biodiversity gains? The debate on changes in local- vs global-scale species richness (editorial). Biological Conservation 219:A1-A3.

Farr, C.M., S.E. Reed, L. Pejchar (2018). How often are conservation developments managed for biodiversity protection? A case study in Colorado, U.S.A. Landscape and Urban Planning 169:105-114.

Wittemyer, G., J. Berger, K. Crooks, B. Noon, L. Pejchar, S.E. Reed & J. Savidge. (2018). To advocate or not is no longer the question: paths to scientific engagement. Bioscience 68:13-14.



Stinson, L. & L. Pejchar. (2017). The effects of introduced plants on songbird reproductive success. Biological Invasions https://doi.org/10.1007/s10530-017-1633-8.

Mangan, A.M, L. Pejchar, S.J. Werner. (2017). Bird use of organic apple orchards: frugivory, pest control and implications for production. PLOS ONE 12(9), e0183405.

Gallo, T., L.T. Stinson, L. Pejchar. (2017). Mitigation for energy development fails to mimic natural disturbance for birds and mammals. Biological Conservation 212:39-47

Farr, C.M., S.P. Bombaci, H.T. Gallo, A.M. Mangan, H.L. Riedl, L.T. Stinson, K. Wilkins, D.E. Bennett, T. Nogeire-McRae and L. Pejchar. (2017). Addressing the gender gap in distinguished speakers at professional ecology conferences. Bioscience 67:464-468.