NR 421 – Project Update Memo
Premise: Now that your boss has provided you with feedback on how to conduct your data collection and analysis, you should be working through your data acquisition process. In your preliminary meeting with your client you promised an update about the progress of the project on April 12th by 5:00 pm. You intend to provide them with information on the final sampling strategy, why that strategy will meet their needs, and how far you have made it through your sampling to date.
Memo Instructions: This memo is to be done with the same group used in your project proposal, and be ~1 page typed using 1.15-line spacing and Times New Roman 12pt font. This should be printed and delivered to either the Instructor or Instructor’s mailbox by 5:00 pm on Friday April 12th. The first ten memos received by Friday March 30th will receive a free initial for any large issues.

The memo should address each of the following outlined elements:
- Subject Line
- This line is intended to ensure that the reader knows exactly what the memo will contain and should follow a format similar to:
RE: Progress toward the sampling of [fill in your details].
- Writing
- This should include a strong topic sentence and then briefly describe (4-5 sentences) the sampling strategy being used to collect the necessary information.
- You should then describe how collecting this information in this way is the best approach for addressing the client’s information needs (2-3 sentences). This will require you to justify why this is the most efficient approach to sampling the desired information.
- Finally, you should conclude by describing the progress made toward data acquisition to date and remind the client of when you intend to provide them with the final products of the project (2-3 sentences).
There are document available on Canvas that accompany these instructions to provide more specific guidance on memo formatting.

Code of Conduct: Do not copy and paste material from these instructions, papers, or books when writing your essay, the only exception is that the provided maps may be reused. Attempt to rewrite in your own words the message you want conveyed and then provide proper citations. Failure to do so will result in a score of 0.