I am a professor of forest biometry and natural resource measurements. My research lab utilizes a combination of field inventories, remote sensing, GIS, and forest growth/landscape change models to characterize and address a wide array of applied forest management questions. This work is building towards a new suite of spatially aware decision support tools and methods for characterizing, monitoring, and projecting changes in resources across multiple scales.
I oversee the Forest Biometrics Lab which address challenges related to the monitoring and modeling of forested environments. The lab is generating research to close knowledge gaps in our understanding of spatiotemporal forest dynamics and the use of remote sensing for forest characterization.
This work includes ongoing research at the Pike’s Peak Forest Dynamics Plot, where Professor Tinkham leads the efforts of a long-term interdisciplinary team. This high resolution dataset is providing opportunities to investigate how spatial variation impacts forest development dynamics, fungal and insect biodiversity, complexity of the fuels complex, and development of remote sensing techniques.