Poster Presentations

Poster Presentation Submissions


Posters offer the opportunity for attendees to present their research to other Pathways attendees in a networking setting.

Submission Guidelines

Full abstract submission instructions are available on the Ex Ordo submission site (you will be required to set up an account before submitting an abstract). These instructions will walk you through the submission process.

Please follow the instructions carefully and include all requested information. All submissions must be in English.

If you have trouble submitting your abstract via the website, please e-mail us at and we will work with you.

Submission Acceptance

If your poster is selected, you will be notified with an acceptance email no later than March 31, 2025. 


All poster presenters must register and pay for the conference no later than April 22, 2025Presentation slots are limited and cancellations prohibit others from presenting their findings, so please be considerate.


If your poster is selected, please prepare your poster in 1M x 1M format (36″x36″). Presenters must bring their posters; the Pathways team is unable to print them for you.

Brought to you by:

Colorado State University Department of Human Dimensions of Natural Resources
Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies