NR 512 – Project Description

NR 512 – Course Project

Overview: The course project is intended to provide you an opportunity to explore the role of spatial relationships within your research project. If you are using spatial data for your thesis project, you are encouraged to use those data. If you do not have access to appropriate datasets, the instructor will provide you with a dataset and will aid in the selection of an appropriate application/research question. Your goal is to complete the project and hand in a final report, in manuscript form, by the end of the semester. You should strive to produce a final report that is worthy of peer review in a scientific journal of your choice. Taking an applied research project from the design and analysis stage through to a manuscript describing and disseminating the findings is a useful endeavor for all graduate students (and motivated undergraduate students) to undertake.

The project will include the following steps:

  1. Extended Outline – This is intended to help you organize your thoughts and receive early feedback so that your efforts can be maximized.
  2. First Draft – This draft is to make sure you are able to set up and justify the need for your work and can articulate the methods you are using.
  3. Peer Review – The reflective aspects of conducting peer-review is one of the best ways of advancing an individuals writing skills.
  4. Project Presentation – Science communication is an important aspect for every up and coming scientist.
  5. Final Report – Your ability to articulate scientific literature and and manage a publication quality writing effort is vital as a scientist.

You are encouraged to set a meeting with the instructor as soon as possible to discuss your research ideas and to layout a plan of action to ensure you are successful.