Graphing PCI2

Microsoft PowerPoint can be used for the graphic compoment of PCI2.
The following templates have been constructed for graphing
bipoplar and unipolar scales:

1. PCI2 Bipolar PowerPoint 2003 Template
2. PCI2 Bipolar PowerPoint 2007-2010 Template
3. PCI2 Unipolar PowerPoint 2007-2010 Template

For the 2007-2010 templates:
1. Download the desired template (e.g., Bipolar)
2. Open the template in either PowerPoint 2007 or 2010
3. Selected the appropriate scale width slide (e.g., 7-point)
4. Click on the graph
5. “Chart Tools” will appear on the top menu bar. Click on the “Design” tab
6. In the “ribbon” menu, click on “Edit Data”
7. In the Excel datasheet, enter the scale’s mean (e.g., 2.1) and observed PCI value (e.g., .47) for each variable

The templates assumes that:
1. Bipolar variables should be coded negative to positive (e.g., -3 to +3)
2. The lowest value for unipolar values is 0 (i.e., zero)

Click here for a few Example Presentations.