Human Resource Services

Hourly Hiring Guide

Hourly Hiring Guidelines PowerPoint

Hourly Hiring Training Video

HR Services FAQ

Personnel Appointments

All personnel appointments made at the department level. The Warner College Business Office does not accept paper submissions for any hiring needs.  The WCNR Intranet – Business Office has an electronic submission process, where a supervisor can submit a request for hire.  

Sick, Annual and Special Leave

Leave submissions cannot be changed after 30 days. For corrections, please contact WCNR HR. 

Requests for Employment Related Actions

All human resource related actions must be submitted via the WCNR Intranet’s hire request form. Under no circumstances will our office accept emailed requests for any action. All approved hiring actions will be processed within 2-3 business days.

Types of request

Depending on which type of request you choose, additional fields will populate for additional information.

New Hire & All GRA/GTA actions: Use this request if you are hiring a new individual for employment with CSU. This is used for onboarding any type of position. Also use this request for any GRA/GTA appointments or re-appointments

Change: Use this request for any changes to existing employees’ appointments. Changes include:

  • Supervisor
  • Work Schedule
  • Reappointments (Admin Pro’s)
  • FTE
  • Leave without Pay
  • Off-Cycle Salary adjustments
  • Title/Payrate/account
  • Others

Termination: Use this request for any individual who is separating from the University. This can be used for resignations, retirements, and other end of employment actions.

Search/Search Waiver: Use this request if you need to begin the search process to fill a new or vacant position at CSU.

Summer Salary: This request is used only for Faculty members who which to receive summer pay outside of their 9 month faculty appointment.

Special Check: This request is used to request a special check in order to have a paycheck processed outside of CSU’s normal payroll distribution schedule.

Please plan ahead and make your requests complete using the list below. Do not ask for a rush on requests. The business office receives many requests so to expedite for some people would be unfair to other complete requests in the queue.

Due to the nature of the CEMML and CNHP billing process and fringe 2, mid-month time and effort changes are unallowable for these departments. Additionally, employees cannot start or term on a holiday.

Position Description Change Template

New Position Description Template

New Search

A search is required to fill new and existing Admin Professional and Faculty positions.

Items required to initiate the process:

  1. TMS template (can be sent prior to the remaining items)
  2. Scoring weights (must match the PD, no exceptions and do not include verbal skills here)
  3. Committee
  4. Interview questions (for efficient processing, but sent no later than at interview cut)
  5. Advertising plan (include budget and account number for any paid advertising)
  6. WCNR HR will use the approved TMS template to create other PD versions for postings for the purpose of avoiding discrepancies between versions
  7. Justification for Admin Pro positions not requiring a BA/BS or requiring citizenship or other out of the ordinary requirements

Additionally, all faculty searches require pre-approval prior to any action with WCNR HR. Pre-approval can be obtained by filling out the below form and routing for appropriate signatures.

WCNR Faculty Position Request Form

WCNR Work Reference Check Form

Search Waiver

Under certain circumstances, a search waiver may be requested for a specific person to fill Admin Pro and Faculty positions.

Items required:

  1. Justification for not following CSU’s standard hiring process (CSU will reject requests for entry level positions and hourly to salary requests)
  2. Resume (PI/Supervisor must ensure the resume includes the qualifications on the PD)
  3. Justification for Admin Pro positions not requiring a BA/BS or requiring citizenship or other out of the ordinary requirements



Salary increases can be submitted in accordance with the Provost Office pre-determined submission dates (by October 1st for a November 1st effective date, and by February 1st for a March 1st effective date)

Items required:

  1. TMS template
  2. Resume
  3. Justification for promotion

Leave without Pay

All leave without pay forms are due to WCNR HR by the 10th of the month in order to have the employee paid correctly for the month.

  • The employee is to email WCNR HR to initiate the process and will be provided with the information required to submit a leave without pay request.
  • The employees going on leave without pay will be advised to contact WCNR HR in order to review leave balances prior to the completion of the paperwork.
  • Once the form is complete and verified by WCNR it will be sent to the employee and supervisor for signature.  At this point the form is final and there will be no retroactive corrections or adjustments to the submission.
  • If the leave without pay is due to a gap in funding, the employee will be reinstated when funding is received.

End of Funding

When project funding is ending or there will be a gap in funding, it is expected the Principal Investigator (PI) will give the employee(s) 30 day written notice of the project end date. End of funding notice templates are below.

End Of Funding Letter Funding Expected

End Of Funding Letter Funding Not Expected

PIs/Supervisors are required to email this letter to the employee(s) and copy the WCNR HR team and the CEMML Director on the notice.

When funding is expected, Leave Without Pay may be an option. In this situation the LWOP form should be completed if the employee does not choose to use any accrued leave to bridge the gap.

Should the project end or should there be a gap in funding, it is incumbent on the PI to keep the WCNR HR and Fiscal teams informed so any termination or leave without pay actions can be processed promptly and by the 10th of the month CSU payroll deadline.


In order to initiate the employment termination process, a written statement from the employee must be submitted through the WCNR intranet by their supervisor or by emailing the WCNR Business office. After the written notice is received, a WCNR HR team member will contact the employee with a separation checklist and notice. Supervisors are expected to work with the employee on the checklist and verify all loose ends are tied up.

CEMML/CNHP special admin pro employees are required to submit their final leave through the WCNR intranet in a timely manner for supervisor approval. Termination cannot happen without this step as final leave balances are required as part of the termination action to central HR.

Ideally, terminations are submitted to the WCNR business office before the 15th of each month to ensure the employees last pay check is paid on time.

Failure to follow this procedure may result in delay in employees final pay check.

Alternative Work Schedule Process

If requesting an alternative work schedule, employees are expected to initiate discussion with his/her supervisor.  Supervisors are then expected to sign for approval regarding the Alternative Work Schedule Agreement.  Once completed the agreements are sent to who will coordinate the submission to Central CSU HR.

TimeClock Plus System

The TimeClock Plus System is used for all hourly and salaried employees.  It is used to track time worked, leave requests and leave taken.  Supervisors are required to approve all hours worked and leave requests at the end of every pay period. This Business Office staff are not authorized to approve time in TimeClock Plus on behalf of supervisors.

    1. Hourly Employees – All are required to clock in and out of the system
    2. Salary Non-Exempt Employees – All required to report time worked and leave taken in the system.
    3. Salary Exempt Employees – Only required to report leave taken in the system.

Training Guides and Schedule:

TimeClock Plus Validation

Colorado State University (CSU) requested and paid for a custom enhancement from TimeClock Plus, CSU’s time and leave tracking system to address concerns about employee awareness of changes to their time and leave. The enhancement consists of an automatically generated report sent every week to all employees in CEMML or CNHP detailing any changes to time or leave entries in the TimeClock Plus system that occurred over the previous week. Changes captured by this report include: changes in start or stop time, changes in job code (assignment with the University or type of leave, Annual or Sick), project (financial account or accounts charged for the time or leave entry), and total time entered. The report also shows and identifies any segments that were deleted. Each entry on the report shows the before-and-after values of every change made, the unique user ID of the person who made the change to the segment, and a timestamp of when the edit occurred. The report is sent to every employee within those two departments every week, so there is no question of whether an unreceived report indicates the lack of changes or the failure of the report.

Equal Opportunity

The Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO) supports Colorado State University’s commitment to promote human and intellectual diversity by fostering an inclusive environment for all members of the University community. OEO ensures the University’s obligations of equal access and equal opportunity in education and employment for all faculty, staff and students through the application and implementation of policies, procedures and practices that are equitable, transparent and understood by members of the University community.

Read more on the Office of Equal Opportunity.

Summer Salary Accounts

There are four accounts in WCNR that were created in response to Cost Accounting Standards. They resides in Geosciences, Forestry, Fish and Wildlife Biology, and Human Dimensions of Natural Resources.

Guidelines for these accounts are as follows:

  • Accounts are strictly for the release of faculty salary from Sponsored Research (53) accounts.
  • They are not for transfer of funds from any other account type
  • Funds are to only be used for Faculty salary
  • Funds must be used within one year of after released
  • No carry-forward or accumulation is allowable
  • Funds not spent within a year will be swept to the main departmental account.
