Hasegawa, R., Y. Otsuki, Y. Uemura, C. Furusawa, M. Naka, Y. Kanno, and I. Koizumi. 2025. Positive feedback between parasite infection and poor host condition reduces host survival in the wild. Functional Ecology.

Svatos, E.C., F.R. Carvallo, M.K. ter KuileMiller, J.L. Gray, J.L. Trujillo, S.B. Weinstein, M.P. Fairchild, Y. Kanno, and D.L. Preston. 2025. Effects of wildfire on interactions among nematode parasites, mayfly hosts, and trout predators. Freshwater Biology 70:e70015. [PDF]

Lu, X., Y. Kanno, G.P. Valentine, M.A. Kulp, and M.B. Hooten. 2025. Regularized latent trajectory models for space-time population dynamics. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics.

Brown, A.L., T.R. Hackett, B.K. Lynch, B.P. Rose, B.M. Johnson, and Y. Kanno. 2025. Length at age of mottled sculpin in a regulated high-elevation river. Aquaculture, Fish and Fisheries 5:e70030. [PDF]

Kanno, Y., N.M. Clark, K.C. Pregler, and S. Kim. 2025. Integrated analysis of marked and count data to characterize fine-scale stream fish movement. Oecologia 207:25 [PDF]


Stack, T., M.P. Fairchild, R. Geiger, S.J. Oyler-McCance, J.A. Fike, C.M. Kennedy, D.L. Winkelman, and Y. Kanno. 2024. A genetic assessment of natural barriers for isolating a proposed greenback cutthroat trout reintroduction area. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 44:1062-1072. [PDF]

Hosoki, T.K., N.M. Clark, R. Futamura, S. Moriyama, O. Kishida, and Y. Kanno. 2024. A comparison of sex-specific markers for two wild masu salmon populations in Hokkaido, Japan. Aquaculture, Fish and Fisheries 4:e194. [PDF]

Platis, N.M., Y. Kanno, B.M. Johnson, and B.P. Rose. 2024. Seasonal trophic niche width and overlap of mottled sculpin and brown trout in a regulated high-elevation river. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 33:e12793. [PDF]

Lewis, S.T., J.D. Salerno, J.S. Sanderson, and Y. Kanno. 2024. An experimental test of intra- and inter-specific competition between invasive western mosquitofish (Gambusis affinis) and native plains topminnow (Fundulus sciadicus). Freshwater Biology 69:1131-1143. [PDF]

Valentine, G.P., X. Lu, C.A. Dolloff, C.N. Roghair, J.M. Rash, M.B. Hooten, and Y. Kanno. 2024. Landscape influences on thermal sensitivity and predicted spatial variability among brook trout streams in the southeastern USA. River Research and Applications 40:1242-1255. [PDF]

Lu, X., Y. Kanno, G.P. Valentine, J.M. Rash, and M.B. Hooten. 2024. Using multi-scale spatial models of dendritic ecosystems to infer abundance of a stream salmonid. Journal of Applied Ecology 61:1703-1715. [PDF]

Fausch, K.D., K. Morita, J. Tsuboi, Y. Kanno, S. Yamamoto, D. Kishi, J.B. Dunham, I. Koizumi, K. Hasegawa, M. Inoue, T. Sato, and S. Kitano. 2024. The past, present, and a future for native charr in Japan. Ichthyological Research 71:461-485. [PDF]

Valentine, G.P., X. Lu, E.S. Childress, C.A. Dolloff, N.P. Hitt, M.A. Kulp, B.H. Letcher, K.C. Pregler, J.M. Rash, M.B. Hooten, and Y. Kanno. 2024. Spatial asynchrony and cross-scale climate interactions in populations of a coldwater stream fish. Global Change Biology 30:e17029. [PDF]


Pregler, K.C., X. Lu, G.P. Valentine, S. Kim, and Y. Kanno. 2023. Temperature variation generates interspecific synchrony but spatial asynchrony in survival for freshwater fish communities. Ecology and Evolution 13:e10700. [PDF]

Shi, W., Z. Zhou, B.H. Letcher, N.P. Hitt, Y. Kanno, R. Futamura, O. Kishida, K. Morita, and S. Li. 2023. Aging contrast: A contrastive learning framework for fish re-identification across seasons and years. Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence AI2023:252-264. [PDF]

Preston, D.L., J.L. Trujillo, M.P. Fairchild, R.R. Morrison, K.D. Fausch, and Y. Kanno. 2023. Short-term effects of wildfire on high elevation stream-riparian food webs. Oikos 2023:e09828. [PDF]

Ma, C., R.R. Morrison, D.C. White, J. Roberts, and Y. Kanno. 2023. Climate change impacts on native cutthroat trout habitat in Colorado streams. River Research and Applications 39:970-986. [PDF]

Kanno, Y., M.L. Locklear, N.M. Platis, and S.T. Lewis. 2023. Body condition metrics explain fish movement in experimental streams. Journal of Zoology 320:18-28. [PDF]

Kanno, Y., S. Kim, and K.C. Pregler. 2023. Sub-seasonal correlation between growth and survival in three sympatric aquatic ectotherms. Oikos 2023:e09685. [PDF]


Tsuboi, J., K. Morita, Y. Koseki, S. Endo, G. Sahashi, D. Kishi, T. Kikko, D. Ishizaki, M. Nunokawa, and Y. Kanno. 2022. Small giants: tributaries rescue spatially structured populations from extirpation in a highly fragmented stream. Journal of Applied Ecology 59:1997-2009. [PDF] Tsuboi & Kanno are joint first authors.

Harris, A.C., S.J. Oyler-McCance, J.A. Fike, M.P. Fairchild, C.M. Kennedy, H.J. Crockett, D.L. Winkelman, and Y. Kanno. 2022. Population genetics reveals bidirectional fish movement across the Continental Divide via an interbasin water transfer. Conservation Genetics 23:839-851. [PDF]

Wenger, S. J., E.S. Stowe, K.B. Gido, M.C. Freeman, Y. Kanno, N.R. Franssen, J.D. Olden, N.L., Poff, A.W. Walters, P.M. Bumpers, M.C. Mims, M.B. Hooten, and X. Lu. 2022. Simple statistical models can be sufficient for testing hypotheses with population time series data. Ecology and Evolution 12:e9339. [PDF]

Freeman, M.C., K.R. Bestgen, D. Carlisle, E.A. Frimpong, N.R. Franssen, K.B. Gido, E. Irwin, Y. Kanno, C. Luce, S.K. McKay, M.C. Mims, J.D. Olden, N.L. Poff, D.L. Propst, L. Rack, A.H. Roy, E.S. Stowe, A. Walters, and S.J. Wenger. 2022. Toward improved understanding of streamflow effects on freshwater fishes. Fisheries 47(7):290-298. [PDF]

Kim, S., M.B. Hooten, T.L. Darden, and Y. Kanno. 2022. Linking male reproductive success to effort within and among nests in a co-breeding stream fish. Ethology 128:489-498. [PDF]

Futamura, R., K. Morita, Y. Kanno, and O. Kishida. 2022. Size-selective mortality occurs in smolts during a seaward migration, but not in river residents, in masu salmon (Oncorhynchus masou). Environmental Biology of Fishes 105:1833-1843. [PDF]

Futamura, R., K. Morita, Y. Kanno, S. Kumikawa, Y. Matsuoka, A. Okuda, H. Sugiyama, H. Takahashi, J. Uchida, and O. Kishida. 2022. Size-dependent growth tactics of a partially migratory fish before migration. Oecologia 198:371-379. [PDF]

Uno, H., M. Yokoi, K. Fukushima, Y. Kanno, O. Kishida, W. Mamiya, R. Sakai, and S. Utsumi. 2022. Spatially variable hydrological and biological processes shape diverse post-flood aquatic communities. Freshwater Biology 67:549-563. [PDF]

Kazyak, D.C., B.A. Lubinski, M.A. Kulp, K.C. Pregler, A.R. Whiteley, E. Hallerman, J.A. Coombs, Y. Kanno, J.M. Rash, R.P. Morgan, J. Habera, J. Henegar, T.C. Weathers, M.T. Sell, A. Rabern, D. Rankin, and T.L. King. 2022. Population genetics of brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) in the southern Appalachian Mountains. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 151:127-149. [Featured Paper] [PDF]

Kanno, Y., A.C. Harris, O. Kishida, S. Utsumi, and H. Uno. 2022. Complex effects of body length and condition on within-tributary movement and emigration in stream salmonids. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 31:317-329. [PDF]


Terui, A., S. Kim, K.C. Pregler, and Y. Kanno. 2021. Non-random dispersal in sympatric stream fishes: influences of natural disturbance and body size. Freshwater Biology 65:1865-1875. [PDF]

Fitzgerald, K.A., M.R. Haworth, K.R. Bestgen, C.J. Farrell, S. Utsumi, O. Kishida, H. Uno, and Y. Kanno. 2021. Hatch timing of two subarctic salmonids in a stream network estimated by otolith increments. Fisheries Management and Ecology 28:507-515. [PDF]

Ciepiela, L.R., R.M. Fitzpatrick, S.T. Lewis, and Y. Kanno. 2021. Behavioral interactions between a native and an invasive fish species in a thermally heterogeneous experimental chamber. Fishes 6:75. [PDF]

Fausch, K.D., S. Nakano, S. Kitano, Y. Kanno, and S. Kim. 2021. Interspecific social dominance networks reveal mechanisms promoting coexistence in sympatric charrs in Hokkaido, Japan. Journal of Animal Ecology 90:515-527. [PDF]

Harris, A.C., R.D. Hanks, J.M. Rash, D.W. Goodfred, and Y. Kanno. 2021. Standard weight equation for brook trout in southern Appalachian Mountains streams. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 12:183-189. [PDF]


Kim, S., K.C. Pregler, E.L. Cushman, T.L. Darden, and Y. Kanno. 2020. Behavior outweighs body size in mediating male reproductive success in a nest-building fish, bluehead chub. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 74:148. [PDF] Kim & Kanno are joint first authors.

Nathan, L.R., Y. Kanno, B.H. Letcher, A.B. Welsh, A.R. Whiteley, and J.C. Vokoun. 2020. Evaluation of genetic structuring within GIS-derived brook trout management units. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 149:681-694. [PDF]

Tsuboi, J., K. Morita, Y. Koseki, S. Endo, G. Sahashi, D. Kishi, T. Kikko, D. Ishizaki, M. Nunokawa, and Y. Kanno. 2020. Spatial covariation of fish population vital rates in a stream network. Oikos 129:924-937. [PDF]

Kanno, Y., N. Yui, W. Mamiya, R. Sakai, Y. Yabuhara, T. Miyazaki, S. Utsumi, O. Kishida, and H. Uno. 2020. A multistate mark-recapture approach to characterize stream fish movement at multiple spatial scales. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 77:1090-1100. [PDF]

Kim, S., B.K. Peoples, and Y. Kanno. 2020. Diverse reproductive patterns of bluehead chub (Nocomis leptocephalus) and their relationships with nest size and interactions with an associate, yellowfin shiner (Notropis lutipinnis). Environmental Biology of Fishes 103:783-794. [PDF]

Nakano, S., K.D. Fausch, I. Koizumi, Y. Kanno, Y. Taniguchi, S. Kitano, and Y. Miyake. 2020. Evaluating a pattern of ecological character displacement: charr jaw morphology and diet diverge in sympatry versus allopatry across catchments in Hokkaido, Japan. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 129:356-378. [PDF]

Cushman, E.L., K.L. Kanapeckas Métris, Y. Kanno, K.C. Pregler, B.K. Peoples, and T.L. Darden. 2020. Optimization of a suite of microsatellite markers for Nocomis leptocephalus (bluehead chub) and genetic characterization of two populations in South Carolina. Southeastern Naturalist 19:192-204. [PDF]

Kim, S., and Y. Kanno. 2020. Spawning periodicity and synchrony of bluehead chub (Nocomis leptocephalus) and a nest associate, yellowfin shiner (Notropis lutipinnis), across local streams. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 29:299-310. [PDF]


Pregler, K.C., R.D. Hanks, E. Childress, N.P. Hitt, D.J. Hocking, B.H. Letcher, T. Wagner, and Y. Kanno. 2019. State-space analysis of power to detect regional brook trout population trends over time. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 76:2145-2155. [PDF]

Budy, P., K.B. Rogers, Y. Kanno, B. Penaluna, N.P. Hitt, G.P. Thiede, J. Dunham, C. Mellison, W.L. Somer, and P. Trotter. 2019. Distribution and status of trout and char in North America. Pages 193-250 in J.L. Kershner, J.E. Williams, R.E. Gresswell, and J. Lobon-Cervia (Editors), Trout and Char of the World. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD.

Vine, J., Y. Kanno, S.C. Holbrook, W.C. Post, and B.K. Peoples. 2019. Using side-scan sonar and N-mixture modeling to estimate Atlantic sturgeon spawning migration abundance. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 39:939-950. [PDF]

Silknetter, S., Y. Kanno, K.L. Kanapeckas Métris, E. Cushman, T.L. Darden, and B.K. Peoples. 2019. Mutualism or parasitism: partner abundance affects host fitness in a fish reproductive interaction. Freshwater Biology 64:175-182. [PDF]


Pregler, K.C., Y. Kanno, D. Rankin, J.A. Coombs, and A.W. Whiteley. 2018. Characterizing genetic integrity of rear-edge trout populations in the southern Appalachians. Conservation Genetics 19:1487-1503. [PDF]

Blum, A.G., Y. Kanno, and B.H. Letcher. 2018. Seasonal streamflow extremes are key drivers of brook trout young-of-the-year abundance. Ecosphere 9(8):e02356. [PDF]

Hanks, R.D., Y. Kanno, and J.M. Rash. 2018. Can single-pass electrofishing replace three-pass depletion for population trend detection? Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 147:729-739. [PDF]

Mycko, S.A., Y. Kanno, and J.M. Bettinger. 2018. Using angling and electric fishing to estimate smallmouth bass abundance in a river. Fisheries Management and Ecology 25:77-84. [PDF]


Kelly, B.B., J.B. Cary, A.D. Smith, K.C. Pregler, S. Kim, and Y. Kanno. 2017. Detection efficiency of a portable PIT antenna for two small-bodied fishes in a Piedmont stream. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 37:1362-1369. [PDF]

Cary, J.B., J.L. Holbrook, M.E. Reed, T.B. Austin, M.S. Steffensen, S. Kim, K.C. Pregler, and Y. Kanno. 2017. Survival of upper Piedmont stream fishes implanted with an 8-mm passive integrated transponder tag. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 146:1223-1232. [PDF]

Kanno, Y., M.A. Kulp, S.E. Moore, and G.D. Grossman. 2017. Native brook trout and invasive rainbow trout respond differently to seasonal weather variation: spawning timing matters. Freshwater Biology 62:868-879. [PDF]

Nathan, L.R., Y. Kanno, and J.C. Vokoun. 2017. Population demographics influence genetic responses to fragmentation: a demogenetic assessment of the ‘one migrant per generation’ rule of thumb. Biological Conservation 210:261-272. [PDF]


Kanno, Y., M.A. Kulp, and S.E. Moore. 2016. Recovery of native brook trout populations following the eradication of nonnative rainbow trout in southern Appalachian Mountains streams. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 36:1325-1335. [PDF]

Barrett, K., C. Guyer, S.T. Samoray, and Y. Kanno. 2016. Stream and riparian habitat use by anurans along a forested gradient in western Georgia, USA. Copeia 104:570-576. [PDF]

Kanno, Y., K.C. Pregler, N.P. Hitt, B.H. Letcher, D.J. Hocking, and J.E.B. Wofford. 2016. Seasonal temperature and precipitation regulate brook trout young-of-the-year abundance and population dynamics. Freshwater Biology 61:88-99. [PDF]

O’Bryan, C.J., J.A. Homyack, R.F. Baldwin, Y. Kanno, and A.L. Harrison. 2016. Novel habitat use supports population maintenance in a reconfigured landscape. Ecosphere 7(3):e01228 [PDF]


Kanno, Y., B.H. Letcher, N.P. Hitt, D.A. Boughton, J.E.B. Wofford, and E.F. Zipkin. 2015. Seasonal weather patterns drive population vital rates and persistence in a stream fish. Global Change Biology 21:1856-1870. [PDF]

Kanno, Y., B.H. Letcher, A.L. Rosner, K.P. O’Neil, and K.H. Nislow. 2015. Environmental factors affecting brook trout occurrence in headwater stream segments. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 144:373-382. [PDF]


Kanno, Y., B.H. Letcher, J.C. Vokoun, and E.F. Zipkin. 2014. Spatial variability in adult brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) survival within two intensively surveyed headwater stream networks. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 71:1010-1019. [PDF]

Zipkin, E.F., J.T. Thorson, K. See, H.J. Lynch, E.H.C. Grant, Y. Kanno, R.B. Chandler, B.H. Letcher, and J.A. Royle. 2014. Modeling structured population dynamics using data from unmarked individuals. Ecology 95:22-29. [PDF]

Beauchene, M., M. Becker, C.J. Bellucci, N. Hagstrom, and Y. Kanno. 2014. Defining summer thermal thresholds of fish community transitions in Connecticut streams. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 34:119-131. [PDF]

Kanno, Y., B.H. Letcher, J.A. Coombs, K.H. Nislow, and A.R. Whiteley. 2014. Linking movement and reproductive history of brook trout to assess habitat connectivity in a heterogeneous stream network. Freshwater Biology 59:142-154. [PDF]

Kanno, Y., J.C. Vokoun, and B.H. Letcher. 2014. Paired stream-air temperature measurements reveal fine-scale thermal heterogeneity within headwater brook trout stream networks. River Research and Applications 30:745-755. [PDF]


DiStefano, R.J., T.R. Black, S.S. Herleth-King, Y. Kanno, and H.T. Mattingly. 2013. Life histories of two populations of the imperiled crayfish Orconectes(Procericambaruswilliamsi (Decapoda: Cambaridae) in southwestern Missouri, USA. Journal of Crustacean Biology 33: 15-24. [PDF]


Kanno, Y., W.T. Russ, C.J. Sutherland, and S.B. Cook. 2012. Prioritizing aquatic conservation areas using spatial patterns and partitioning of fish community diversity in a near-natural temperate basin. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 22: 799-812. [PDF]

Kanno, Y., J.C. Vokoun, K.E. Holsinger, and B.H. Letcher. 2012. Estimating size-specific brook trout abundance in continuously sampled headwater streams using Bayesian mixed models with zero inflation and overdispersion. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 21: 404-419. [PDF]

Kanno, Y., C.U. Schmidt, S.B. Cook, and H.T. Mattingly. 2012. Variation in microhabitat use of the threatened spotfin chub (Erimonax monachus) among stream sites and seasons. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 21: 363-374. [PDF]


Kanno, Y., J.C. Vokoun, and B.H. Letcher. 2011. Fine-scale population structure and riverscape genetics of brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) distributed continuously along headwater channel networks. Molecular Ecology 20: 3711-3729. [PDF]

Kanno, Y., J.C. Vokoun, and B.H. Letcher. 2011. Sibship reconstruction for inferring mating systems, dispersal and effective population size in headwater brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) populations. Conservation Genetics 12: 619-628. [PDF]

​2010 and earlier

Kanno, Y., and J.C. Vokoun. 2010. Evaluating effects of water withdrawals and impoundments on fish assemblages in southern New England streams, USA. Fisheries Management and Ecology 17: 272-283. [PDF]

Kanno, Y., J.C. Vokoun, and M. Beauchene. 2010. Development of dual fish multi-metric indices of biological condition for streams with characteristic thermal gradients and low species richness. Ecological Indicators 10: 565-571. [PDF]

Kanno, Y., J.C. Vokoun, D.D. Dauwalter, R.M. Hughes, A.T. Herlihy, T.R. Maret, and T.M. Patton. 2009. Influence of rare species on electrofishing distance when estimating species richness of stream and river reaches. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 138: 1240-1251. [PDF]

Kanno, Y., and J.C. Vokoun. 2008. Biogeography of stream fishes in Connecticut: defining faunal regions and assemblage types. Northeastern Naturalist15: 557-576. [PDF]

Bourret, S.J., R.W. Tingley, III, Y. Kanno, and J.C. Vokoun. 2008. Maximum daily consumption and specific daily metabolic demand of juvenile flathead catfish. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 23: 413-419.

Kanno, Y., and J. MacMillan. 2004. Developing an index of sustainable coldwater streams using fish community attributes in River Philip, Nova Scotia. Proceedings of the Nova Scotian Institute of Science 42: 319-338.

Kanno, Y., and K. Beazley. 2004. Freshwater fish considerations for aquatic conservation systems planning in Nova Scotia. Proceedings of the Nova Scotian Institute of Science 42: 375-391.