Only 2 Days Left to Apply!

Pathways Africa 2020 African Conservationists Scholarship

In an effort to help reduce the cost of attendance for the Pathways Kenya 2020: Human Dimensions of Wildlife conference and in alignment with our 2020 theme, “Open the Door to Diverse Voices”, the Pathways conference planning team is pleased to offer a limited number of scholarships to cover the full cost of conference registration for Pathways Kenya 2020 for African conservationists. This registration, valued at $450.00 USD, will grant recipients full access to all conference sessions, conference materials featured in the program, all coffee breaks and socials for the duration of the conference, the Sunday evening welcome reception and Wednesday night conference dinner.

Recipients will be responsible for funding their own travel to Limuru and their lodging at Brackenhurst for the duration of the conference.

To download your application and review application instructions, please visit the Pathways Africa website at

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Be a citizen of an African nation working in conservation
  • Demonstrate significant need
  • Demonstrate the ability to cover the remainder of their conference costs (lodging, travel, and other incidentals)
  • Be employed by an accredited African conservancy, non-profit, conservation area, organization or research institute
  • Have a valid passport
  • Have the capability of securing a VISA (if required for entry into Kenya)

Scholarship Timeline:

Application Deadline – October 31, 2019

Application Review – Nov. 1 – Nov. 14, 2019

Scholarship Award Delegation – Nov. 15, 2019

For questions, please contact the Pathways Africa team at

We hope to see you in Limuru!

Earlybird Registration Deadline Extended to Nov. 28th, 2019!

Pathways Kenya 2020: Human Dimensions of Wildlife Conference and Training Feb. 16th-19th | Brackenhust Conference and Training Center, Limuru, Kenya

In consideration of the local Kenyan schedule and our 2020 theme, “Open the Door to Diverse Voices”, the Pathways Africa team has extended the deadline for the Earlybird Registration Rate for the Pathways Kenya 2020: Human Dimensions of Wildlife Conference and Training. The new deadline for Earlybird registration is November 28th, 2019. 

The Earlybird Registration Rate ($450.00 USD) includes the following:

  • Full access to all conference sessions and conference materials featured in the program (including plenaries and keynotes)
  • Coffee breaks
  • Conference Socials
  • Wednesday night Conference Dinner
  • Access to conference rates for excursions

For more information on the Pathways Kenya 2020 registration packages and to access the registration portal, please visit the Registration Rates and Portal section of the Pathways Africa website. More information on the conference can be found on the Pathways Africa website.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to the Pathways Africa conference team if you have any questions.

We look forward to seeing you in Limuru!

African Conservationist Scholarship Open for Applications!

In an effort to help reduce the cost of attendance for the Pathways Kenya 2020: Human Dimensions of Wildlife conference and in alignment with our 2020 theme, “Open the Door to Diverse Voices”, the Pathways conference planning team is pleased to offer a limited number of scholarships to cover the full cost of conference registration for Pathways Kenya 2020 for African conservationists. This registration, valued at $450.00 USD, will grant recipients full access to all conference sessions, conference materials featured in the program, all coffee breaks and socials for the duration of the conference, the Sunday evening welcome reception and Wednesday night conference dinner. Recipients will be responsible for funding their own travel to Limuru and their lodging at Brackenhurst for the duration of the conference.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Be a citizen of an African nation working in conservation
  • Demonstrate significant need
  • Demonstrate the ability to cover the remainder of their conference costs (lodging, travel, and other incidentals)
  • Be employed by an accredited African conservancy, non-profit, conservation area, organization or research institute
  • Have a valid passport
  • Have the capability of securing a VISA (if required for entry into Kenya)

Click Here to Download the Pathways Kenya 2020 Scholarship Application

Pathways Europe 2020


Join us for the 2nd iteration of the Pathways Europe: Human Dimensions of Wildlife Conference and Training, hosted by Colorado State University and the Wageningen University and Research Cultural Geography, Forest and Nature Conservation Policy and Sociology of Development and Change Groups! The conference will be held from Sept. 20-23 at the Wageningen International Congress Centre in Wageningen, The Netherlands. For 2020, we will explore the crucial question: how can we share landscapes in a way that are beneficial for both humans and wildlife, while social representation in decision making is increasingly dynamic and unpredictable?

Submissions open October 10th, 2019

To find out more visit the Pathways Europe website!

Is Wolf Reintroduction Right for Colorado?

Gray wolf

Is systematic wolf reintroduction right for Colorado? With the two recent gray wolf sightings in Jackson County, the question of a healthy wolf population in Colorado is one of increasing attention and debate. At our Pathways 2019 conference (September 22-26), we will attempt to address this complex issue through the lens of human interests and values with a multi-part plenary session on Monday and Tuesday night, followed by a half-day world café workshop on Wednesday afternoon. The plenary session will feature speakers representing a wide range of backgrounds and perspectives, from key lessons learned from past reintroduction attempts, public perspectives towards wolf reintroduction, and key findings of social science research on the issue. If you are interested in learning more about wolves and Colorado, we invite you to join us at the YMCA of the Rockies in Estes this September. The conference is open to the public. For more information on our plenary speakers, registration rates and other conference details, please visit our website or email the conference team. We look forward to seeing you in Estes Park!

COMING UP! Pathways Kenya 2020



February 16-19, 2020

Colorado State University and the Pride Lion Conservation Alliance are thrilled to announce their partnership with hosting the 3rd iteration of the Pathways Africa: Human Dimensions of Wildlife Conference and Training. Pathways Kenya 2020 will examine the costs of excluding diverse voices in our decision-making teams and conservation programs and the benefits we will gain by their inclusion. Our 2020 theme of “Open the Door to Diverse Voices” hopes to provide a closer examination of how balanced leadership teams, effective collaborations, and diverse voices improve conservation impacts. We will also consider the individual and organizational change required to create an environment for innovative, long lasting solutions to address the complex crises of biodiversity loss and climate change and their impacts across Africa. We invite your perspectives on this critical topic.

We look forward to seeing you in Limuru!

Visit our website for more details!