In an effort to help reduce the cost of attendance for the Pathways Kenya 2020: Human Dimensions of Wildlife conference and in alignment with our 2020 theme, “Open the Door to Diverse Voices”, the Pathways conference planning team is pleased to offer a limited number of scholarships to cover the full cost of conference registration for Pathways Kenya 2020 for African conservationists. This registration, valued at $450.00 USD, will grant recipients full access to all conference sessions, conference materials featured in the program, all coffee breaks and socials for the duration of the conference, the Sunday evening welcome reception and Wednesday night conference dinner. Recipients will be responsible for funding their own travel to Limuru and their lodging at Brackenhurst for the duration of the conference.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Be a citizen of an African nation working in conservation
- Demonstrate significant need
- Demonstrate the ability to cover the remainder of their conference costs (lodging, travel, and other incidentals)
- Be employed by an accredited African conservancy, non-profit, conservation area, organization or research institute
- Have a valid passport
- Have the capability of securing a VISA (if required for entry into Kenya)