Design Matrix Commands
Design Matrix Commands
The following commands on the Design Matrix menu are available:
Command Purpose
Add One Column Add a column to the end of the matrix
Add Multiple Columns Add 2 or more columns to the end of the matrix
Copy One Column Copy a column in the matrix
Copy Multiple Columns Copy 2 or more columns in the matrix
Copy Value Copy value down the current column in the matrix
Delete Add One Column Delete the current column from the matrix
Delete Multiple Columns Delete 2 or more columns from the matrix
Insert One Column Insert a column in the matrix
Insert Multiple Columns Insert 2or more columns in the matrix
Zero One Column Fill a column with 0’s
Zero Multiple Columns Fill 2 or more columns with 0’s
Zero Partial Column Fill a portion of a column with 0’s
Intercept Fill a column with 1’s
Partial Intercept Partially fill acolumn with 1’s
Identity Fill matrix with identitymatrix
Partial Identity Partially fill section of matrix with identity
Continuous Fill a column with sequentialvalues
Partial Continuous Partially fill acolumn with sequential values
Product of Columns Add columns to matrix consisting of products of existing columns
Continuous Occasion Effect Fill acolumn with sequential values
Partial Continuous Occ. Effect Partially fill a column with sequential values
Discrete Occasion Effect Fill columns with discrete occasion effects
Partial Discrete Occasion Effect Partially fill columns with discrete occasion effect
Continuous Group Effect Fill a columnwith sequential values
Partial Continuous Group Effect Partially fill a column with sequential values
Discrete Group Effect Fill columns with discrete group effects
Partial Discrete Group Effect Partially fill columns with discrete group effect
Labels Provide label for each column of the design matrix
Retrieve Column Retrieve a column from another design matrix
Reorder Columns Reorder the columns in the design matrix
Rotate Column Rotate values in column down
Paste Clipboard Paste the contents of the clipboard into the design matrix
Save Design Matrix Save the contents of the design matrix as a dBase (DBF) file
There are also functions that can be specified in the design matrix cells to add, multiply, and create dummy (or indicator) variables. In addition, you can take logs, exponentiate, or create powers of variables with these design matrix functions.