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Exploring Ecoacoustic Trajectories in a Giant Sequoia Forest After Wildfire
Meyer, Erik & Fristrup, Kurt & Caprio, Anthony & Seale, L. & Linares, Carlos & McKenna, Megan.
Frontiers in Remote Sensing: 3. 10.3389/frsen.2022.837866.
Global Ecology and Biogeography: 31, 912– 924
Ecosphere 13( 3): e3994
Effects of low-level artificial light at night on Kentucky bluegrass and introduced herbivore
Crump M, Brown C, Nolan-Griffin R, Angeloni L, Lemoine N, & Seymoure B.
Fontiers in Ecology and Evolution: 9: 732959.
Noise and landscape features influence habitat use of mammalian herbivores in a natural gas field
Kleist, N. J., Buxton, R. T., Lendrum, P. E., Linares, C., Crooks, K. R., & Wittemyer, G.
Journal of Animal Ecology 90: 875-885.
Does experimentally quieting traffic noise benefit people and birds?
Levenhagen, Mitchell & Miller, Zachary & Petrelli, Riccardo & Ferguson, Lauren & Shr, Yau-Huo & Taff, Derrick & Fristrup, Kurt & McClure, Christopher & Burson, Shan & Giamellaro, Michael & Newman, Peter & Francis, Clinton & Barber, Jesse.
Ecology and Society. 26. 10.5751/ES-12277-260232.
Assessing the Vulnerabilities of Vertebrate Species to Light and Noise Pollution: Expert Surveys Illuminate the Impacts on Specialist Species.
Ditmer, Mark & Francis, Clinton & Barber, Jesse & Stoner, David & Seymoure, Brett & Fristrup, Kurt & Carter, Neil.
Integrative and Comparative Biology. 61. 10.1093/icb/icab091.
Advancing the Interpretation of Shallow Water Marine Soundscapes.
McKenna, Megan & Baumann-Pickering, Simone & Kok, Annebelle & Oestreich, William & Adams, Jeffrey & Barkowski, Jack & Fristrup, Kurt & Goldbogen, Jeremy & Joseph, John & Kim, Ella & Kügler, Anke & Lammers, Marc & Margolina, Tetyana & Reeves, Lindsey & Rowell, Timothy & Stanley, Jenni & Stimpert, Alison & Zang, Eden & Southall, Brandon & Hatch, Leila.
Frontiers in Marine Science. 719258. 10.3389/fmars.2021.719258.
Seasonal variation in the effects of artificial light at night on the occurrence of nocturnally migrating birds in urban areas.
La Sorte, Frank & Horton, Kyle.
Environmental Pollution. 10.1016/j.envpol.2020.116085.
Noise and landscape features influence habitat use of mammalian herbivores in a natural gas field
Kleist N, Buxton R, Lendrum P, Linares C, Crooks K, & Wittemyer G.
Journal of Animal Ecology: DOI: 10.1111/1365-2656.13416 .
Insights on the Effect of aircraft traffic on avian vocal activity
Vincelette H, Buxton RT, Kleist N, McKenna MF, Betchkal D, & Wittemyer G.
Ibis: DOI: 10.1111/ibi.12885.
The relationship between anthropogenic light and noise in U.S. National Parks
Buxton RT, Seymoure B, White J, Angeloni LM, Crooks KR, Fristrup K, & Wittemyer G.
Landscape Ecology 35: 1371-1384.
Vocal characteristics of prairie dog alarm calls across an urban noise gradient
Shannon G, McKenna M, Wilson-Henjum G, Angeloni LM, Crooks KR, & Wittemyer G.
Behavioral Ecology 31: 393-400.
Varying behavioral responses of wildlife to motorcycle traffic
Buxton RT, McKenna MF, Brown E, Ohms R, Hammesfahr A, Angeloni LM, Crooks KR, & Wittemyer G.
Global Ecology and Conservation 21: e00844.
Light pollution is a driver of insect declines
Owens ACS, Cochard P, Durrant J, Farnworth B, Perkin EK, & Seymoure B.
Biological Conservation 241: 108259.
Connecting spectral radiometry of anthropogenic light sources to the visual ecology of organisms
Seymoure BM, Linares C, & White J.
Journal of Zoology: doi:10.1111/jzo.12656.
Alarm call modification by prairie dogs in the presence of juveniles
Wilson-Henjum GE, Job JR, McKenna MF, Shannon G, & Wittemyer G.
Pairing camera traps and acoustic recorders to monitor the ecological impact of human disturbance
Buxton RT, Lendrum PE, Crooks KR, & Wittemyer G.
Global Ecology Conservation 16: e00493.
Efficacy of extracting indices from large‐scale acoustic recordings to monitor biodiversity
Buxton RT, McKenna MF, Clapp M, Meyer E, Angeloni L, Crooks K, & Wittemyer G.
Conservation Biology 32: 1174-1184.
Acoustic indices as rapid indicators of avian diversity in different land-use types in an Indian biodiversity hotspot
Buxton RT, Agnihotri S, Robin VV, Goel A, & Balakrishnan R.
Journal of Ecoacoustics 2: 1-17.
Enlightening butterfly conservation efforts: the importance of natural lighting for butterfly behavioral ecology and conservation
Seymoure BM.
Insects 9: 1-25.
Visitor noise at a nesting colony alters the behavior of a coastal seabird
Buxton RT, McKenna MF, Galvan R, White CM, & Seher V.
Marine Ecological Progress Series 570: 233-246.
Noise pollution is pervasive in U.S. protected areas
Buxton RT, McKenna MF, Mennitt D, Fristrup K, Crooks K, Angeloni L, & Wittemyer G.
Science 356: 531-533.
Research priorities from animal behaviour for maximising conservation progress
Greggor et al.
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 12: 953-964.
Characterizing anthropogenic noise to improve understanding and management of impacts to wildlife
McKenna MF, Shannon G, & Fristrup K.
Endangered Species Research 31: 279-291.
Uncovering Spatial Variation in Acoustic Environments Using Sound Mapping
Job JR, Myers K, Naghshineh K, & Gill SA.
PLOS One 7: e0159883.
Song adjustments by an open habitat bird to anthropogenic noise, urban structure, and vegetation
Job JR, Kohler SL, & Gill SA.
Behavioral Ecology: arw105.
Using bioacoustics to examine shifts in songbird phenology
Buxton RT, Brown E, Sherman L, Gabriele CM, & McKenna MF.
Ecology and Evolution 6: 4697-4710.
Road noise causes earlier predator detection and flight response in a free-ranging mammal
Shannon G, Crooks KR, Wittemyer G, Fristrup KM, & Angeloni LM.
Behavioral Ecology: 27: 1370-1375.
A synthesis of two decades of research documenting the effects of noise on wildlife
Shannon G, McKenna MF, Angeloni LM, Crooks KR, Fristrup KM, Brown E, Warner KA, Nelson MD, White C, Briggs J, McFarland S, & Wittemyer G.
Biological Reviews 91: 982-1005.
A framework to assess evolutionary responses to anthropogenic light and sound
Swaddle J, Francis CD, Barber JR, Cooper CB, Kyba CCM, Dominoni D, Shannon G, et al.
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 30: 550-560.
Rangeland dynamics: investigating vegetation composition and structure of urban and exurban prairie dog habitat
Hopson R, Meiman P, & Shannon G.
PeerJ 3:e736.
Landscape and anthropogenic features influence the use of auditory vigilance by mule deer
Lynch E, Northrup JM, McKenna MF, Anderson CR Jr., Angeloni L, & Wittemyer G.
Behavioral Ecology 26: 75-82.
Road traffic noise modifies behaviour of a keystone species
Shannon G, Angeloni LM, Wittemyer G, Fristrup KM, & Crooks KR.
Animal Behaviour 94: 135-141.
Behavioral responses associated with a human-mediated predator shelter
Shannon G, Cordes LS, Hardy AR, Angeloni LM, & Crooks KR.
PLOS One 9: e94630.
Recommended survey designs for occupancy modelling using motion-activated cameras: insights from empirical wildlife data
Shannon G, Lewis J, & Gerber B.
PeerJ 2: e532.
A geospatial model of ambient sound pressure levels in the contiguous United States
Mennitt D, Sherrill K, & Fristrup K.
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 135: 2746-2764.
The use of on-animal acoustical recording devices for studying animal behaviour
Lynch E, Angeloni L, Fristrup K, Joyce D, & Wittemyer G.
Ecology & Evolution 3: 2030-2037.
Detection and classification of motor vehicle noise in a forested landscape
Brown CL, Reed SE, Dietz MS, & Fristrup KM.
Environmental Management 52: 1262-1270.
A GIS tool for modeling anthropogenic noise propagation in natural ecosystems
Reed SE, Boggs JL, & Mann JP.
Environmental modelling & Software 37: 1-5.
The effect of human activities and their associated noise on ungulate behavior
Brown CL, Hardy AR, Barber JR, Fristrup KM, Crooks KR, & Angeloni LM.
PLOS One 7: e40505.
Anthropogenic noise exposure in protected natural areas: estimating the scale of ecological consequences
Barber JR, Burdett CL, Reed SE, Warner KA, Formichella C, Crooks KR, Theobald DM, & Fristrup KM.
Landscape Ecology 26: 1281-1295.
An assessment of noise audibility and sound levels in U.S. national parks
Lynch, E, Joyce D, & Fristrup K.
Landscape Ecology 26: 1297-1309.
The costs of chronic noise exposure for terrestrial organisms
Barber JR, Crooks KR, & Fristrup KM.
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 25: 180-189.
Conserving the wild life therein: protecting park fauna from anthropogenic noise
Barber JR, Fristrup KM, Brown CL, Hardy AR, Angeloni LM, & Crooks KR.
Park Science 26: 36-31.
Science & Science Communication Presentations
Fort Collins Museum of Discovery, Discovery Live: Ask a Scientist!
iSwoop, Crash, Bang, Chirp Sounds and Soundscape Training Workshop
Rocky Mountain National Park, Soundscape Communication Training Session
Fort Collins Museum of Discovery, Discovery Live: Ask a Scientist!
Save the Boundary Waters, Opt Inside: Birding Edition!
Call of the wild: using natural sounds recordings to give voice to avian conservation
Job J.
American Ornithological Society, Tucson, AZ.
Using automated recorders to uncover patterns of avian presence in a sequoia forest
Linares C, McKenna MF, Job J, Wittemyer G, & Meyer E.
American Ornithological Society, Tucson, AZ.
A conceptual understanding of anthropogenic lighting
Nikirk J, White J, Linares C, Angeloni L, Wittemyer G, Crooks K, & Seymoure B.
Front Range Student Ecology Symposium, Fort Collins, CO.
Linares C, Seymoure B, White J, Angeloni L, Crooks K, & Wittemyer G.
Front Range Student Ecology Symposium, Fort Collins, CO.
A synthesis of the effects of noise on wildlife
McKenna MF, Shannon G, Fristrup KM, Crooks K, Angeloni LM, & Wittemyer G.
The American Association for the Advancement of Science Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
Noise exposure in US protected areas
Buxton R, McKenna MF, Brown E, Mennitt DJ, Fristrup KM, Crooks K, Angeloni LM, & Wittemyer G.
The American Association for the Advancement of Science Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
Road traffic noise affects predator detection and flight response in a free-ranging mammal
Angeloni LM, Shannon G, Crooks K, Wittemyer G, & Fristrup KM.
Animal Behavior Society, Columbio, MO.
Road noise affects antipredator behavior in a free-ranging mammal
Shannon G, Crooks K, Wittemyer G, Fristrup KM, & Angeloni LM.
International Society for Behavioral Ecology, Exeter, UK.
Traffic noise affects antipredator behavior of prairie dogs
Angeloni LM, Shannon G, Crooks K, Wittemyer G, & Fristrup KM.
Guild of Rocky Mountain Ecologists and Evolutionary Biologists, Gothic, CO.
A synthesis of two decades of research documenting the effects of noise on wildlife
McKenna MF, Shannon G, Angeloni LM, Lynch E, Warner KA, Nelson MD, Leumas C, Briggs J, McFarland S, Crooks KR, Fristrup KM, & Wittemyer G.
George Wright Society, Oakland, CA.
Bridging the gap between animal behavior and conservation biology: behavioral responses to human activity and noise
Angeloni L.
Jeanne Messier Memorial Seminar, Department of Ecology, Behavior & Evolution, UC San Diego, San Diego, CA.
Bridging the gap between animal behavior and conservation biology: behavioral responses to human activity and noise
Angeloni L.
Department of Biological Sciences Seminar, University of Denver, Denver, CO.
Do human activities increase risk or serve as a predator shelter in shaping ungulate behavior?
Angeloni L.
Winter Animal Behavior Conference, Steamboat Springs, CO.
Bridging the gap between animal behavior and conservation biology: behavioral responses to human activity and noise
Angeloni L.
Department of Biology Seminar Series, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO.
Road traffic noise modifies behavior of a keystone species
Shannon G, Angeloni LM, Wittemyer G, Fristrup KM, & Crooks KR.
International Society for Behavioural Ecology, New York, NY.
Behavioral responses associated with a human mediated predator shelter
Shannon G, Cordes LS, Hardy AR, Angeloni LM & Crooks KR.
Animal Behavior Society, Boulder, CO.
The effect of human activities and noise on ungulate behavior
Angeloni L, Brown CL, Hardy AR, Barber JR, Fristrup KM, & Crooks KR.
Animal Behavior Society, Bloomington, IN.
The effect of human activities and noise on ungulate behavior
Brown CL, Hardy AR, Barber JR, Fristrup KM, Crooks KR, & Angeloni L.
The Wildlife Society, Waikoloa, HI.
Anthropogenic noise exposure in protected natural areas: estimating the scale of ecological consequence
Barber JR, Burdett CL, Reed SE, Warner KA, Formichella C, Crooks KR, Theobald DM, & Fristrup KM.
Grand Teton Resource Symposium, Teton National Park, WY.
The effect of human activities and noise on ungulate behavior
Brown CL, Hardy AR, Barber JR, Fristrup KM, Crooks KR, & Angeloni LM.
Animal Behavior Society, Bloomington, IN.
The effects of human activities on ungulate behavior along Teton Park Road
Brown CL, Hardy AR, Barber JR, Fristrup KM, Crooks KR, & Angeloni LM.
Front Range Student Ecology Symposium, Fort Collins, CO.
The effects of anthropogenic noise on elk and pronghorn behavior in Grand Teton National Park
Brown CL, Hardy AR, Barber JR, Fristrup KM, Crooks KR, & Angeloni LM.
The American Society of Mammalogists, Laramie, WY.
Conserving the wild life therein: protecting park fauna from anthropogenic noise
Brown C, Barber JR, Fristrup KM, Hardy A, Angeloni L, & Crooks KR.
George Wright Society Conference, Portland, OR.
The effects of anthropogenic sound on ungulate behavior in Grand Teton National Park
Brown C, Crooks K, Angeloni L.
Front Range Student Ecology Symposium, Fort Collins, CO.