Design Matrix Cell Size


Design Matrix Cell Size

To change the number of characters used in constructing the design matrix cells, click the File | Preferences menu choices to get the Set Preferences dialog, and specify the number of characters required in the appropriate dialog box.

This option allows the user to change the maximum number of characters that can be entered in a design matrix cell.  Typically, values of 0 and 1 are entered in design matrix cells to code indicator variables, and these values would only require 1 character.  Trend covariates >9 require 2 characters, or >99 require 3 characters.  Individual covariate names can require up to 10 characters.  Complex design matrix functions of individual covariates can require a much larger number of characters.

However, specifying a large number of characters can greatly slow the creation and modification of large design matrices.  So, to speed up these processes, the user should consider specifying the maximum cell size needed in the design matrix, and/or also to turn off the design matrix colors.