The first phase of Wildlife Values in the West, completed in 2005, involved 19 state fish and wildlife agencies and was funded by both participating state agency contributions and a grant awarded by the International Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies as part of the 2002 Multi-State Conservation Grant Program. Findings are being used to help participating agencies better prepare for the future of wildlife conservation in the US through an understanding of the diversity of wildlife-related interests in today’s society.
Linked images below highlight key concepts and findings from the project. To download pdf copies of the full project report and state-specific reports click on the accordion.
Results from Wildlife Values in the West indicate a strong latent demand for future opportunites to engage in wildlife-related recreation activities.
Results from Wildlife Values in the West indicate that rapid changes in society are related to a shift in the wildlife values held by the American public.
Maps depicting the percent of different Wildlife Value Orientation types by states in the Western U.S. (2005).
Results indicate that wildlife value orientations influence the extent to which certain types of wildlife management actions are supported by different segments of the public.