Results File


Results File

The Results File holds the results of previous model runs.  The file is a dBase file, with memo fields to hold the numerical estimation output, variance-covariance matrices, and the residuals from the model.  The results file is named with the same root name as the Encounter Histories File used to create it, but with the DBF extension.  In addition, an FPT file is created to hold the memo fields (output, variance-covariance matrices, and residuals), and a CDX file holds the index orderings (Model Name, QAICc, Number of Parameters, and Deviance).  The CDX file should disappear and be recreated with each run.  Keep the 2 files (DBF and FPT) together.  Once the results file has been created, the input file containing the encounter histories is no longer necessary, as this information has been stored in the result file.

To save your complete MARK results to another disk, you need to copy both the DBF and FPT files.  Likewise, to provide somebody else your MARK results, supply them with these 2 files.

The data can be replaced and the existing models re-run with the Replace Data menu choice.