
Registration Rates

Visit the Registration Website

Registration closes at 11:59 PM U.S. Mountain Time on Sunday, May 21, 2023. 

Full Registration – $595

Earlybird registration includes full access to the conference program both in-person and online, lunches on Thursday through Saturday, socials on Wednesday through Saturday, and coffee breaks throughout the conference.

Student Rate – $300

Student registration includes full access to the conference program both in-person and online, lunches on Thursday through Saturday, socials on Wednesday through Saturday, and coffee breaks throughout the conference.

Single-Day Rate (Thursday-Saturday) – $275

The one-day rate is available Thursday-Saturday. One-day registration includes coffee breaks, lunch, and the social on the day you attend.

Opening Plenary & Social Only (Wednesday Evening) – $125

The one-day rate is available for the Wednesday evening session. It includes access to the plenary session on Wednesday followed by an evening social with heavy hors d’oeuvres and drinks.

Virtual Registration

Virtual Registration – $200

Virtual registration includes access to all plenary talks, organized sessions, and abstract presentations both during and after the conference (via recordings). For this conference, we will not be allowing virtual presentations.

Virtual Student Registration – $100

Virtual registration includes access to all plenary talks, organized sessions, and abstract presentations both during and after the conference (via recordings). For this conference, we will not be allowing virtual presentations.

Registration Add-Ons

Extra Social Tickets – $30

Attend one social on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday. The social ticket includes heavy hors d’oeuvres and two drink tickets.

Conference Dinner (Saturday Evening) – $50

If you purchased a Full Conference Registration, the Saturday evening dinner is included in the ticket price. This add-on is available for single-day registrants and guests.

Field Trips and Excursions

We are offering field trips and excursions this year. Visit our excursion page for more info.

Cancellation Policy

Cancellation phase one: Prior to April 16, 2023 

Cancellation requests must be received by CSU Conference and Event Services no later than April 15th at 11:59 PM (MST). A $50.00 processing fee will be charged for each cancellation.

CANCELLATION PHASE TWO: April 16th – May 19th, 2023

For cancellations occurring between April 16th and May 19th, 50% of the registration fee will be reimbursed.


After May 19th, 100% of the registration fee will be forfeited, plus the cost of any additional packages purchased (i.e., extra dinner tickets).

On-Campus Housing Cancellation: By Monday, May 15th, 2023

No refund for on-campus housing will be issued after this date.

Registrants are responsible for canceling their own accommodations through CSU or the hotels in Fort Collins.

Brought to you by:

Colorado State University Department of Human Dimensions of Natural Resources
Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies
Virginia Tech Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation