Scientific Publications on Wolves by CHCC Faculty, Postdoctoral Researchers, and Students

Gonzalez, M. N., Berl, R.E.W., Teel, T., & Niemiec, R. M(2024). The impact of normative beliefs on intended voting and collective actions related to wolf reintroduction. Society and Natural Resources. 10.1080/08941920.2024.2335400.

Breck, S. W., Davis, A. J., Oakleaf, J. K., Bergman, D. L., deVos, J., Greer, J. P., & Pepin, K. 2023. Factors affecting the recovery of Mexican wolves in the Southwest United States. Journal of Applied Ecology, 60(10), 2199-2209.

Ditmer, M. A., Wittemyer, G., Zeller, K. A., Breck, S. W., Fletcher, R. J., & Crooks, K. R. 2023. Predicting dispersal and conflict risk for wolf recolonization in Colorado. Journal of Applied Ecology, 60(11), 2327-2339.

Hoag, D. J., Burkhardt, J., B. Ghasemi, Breck, S., Niemiec, R., & Crooks, K. R.  2023. Willingness to pay for reintroducing wolves in a divided voting base. Global Ecology & Conservation 46: e02576.

Hoag, D. J., J. Burkhardt, B. Ghasemi, and R. Young. 2023. Economic wins and losses from reintroducing wolves. CSU Regional Economic Development Institute (REDI). April 2023.

Crooks, K.R., Gonzalez, M.N. and Ghasemi, B., 2022. Scientist perspectives toward the status and management of gray wolves in the western United States. Conservation Science and Practice, p.e12728.

Ditmer, M.A., Niemiec, R.M., Wittemyer, G. and Crooks, K.R., 2022. Socio‐ecological drivers of public conservation voting: restoring gray wolves to Colorado, USA. Ecological Applications, p.e2532.  Read CSU Press Release.

Ditmer, M.A., Wittemyer, G., Breck, S.W. and Crooks, K.R., 2022. Defining ecological and socially suitable habitat for the reintroduction of an apex predator. Global Ecology and Conservation, p.e02192.

Hoag, D., Breck, S., Crooks, K. and Niemiec, B., 2022. Economic Consequences of the Wolf Comeback in the Western United States. In Western Economics Forum (Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 61-70).

Niemiec, R., Berl, R.E., Gonzalez, M., Teel, T., Salerno, J., Breck, S., Camara, C., Collins, M., Schultz, C., Hoag, D. and Crooks, K., 2022. Rapid changes in public perception toward a conservation initiative. Conservation Science and Practice, p.e12632.  Read CSU Press Release.

Niemiec R, Gruby R, Quartuch M, Cavaliere C, Teel T, Crooks K, Salerno J, Solomon J, Jones K, Gavin M, Lavoie A, Stronza A, Meth L, Enrici A, Lanter K, Browne C, Proctor J, Manfredo M. 2021. Integrating social science into conservation planning. Biological Conservation Volume 262, October 2021, 109298

Manfredo, M.J., Berl, R.E., Teel, T.L. and Bruskotter, J.T., 2021. Bringing social values to wildlife conservation decisions. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 19(6), pp.355-362.  Read CSU Press Release.

Hamilton, L.C., J.E. Lambert, L.A. Lawhon, J. Salerno, and J. Hartter. 2020. Wolves are back: Sociopolitical identity and opinions on management of Canis lupus. Conservation Science and Practice 2020;e213.

Niemiec, R.M, R.E.W. Berl, M. Gonzalez, T. Teel, C. Camara, M. Collins, J. Salerno, K. Crooks, C. Schultz, S. Breck, and D. Hoag. 2020. Public perspectives and media reporting of wolf reintroduction in Colorado. PeerJ 8:e9074

Niemiec, R. M., S. Sekar, M. Gonzalez, and A. Mertens. 2020. The influence of message framing on public beliefs and behaviors related to species reintroduction. Biological Conservation 248, 108522.

Amirkhiz, R. G., J. K. Frey, J. W. Cain III, S. W. Breck, D. L. Bergman. 2018. Predicting spatial factors associated with cattle depredations by the Mexican wolf (Canis lupus baileyi) with recommendations for depredation risk modeling. Biological Conservation. 224: 327-335.

Much, R. S. W. Breck, N. Lance, and P. Callahan. 2018. An ounce of prevention: quantifying the effects of non-lethal tools on wolf behavior. Applied Animal Behavior Science 203: 73-80.

Verzuh, T., D. L. Bergman, S. C. Bender, M. Dwire, and S. W. Breck, S.W., 2018. Intercanine width measurements to aid predation investigations: a comparison between sympatric native and non-native carnivores in the Mexican wolf recovery area. Journal of Mammalogy 99: 1405-1410.

Stone, S. A., S. W. Breck, J. Timberlake, P. M. Haswell, F. Najera, B. S. Bean, and D. J. Thornhill. 2017.  Adaptive use of nonlethal strategies for reducing wolf- sheep conflict in Idaho. Journal of Mammalogy 98:33-44.

Piaggio, A. J., C. A. Cariappa, D. J. Straughan, M. A. Neubaum, M. Dwire, P. R. Krausman, W. B. Ballard, D. L. Bergman, and S. W. Breck.  2016.  A non-invasive method to detect Mexican wolves (Canis lupus baileyi) and estimate abundance. Wildlife Society Bulletin 40: 321-330.

Wierzbowska, I. A., M. Hędrzakb, B. Popczykc, H. Okarmaa, and K. R. Crooks.  2016.  Predation of wildlife by free-ranging domestic dogs in Polish hunting grounds and potential competition with the grey wolf.  Biological Conservation 201: 1-9.

Breck, S. W., P. Clark, L. Howery, D. Johnson, B. Kluever, S. Smallidge, and A. Cibilis.  2012. A perspective on livestock-wolf interactions on western rangelands.  Society for Range Management. October pp 6-11.

Breck, S.W., B. M. Kluever, M. Panasci, J. Oakleaf, D. L. Bergman, W. Ballard and L. Howery. 2011. Domestic calf mortality and producer detection rates in the Mexican wolf recovery area: Implications for livestock management and carnivore compensation schemes. Biological Conservation 144:930-936.

Lance, N., S. W. Breck, C. A. Sime, P. Callahan, and J. A. Shivik. 2010. Development and application of a non-lethal tool for managing wolves: electrified fladry. Wildlife Research 37: 708-714.

Kluever, B. M., L. D. Howery, S. W. Breck, and D.L. Bergman. 2009. Predator and heterospecific stimuli alter behavior in cattle. Behavioural Processes 81: 85-91.

Bruskotter, J. T., R. H. Schmidt, and T. L. Teel. 2007. Are attitudes toward wolves changing? A case study in Utah. Biological Conservation 139: 211-218.

Musiani, M., C. Mamo, L. Boitani, C. Callaghan, C. Gates, L. Mattei, E. Visalberghi, S. W. Breck, and G. Volpi. 2003. Wolf depredation trends and the use of fladry barriers to protect livestock in western North America.  Conservation Biology 17: 1538-1547.