Design Matrix Retrieve Columns


Design Matrix Retrieve Columns

Often you would like to retreive one or more columns from a design matrix of another model.  To do this operation, switch from your current design matrix window to the Results Browser Window.  Highlight (by clicking on) the model (row) in the Results Browser that contains the design matrix with the column(s) you want to retrieve.  Now return to your current design matrix window.  Highlight a cell (by clicking on it) in the column that will be to the left of the columns you are about to retrieve.  Now, either right click on the design matrix and select the “Column from Design Matrix” option, or else select the FillCol | Columns from other Design Matrix choices from the menu bar.  You will be presented with a list of columns in from the design matrix of the model highlighted in the Results Browser window.  Each of the available columns will be identified with the column label, or else the column variable name (i.e., B2, B3, etc.).   You select one or more of the columns you want to add to your current design matrix, and click OK.  The column contents as well as the column label will be added into your current design matrix.