About Dr. Wittemyer

Department of Fish, Wildlife and Conservation Biology
Colorado State University

Curriculum Vitae

I work to develop solutions to biodiversity conservation issues, aimed at ameliorating human impacts to at risk wildlife populations. My group focuses on determining how landscape, human, and climate impact demography, distribution, behavior and movement of at risk wildlife populations. We work to actively translate our research into policy actions. I serve as the Chair of the Scientific Board of Save the Elephants, a technical advisor on elephants to the Kenya Wildlife Service and on IUCN's African Elephants Specialist Group.

With Save the Elephants, I initiated the individual monitoring project of the Samburu Elephant Population, on which we have been working ever since. The research program in Samburu uses detailed, individual based knowledge on elephants and high operational capacity as an incubator for novel conservation solutions. We work to apply trialed solutions globally.